The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 41 The first day of class

The police's spy arrangements have been completed.

Ai Liang began to prepare the items needed to go out tomorrow night.

Ai Liang didn't expect much information from Aplysia.

The only purpose of looking for him is just because the messenger's character will definitely give priority to such an informant.

And with Aplysia's ability, there is no problem in assisting the police.

But when it comes to cases involving himself, an informant of his level cannot intervene.

As you can see from the deposit, an advance payment of five thousand yuan is considered a very low consultation fee.

Because he himself knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get any useful information.

The profession of an intelligence agent is a profession where a master comes in and the sentence depends on the individual.

The stronger the ability, the higher the price and the harsher the sentence.

If he was just an ordinary intelligence agent, he would occasionally work part-time as a private detective.

Monthly income usually starts at five figures, tops out at six figures, and never reaches seven figures.

These people are usually just testing the edges of the law, occasionally using less than legal means.

Such as installing pinhole cameras; using data decoders to crack community and hotel access cards; hacking into other people's mobile phones without permission to implant backdoors... and other small means.

Even if you are caught, you are the only one who did not commit some petty theft.

In the end, it was just an invasion of privacy. Someone was released on bail, and he didn't even have to stay in a detention center.

The above are ordinary intelligence dealers, and their behavior is relatively restrained.

But those intelligence agents whose monthly income maintains more than seven figures all year round.

They can't be said to be on the verge of jail time and again.

At most, he would use a sledgehammer to smash down the prison door and the police station door, then stand on the roof of the city hall and pour urine into the judge's mouth from a high position.

These people know very well that the intelligence landscape alone is too small.

No matter how strong your personal abilities are, you can't beat someone else's platform to create a monopoly.

So they began to develop their power and develop secondary industries besides intelligence.

This second industry includes, but is not limited to, operating a money laundering team; providing transportation channels and lower-level markets for drug trafficking groups; stealing internal information from agencies and groups; and organizing subordinates to hire security personnel.

The originally pure intelligence community gradually split into two factions.

One group is Moose, who only engages in intelligence, relies on personal connections to manage his influence, and pursues the classicism of being neutral and not taking sides.

They rely on their own abilities to sell all kinds of information, always hiding in the dark, without any danger to their lives.

The other group is modernism like Song Jie, who wants to capture both intelligence forces and is gradually developing towards an underground godfather.

His power is even divided into various lower-level sub-departments, each of which is responsible for different matters.

He understood the truth about the company.

Song Jie, the founder of this sect, once said.

The whole city is my territory. It is not easy to know what information?

To be honest, he is no longer an intelligence agent, he is completely aiming for the position of head of the underground organization department.

But everyone expressed their opinion.

Because at that time, the founder of the sect was already a powerful underworld boss.

Anyone who dares to say no will probably be turned into a concrete pillar and sunk in the river the next day.

However, the two factions still have something in common.

As mentioned before, everyone with an income of more than seven figures is a talent who has been around for at least 20 years.

Like Moose, is he a good guy?

He is a good person, but his goodness is limited, he can only be a little bit better.

Among the two words "good guy", he barely got the word "personal".

If the police really want to catch him, they will never do so.

He was not sentenced to death for the sake of his conscience.

Tomorrow night Ai Liang will go to Song Jie directly through his own channels.

Ask him to list all the people the deceased had contact with that night, and then check them one by one in person.

This is not only the fastest and most effective, but also the safest solution.

Contact with the police was completely avoided.

You know, Gao Bin and the two members of the Countermeasures Bureau are still in Qianhua City.

If you don't want to be discovered, it's better to keep a low profile.

As for whether Song Jie will agree to Ai Liang's request.

There are only two situations.

Either Ai Liang pays or Song Jie agrees to the business and collects information honestly.

Either Song Jie gets a severe beating and then goes back to his duties honestly.

Ai Liang is reasonable, what does it have to do with me, the throat-cutting madman?

He only suffered a physical meal, which was already very lucky compared to those unlucky people in Nevada City.

How many people want to be beaten, but haven't had the chance yet.

Sometimes it seems like there are two options, but in fact there is only one.

You have no choice.

After working for almost half an hour, everything was ready.

Ai Liang put all the things he would use tomorrow in the mezzanine of the wardrobe.

Then I took a simple shower, returned to the room, lay on the bed, closed my eyes, and prepared to rest.

Ai Liang no longer needs to sleep to give her brain a full rest.

Even if you don't sleep for several months, you won't feel any fatigue.

From a physiological structure point of view, all human behaviors and emotions are affected by various hormones secreted by the body.

As for Ai Liang's body, it is still open to question whether it can be called a human being.

But he still tried his best to retain the habits of being a human being.

Trying to simulate the way a normal human body operates.

This should be regarded as some kind of persistence.


The next day, Ai Liang got up and had breakfast at a noodle shop outside.

It’s not that he cooks by himself every morning.

I just occasionally make breakfast twice on a whim.

In most cases, Ai Liang takes advantage of the time in the morning when there are fewer people to find a fixed restaurant to eat.

For example, the steamed stuffed bun restaurant in Nehua City where he grew up eating.

Today is the official start day of classes.

Ai Liang woke up in the morning and turned on her phone, and saw the class schedule sent by the monitor in the class group.

It's just that he skipped the first morning self-study after school started.

Also falling off was Ye Qing.

She should have finished breakfast by now and was about to go downstairs.

In the last two minutes before the bus arrived, it looked like it was about to stop.

Ye Qing shook her flowing waist-length hair and hurried over from a distance.

After Ye Qing boarded the bus, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huhu, it's so dangerous. I was busy washing the dishes and I was almost late."

"You can keep the bowl and wash it again when you get back from school in the evening."

Ai Liang mentioned casually.

Ye Qing shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, no, I have to cook when I get home at night. Wash the dishes first and then cook. You will be late for working at the supermarket."

Ai Liang shrugged and said nothing.

He walked to the back of the bus and found an empty seat to sit down.

Ye Qing followed him and sat on the other side of the aisle: "But it's really strange that you actually go out to eat in the morning."

"I just wanted to try some cooking, so I got up to make breakfast."

Ai Liang explained: "Cooking is just a hobby. I'm not so crazy that I have to cook every meal myself."

Ye Qing held her hair tie in a ponytail with her hands and said, "Well, that's true, but at first you gave people the impression that just to eat a bun, you have to buy high-gluten flour and make it yourself. The feeling of bun skin.”

Ai Liang glanced at the kitchen idiot.

"High-gluten flour is usually used to make steamed buns, while all-purpose flour is used to make steamed buns."

"Eh? Have you really made steamed buns yourself?"

This time it was Ye Qing's turn to be stunned.

She was just giving an example casually, but Ai Liang actually did it?

Ai Liang stretched his arms and looked out the window: "I often go to a steamed bun shop in Neihua City for breakfast. The boss there told me. Besides, high-gluten flour is used to make steamed buns. This should be common sense, right?"

Ye Qing smiled awkwardly: "Hahaha... Steamed buns and steamed buns are almost the same, except that the steamed buns have a little more filling."

At Qianhua Experimental Middle School, only the key classes have morning and evening self-study, and the other classes only need to attend classes normally.

So this will be the peak time for commuting to school.

As the number of students in the car gradually increased, Ye Qing moved her seat neatly and sat next to Ai Liang.

This move made many people look disappointed.

It directly dissuaded many people's thoughts.

Among them were boys who wanted to sit in the empty seat next to Ye Qing, and there were also girls who wanted Ai Liang's contact information.

The reverse is also true.

After all, most of the students taking this bus during this time period are from nearby schools.

As for the No. 1 and No. 2 middle schools near Qianhua Experimental Middle School, their teaching policies seem to be based on those of the experimental middle school.

Without the pressure of academic work, the students' minds naturally became more active when they were free.

Coupled with the atmosphere of Qianhua Market, it is already very open.

It is perfectly normal to want to have a relationship between a man and a woman.

Not long after, the bus arrived.

Ai Liang and Ye Qing got off the bus near the Experimental Middle School, but no students got off with them.

This saves a lot of trouble.

I go to the same school and take the same bus to school every day.

And the other party is a handsome guy (beautiful woman) or a popular figure on campus.

Over time, people will develop strange feelings.

Some people will also fall into delusions and think they know the other person very well.

If you mention that person while chatting with friends, you may even feel a sense of superiority.

It is not impossible that it will eventually turn into an entanglement for the parties involved.

Really annoying.

Ai Liang met such a girl when she first entered junior high school.

She is a resident of the community near the bun shop.

After meeting by chance while waiting for a bus, she and Ai Liang would take the same bus every time.

Get on the bus at the same time, get off the bus at the same time, and walk into the school gate at the same time.

When asked by classmates, she always blushed and deliberately avoided questions to cause misunderstandings.

After the scandal spread for a while, she mustered up the courage to talk to Ai Liang at the bus stop.

Then he was completely sunk by three consecutive critical hits: "Who are you?" "Did we meet at school?" "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

In her eyes, going to and from school together every day is a secret between two people and a very romantic thing.

Maybe Ai Liang also noticed her, and maybe the relationship between the two can be further improved.

But in Ai Liang's eyes, he was just going to and from school normally.

As long as there is no hostility, he doesn't bother to pay attention to who else is there and often takes the same bus with him.

Just like ordinary people, they don't care about the pebbles on the roadside.

If this can be called fate.

Then isn't the fate between Ai Liang and the bus driver deeper?


Ai Liang and Ye Qing arrived at the classroom door in a hurry.

It is now 7:25, not long after morning self-study.

Logically speaking, many people have gone to eat at this time, or have just returned from breakfast.

But in the classroom of Class A, most of the people were there, and it didn't look like they were just doing self-study in the morning.

After entering the classroom, a strong smell of milk and coffee hit the door.

Combined with the empty storage cabinet under the water dispenser, it is not difficult to see.

Many people choose to make a cup of milk or coffee and eat a piece of bread for breakfast, without going to the canteen at all.

I really don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Yu Xin poured into them during the class meeting last night.


Not long after, the bus arrived.

Ai Liang and Ye Qing got off the bus near the Experimental Middle School, but no students got off with them.

This saves a lot of trouble.

I go to the same school and take the same bus to school every day.

And the other party is a handsome guy (beautiful woman) or a popular figure on campus.

Over time, people will develop strange feelings.

Some people will also fall into delusions and think they know the other person very well.

If you mention that person while chatting with friends, you may even feel a sense of superiority.

It is not impossible that it will eventually turn into an entanglement for the parties involved.

Really annoying.

Ai Liang met such a girl when she first entered junior high school.

She is a resident of the community near the bun shop.

After meeting by chance while waiting for a bus, she and Ai Liang would take the same bus every time.

Get on the bus at the same time, get off the bus at the same time, and walk into the school gate at the same time.

When asked by classmates, she always blushed and deliberately avoided questions to cause misunderstandings.

After the scandal spread for a while, she mustered up the courage to talk to Ai Liang at the bus stop.

Then he was completely sunk by three consecutive critical hits: "Who are you?" "Did we meet at school?" "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

In her eyes, going to and from school together every day is a secret between two people and a very romantic thing.

Maybe Ai Liang also noticed her, and maybe the relationship between the two can be further improved.

But in Ai Liang's eyes, he was just going to and from school normally.

As long as there is no hostility, he doesn't bother to pay attention to who else is there and often takes the same bus with him.

Just like ordinary people, they don't care about the pebbles on the roadside.

If this can be called fate.

Then isn't the fate between Ai Liang and the bus driver deeper?


Ai Liang and Ye Qing arrived at the classroom door in a hurry.

It is now 7:25, not long after morning self-study.

Logically speaking, many people have gone to eat at this time, or have just returned from breakfast.

But in the classroom of Class A, most of the people were there, and it didn't look like they were just doing self-study in the morning.

After entering the classroom, a strong smell of milk and coffee hit the door.

Combined with the empty storage cabinet under the water dispenser, it is not difficult to see.

Many people choose to make a cup of milk or coffee and eat a piece of bread for breakfast, without going to the canteen at all.

I really don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Yu Xin poured into them during the class meeting last night.


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