The Monkey King

Chapter 165: A person’s world of mortals

The sky is high and far away, the wind is light and the clouds are light.

In the attic on the side of Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor is wearing a dragon robe and leaning on the railing, looking down at the stacked buildings of the Heavenly Palace, gently stroking his long beard in the wind.

The pair of crane eyes narrowed slightly.

"Your Majesty." The rolling curtain general came slowly behind him, bowed and cupped his hands and said: "Marshal Tianpeng has gone to Guanghan Palace. The ministers in the palace have started to make noises. Do you want to send someone to urge him?"

Taking a deep breath, the Jade Emperor stared at the light and shadow flowing in the sky, and sighed slowly: "No more urging, just wait, wait for him."

The breath he exhaled condensed into mist in this cold heaven and slowly drifted away.


He couldn't even remember how many years he hadn't been to Guanghan Palace and Tianpeng.

Don't dare to come.

The pale palace, just like the light it shines on the world, has a kind of despair penetrating into the heart.

Strolling on the deserted steps, the palace maidens passing by saluted him one after another, but they did not dare to get even half a step closer.

He is already dying.

However, at the end of the road, the stone that had been hanging in his heart for thousands of years was finally put down, and he felt relaxed.

Along the way, I carefully admired the exquisiteness of Guanghan Palace, the carved railings and jade inlays, the gardens and landscapes, and the poetic and picturesque scenery. I was so mesmerized that my eyes were filled with tears.

"Is this where she lives?" he thought, smiling more comfortably than ever before.

Finally, I no longer have to force myself not to think or read, I have broken free from all restraints, I no longer have to be afraid of others seeing me, I no longer have to cover up or hide.

Being able to walk uprightly in the sunshine, even if it means death, is worth it.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Nishang smeared the foundation on her face bit by bit. Tears fell unsatisfactorily, making the makeup smeared into a ball. She could only wash it off and put it on again.

But no matter how she painted, again and again, until all the foundation was used up, she still couldn't paint the makeup. Holding the empty foundation box, she slumped on the ground and cried bitterly, covering her mouth.

"I, I just want him to see me at my most beautiful...can't I even do this?"

The wind is clear and cold, and the road is quiet.

After walking around the corridor, Canpeng came step by step to Nishang's room door and looked back at the Qing family at the end of the corridor.

The Qing family bowed slightly and said calmly: "Don't take too long."

"Thank you." Tianpeng responded simply and reached out to knock on the door.

"It's me." His tone was as calm as water.

There was the sound of breaking porcelain in the room, followed by a series of hurried footsteps.

The door opened with a bang, and a tearful man stood in front of the canopy in panic.

Messy hair, haggard face, rapid breathing.

Looking at the canopy, Nishang frowned, pursed her lips, held an empty powder box in her hand, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingertips, and kept sobbing: "Makeup, I can't put on makeup."

Canopy smiled warmly.

Nishang also burst into laughter, pouted her lips, pointed at the canopy like a child coquettishly, and said: "You are laughing at me!"

Stretching out his hand, Tianpeng took Nishang into his arms, hugged her tightly, and whispered, "Don't worry, I'm here to help you."

Smelling the scent of her body, he felt a tremble in his heart.

Nestling in the arms of the canopy, Nishang was as docile as a kitten. She pursed her lips and couldn't help but shed tears.

After so many years, the scene that could only appear in dreams has come true today.

Hesitantly reaching out her hand, she hugged Canopy tightly, never wanting to let go again for the rest of her life.

"The powder in the powder box is used up. I want to dance for you, but I can't put on makeup..." She buried her head in the arms of the canopy and sobbed softly.


Tianpeng pulled Nishang into the room step by step, pushed her to the dressing table, stretched out her hand and saw that the powder box was full again.

Nishang wanted to reach out to get the cotton piece, but was held down by the canopy.

Reaching out to pick up the cotton piece, Tianpeng lowered his head, dipped in powder, and applied it bit by bit on Nishang's face.

Seeing his concentrated look, Nishang couldn't stop crying again. The tears that flowed out followed the canopy and hung in the air, like stars in the night sky.

This is the Tianhe that he has always protected.

Lowering her head, Nishang's long eyelashes fluttered, and her hands that she didn't know where to place kept rubbing the handkerchief: "Am I stupid? I have been a god for so many years and I haven't even learned this little magic."

"Your singing and dancing are something no god can imitate."

Nishang smiled sweetly.

The tears have flowed into a river, but they cannot stain the makeup at all.

Sitting quietly, Ren Tianpeng helped her apply powder, apply rouge, draw her eyebrows, and put on the most beautiful headdress.

Looking at her in the bronze mirror, Tianpeng couldn't help but feel crazy.

Putting on the most beautiful dance clothes, she danced lightly, gracefully and gracefully.

Canopy sat on the chair and watched quietly, watching her dance in the room, mesmerized.

He smiled happily.

Finally he could sit and watch her dance, just for him, even if it was just once. A dream that has lasted for thousands of years finally became a reality on this day.

"We travel again and again, there are fewer days of reunion, we look down upon each other for thirty-three days, and the day of separation and hatred is the highest; we are sick for four hundred and four, how can we survive the lovesickness? The fate of this life is shallow, and the dream is too hasty, I hope that in the next life... …May I be reborn in the next life…”

The sound of heaven stopped at this moment.

She had lupus, and a stream of blood spilled from her mouth. Her body, which had lost its support, tilted slightly and fell to the ground.

Tian Peng's expression changed, and he hugged her in panic.

"You...what did you do?!"

"Only half an hour... you shouldn't put on makeup." She smiled with difficulty.

This song can never be finished.

"You took the poison pill! I, I will help you force it out."

Tianpeng stretched out his hand, but was restrained by Nishang: "No, no need, it's the Nine Transformations of Yiyuan Pill, you can't force it out."

"Who is it! Who gave you such a thing! Is it Taibai Jinxing? No, he knows that you are on the other side of the bud, and he doesn't want you to die... Who could it be?"

Nishang shook her head slowly: "Stop asking, okay? Talk to me, time is running out..."

Holding Nishang tightly, Tianpeng opened his mouth wide and trembled, unable to say a word. He could only let the tears slide across his cheeks and drip on the bright red dance clothes.

This was the second time I cried in front of her. The last time was parting in the mortal world. He thought he would never cry in front of her again, but he couldn't hold it back after all.

"I'm sorry, I can't be like you." Nishang stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of Tianpeng's eyes, and smiled sadly: "My rank is lower than yours. Only in this way can I..."

"Stop talking...don't...don't talk anymore." The tears couldn't stop falling, it was heartbreaking pain.

"Without me, they wouldn't be able to blame you. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I hadn't met...if I hadn't taken the elixir...if..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, I beg you, no, don't say it anymore..." Tianpeng hugged Nishang tightly.

The steely heart was also crushed into powder at this moment.

Tears filled her eyes, and everything in front of her became blurry.

Her vision gradually dimmed, and she could only reach out and touch it, trying to remember the outline of the canopy.

"I have a lot to say to you."

"You don't know, I like to see you standing at the bow of the ship, so majestic. Whenever someone talks about you, I feel so proud. If the sisters knew about it, they would definitely envy me... You are the canopy that stands tall and strong. The marshal is also my canopy marshal. I am alone... You will be fine. No one can bring you down. You must live well, live well, and continue to be... be my canopy marshal..."

Bright red blood overflowed from the mouth, soaking the red dance clothes and staining the white robe.

"I'm sorry..." Nishang's consciousness gradually blurred, and she just kept repeating the three words "I'm sorry".

The voice gradually became weak and intermittent.

Holding the colorful clothes, Tianpeng used all his strength to try to hold on to the last glimmer of hope.

However, he couldn't change anything.

This woman whom he has been dreaming about for thousands of years, who has always been gentle and weak, finally protected his love in the most extreme way.

The hand holding Canopy's shoulder slowly lost support and fell to the ground.

The person in his arms made no sound anymore.

Canopy slowly let go of his hand, trembling, and lowered his head.

His eyes were closed tightly, his expression was as peaceful as if he was sleeping, his face was full of tears, and he was smiling. Still so beautiful.

He trembled slightly, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't cry.

The cold face in the past gradually became ferocious.

"no no--"

The hysterical sound shocked the entire heaven.

The light breeze caressed the flower branches and swayed them.

On the moon tree, a petal opened. The bud that was supposed to wither at this time bloomed in an instant, and the little crystals floated in the wind, just like the blood stains on the dance clothes, as red as fire.

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