
Jin Ping An tugged on the messenger's clothes and woke him up from his memory.

The messenger put An Sien's suicide note back into Jin Ping'an's hands: "Wang Sheng was active in the vicinity three months ago. If there is nothing else, I will go back and continue the investigation."

To prove that An Sien committed suicide, this is essential.

After leaving this sentence, the courier went straight downstairs and left.

Jin Ping'an stretched out his hand towards the messenger's back, as if he wanted to say something.

But he couldn't say a word.

An Sien is just a stranger to both him and the messenger. At best, the messenger communicates more with her than usual.

Hearing that such a person wanted to commit suicide, it was already very humane for the messenger to come over.

Moreover, Jin Ping'an could sense that An Sien's death was not a trivial matter for the messenger.

At least when looking at An Sien's body, his face was no longer as cold as usual.

After half an hour.

Jiang Kaiji led a group of people to pull up the yellow strip.

But no one spoke at this time, they were all watching An Sien's video message quietly.

An Sien recorded two short videos before his death.

A section recorded the issue of inheritance. In the video, she bluntly stated that all property was inherited by messengers.

The other part is the whole process of her suicide by taking poison, which ruled out the possibility of homicide for the police.

She had long considered that her death might bring trouble to the police, so like a mother, she arranged her funeral clearly.

With these two videos, it will be much easier for the police to handle the case, saving at least 70% of the trouble.

After watching these two videos, they saw An Sien's mother left a passbook, which were neatly placed on the coffee table.

Especially after watching the video of An Sien's mother's last words.

Many police officers couldn't hold back, and their eyes began to turn red.

Such a young girl who carries her mother's expectations and thinks about others chose to end herself.

Jin Ping'an, who has strong empathy ability, has already burst into tears.

After taking photos and collecting evidence, An Sien's body was put into a body bag and sent for autopsy.

Only Tian Hao, Jin Ping'an, Jiang Kaiji and another recorder were left at the scene.

As the first discoverer of the murder case, Tian Hao will not be expelled from the crime scene even if he is suspended.

However, all the things that should be checked in the room are almost checked, and the four of them crossed the seal and came to the stairway.

"You kid is really a troublemaker. As soon as you get the information in the morning, you will be involved in the murder case in the afternoon."

Jiang Kaiji sighed helplessly: "According to the time of death, not long after the deceased handed over the suicide note to you, he died in his own home..."

"Almost, Ping An has been with me all this time. After seeing the suicide note, he asked me to rush over with him. It was preliminarily deduced that the deceased committed suicide by taking methamidophos."

Tian Haozi added aside.

Even if the evidence is conclusive, the two did not directly conclude the case at this stage.

Everything still has to be repeated according to the process, so as not to be caught by others.


Jin Pingan wiped away his tears and asked, "An Sien... what did she go through to become like this?

Even if I don't know her, judging from the performance of the meeting this morning and her in the video, such a cheerful person would not choose to commit suicide. "

Tian Hao and Jiang Kaiji looked at each other.

The two exchanged eye contact for about ten seconds, and finally Tian Hao spoke first.

The messenger's remarks in the ward made him know Jin Ping'an again. This young man is actually much stronger than he imagined.

Tian Hao decided to let Jin Ping'an have access to some negative information, instead of hiding it from him everywhere as before.

"I should have told you before I came that An Sien was one of the victims who was forced to become a pick-up lady."

"Yeah." Jin Ping'an replied.

"Then do you know what she went through at the villa?"

Tian Hao asked back.

"I...you didn't show me the interrogation records."

Jin Ping An said in a low voice.

"Those arrested, apart from Wang Youcai who has been released, do you know who was sentenced the most?"

Tian Hao continued to ask questions, but he gave the answer without waiting for Jin Ping'an to answer.

"It's a trainer."

Jin Ping'an was a little confused. The inconspicuous role of the trainer was ignored by him from the beginning.

He thought that he would be sentenced to a heavy sentence, it would be sales or those fierce thugs.

Because one of the two is to make people a cheap victim, and the other uses the threat of violence to imprison the victim.

In Jin Ping'an's eyes, these two are the key to the entire industry chain.

"Do you think Wang Youcai's trainer is just teaching those girls how to pick up customers?"

Speaking of this, Tian Hao touched his pocket and lit a cigarette: "What they do can no longer be called human, and if they say they are animals, they are insulting the names of animals."

Jin Ping'an didn't speak, but he could vaguely feel that what he was going to say next would definitely refresh his three views.

His fists clenched unconsciously, and he began to wait quietly for the next sentence.

"The trainer's job is not only to teach the ladies how to please guests, but also to train those who don't."

"The victims were abducted to them, and naturally they would not obey this group of people. At this time, it was the trainer's turn to appear."

"For those victims who don't cooperate, they will first perform a heavy torture on the body. Most of the torture methods they choose are water prisons, electric chairs, drugs, etc. that will not destroy the value of 'commodities'."

"After the physical torture is over, the mental torture follows."

After explaining this, Tian Hao took a breath.

"They showed the victims with chains, crushed their self-esteem, and if the victims didn't give in, the trainer would take the last step, paralyzing them and giving them medicine..."

Tian Hao tore off the cigarette butt and held it in his hand, as if using the burning pain to soothe his negative emotions.

"After doing all this, the trainer will give the victims a second brainwashing suggestion, completely erasing their ego, and training them into qualified 'commodities'."

Tian Hao had only heard other colleagues say such a thing before, and this was the first time he had encountered it personally.

After listening to Jiang Kaiji's report a few days ago, he could not wait to rush into the detention center and slash the trainer with thousands of pieces.

"Among the victims we rescued a few days ago, there was someone who was taken to the last step. She was sent to a mental hospital for psychological treatment not long ago. According to the doctor, the hope of recovery is very slim."

Speaking of these words, Tian Hao unconsciously showed the girl's empty eyes and a smile on her face.

He pinched his thigh hard, forcing himself to calm down.

Tian Hao, an old criminal policeman, is like this, not to mention Jin Ping'an.

In front of Jin Ping'an, his eyes were already split, and his eyes were red.

But this time, he didn't get into a rage like before, but swallowed his breath silently.

From this point of view, Jin Ping'an is indeed much more mature than he was when he was a minor.

"Let's go back."

Jin Ping'an said word by word: "Le Jia can't be busy alone."

Tian Hao nodded, turned and patted Jiang Kaiji's shoulder: "I'll leave it to you here."

Jiang Kaiji waved his hand impatiently: "Understood, don't give orders here as a guy who has been suspended... Watch, don't let him do stupid things."

The second half of the sentence was inaudible, only Tian Hao could hear it.

"I don't need you to tell me."

Tian Hao replied in a low voice, then quickly went downstairs to catch up with Jin Ping'an.


The twilight is dim, the setting sun is like blood.

The setting sun was approaching Xishan, and the distant horizon was red.

White-collar workers who have worked hard all day, facing the last afterglow of the sunset, or embarking on the bus home, or marching to the restaurant in groups, ready to have a drink.

There are also a lot of students who have finished extracurricular tutoring. They get together in twos and threes and look at those empty-handed peers with envious eyes.

Sunset means that the day is coming to an end, and most people will usher in the most relaxing time of the day.

There is only one young man who is alone, walking against the popular trend.

He looked blank-eyed as if he was contemplating something, and that look made people sweat, for fear that he would accidentally hit a telephone pole or a trash can.

But whenever someone is about to collide with him head-on, he can always dodge flexibly.

People can't help but wonder if the so-called blindness is his own illusion.

Ai Liangnian walked away from the commercial street and came to Huayuan Road.

All afternoon he was thinking about a problem.

What kind of mood do people have when they choose to end themselves?

It is clear that the revenge has been avenged; it is clear that there is no financial burden; it is clear that the people they care about most want them to live well and start a new life.

Why would they behave in ways that contradict the expectations of the deceased?

Shouldn't it be like in the book, stepping out of the shadows and facing a new life?

Ai Liang wanted to try to understand their original mood, but found that she couldn't understand it at all.

Even if he also experienced the death of his parents in his previous life, he would not understand.

His empathy ability began to get worse and worse, even if he could simulate the personality of the other party, but as long as he switched back to his own consciousness, those feelings were like water poured into magma, which evaporated instantly and disappeared without a trace. trace.

Ai Liang originally wanted to return to ordinary people by experiencing a peaceful life, but now she has gone further and further on the road of ruthlessness.

He can read other people's thoughts and distinguish other people's joys, anger and sorrow, but he can't understand gradually what is joy and what is sorrow.

For example, when you see an apple, you not only know the whole process from bud differentiation to flowering and fruiting, but even know how to cultivate, plant and graft, but you cannot remember the taste of apples anyway.

The previous Ai Liang just saw more and gradually became numb, not really ruthless.

But since he met Thousand Faces, his emotional module was like being infected by a virus, gradually losing its function.

Ai Liang once wondered if his spirit had been manipulated by the Thousand Faces.

But according to Gao Bin's memory of the description of the abilities of the Thousand-faced Man, unless the main consciousness of the Thousand-faced Man comes, it is impossible for him to be affected by Xu Zhihai's mind alone.

After thinking about it, Ai Liang finally attributed it all to her own experience.

While Ai Liang was still thinking about the above question, a pleasant voice woke him up from his thoughts.

"Yo, what do you think, A Liang? You look like you are bitter and hated."

At some point, Ye Qing suddenly appeared in front of him, bowed slightly, and looked at his face from the bottom up.

Ai Liang returned to her senses and focused her eyes on the playful girl in front of her: "...Ye Qing, it's nothing."

"Eh~ is it really nothing? Your expression just now didn't look like 'nothing'. It's the first time I've seen that expression on your cold face."

Ye Qing pouted, straightened up and came to Ai Liang's side, and the two walked to the residential building side by side.

"...After all, I just moved here, and it will take a while to get used to the strange environment of Qianhua City."

Ai Liang said casually: "For example, the overall layout of urban roads, as well as the locations of schools, shopping malls, shopping streets, movie theaters, etc., need to be familiarized gradually, and it is normal to feel troublesome."

"Normal people usually follow their mobile phones to navigate, how can they remember the city's road distribution in their minds. Do you want to be a part-time taxi driver?"

Ye Qing couldn't help but complain.

Ai Liang replied in a flat tone: "It's just a personal habit, and when these are always useful, be prepared."

"In every way, you are mature and stable, you don't look like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy at all."

Ye Qing lightly bumped Ai Liang's shoulder: "Well, the excuses are over, what about the truth?"

Ai Liang stopped and turned to look at Ye Qing.

The latter showed him a bright smile: "In the past, I was the one who poured hardships on you, but you rarely talk about your own affairs. It's okay to pour out your troubles with my big sister occasionally."

Ai Liang opened her mouth slightly to explain.

But Ye Qing seemed to know what he was going to say, and first put her finger on Ai Liang's lips.

"Don't say that I have no worries at all. I have been out early every day and come back late every day. I occasionally lie on the balcony at night. Even just now, I looked like I was thinking hard."

"Didn't I say, I just came here a little..."

Ai Liang didn't turn his head and continued to walk forward, but Ye Qing grabbed his arm.

"Aliang, we've known each other for five years. Although we only met recently, we still know the truth."

Ai Liang turned her head, and Ye Qing had a wicked smile on her face: "Complain to me like before, it's been a long time since I listened to you, it feels like I'm the only one who has suffered."

"Just make me feel more comfortable, okay?"

As she spoke, Ye Qing shook Ai Liang's arm.

Looking at the big sister in words and the little sister in behavior, Ai Liang lowered her eyelids and brought her to sit on a nearby bench.

"I saw a story recently, so I wondered, what kind of mood do people have to commit suicide?"

Ai Liang looked at the distant sunset, the sun had completely fallen below the horizon.

"Suppose a person has suffered many hardships and lost the most cherished relatives, but in the end still ushered in a bright life."

"Those ordeals no longer exist, and his relatives also left last words to encourage him to live happily, but he chose to commit suicide the day before ushering in a bright future."

"I can't understand why he made that choice."

Ai Liang looked at Ye Qing, wanting to see what kind of answer she would make.

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