The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 429 Wei Zi 2 Brothers Escape

( ) Chapter 429 The two Weizi brothers escape into hiding

Hearing King Zhou's praise, Daji said disapprovingly: "Although I am a female generation, I have learned a little bit about the art of yin and yang. I can use it to test yin and yang. There is nothing wrong. The bone marrow test just now was easy." . -==Dream==-If I meet a pregnant woman, I can tell how old the baby is in her belly as soon as I see it. I also know whether it is a boy or a girl, and I can also tell which way the baby is facing in the belly. East, south, west, or north, there is nothing we don’t know.”

King Zhou said: "You were so accurate in calculating the bone marrow of young and old just now. It's really amazing. I have seen it. As for pregnant women, I can't be wrong after thinking about it."

So he ordered the commander to pass on the message: "Go to the common people to find some pregnant women to come to see me." The imperial officer rushed to Chaoge City. Feng Yuguan searched everywhere in Chaoge City. Three pregnant women were found, captured together, and brought to the palace gate.

The three pregnant women who were arrested were inseparable from their husbands. They fought for the ground and screamed in pain. They shouted loudly: "We are ordinary people who have not violated the emperor's laws and have not owed money or food. Why should we arrest them?" What about us pregnant women?”

The son couldn't let go of his mother, and the mother couldn't let go of her daughter. Everyone was so sad that they shouted and hugged each other until they reached the palace gate. Ji Zi was discussing with Wei Zi, Wei Zi Qi, Wei Zi Yan and senior doctor Sun Rong in the clerk's room: "As the general, Yuan Hong wants to repel all the princes in the world. I don't know what the situation is now."

I could only hear the commotion on the Kowloon Bridge outside, and the continuous shouting of people shouting to heaven and earth. These people were very surprised when they heard it, and they walked out of the study together to understand the whole story. I saw Feng Yuguan dragging three women in.

Jizi stepped forward and asked, "What's going on?" The woman sobbed and said, "We are all women, and we have not violated the emperor's laws. Why are we women arrested? Sir, you are the emperor's minister. We should do things for the country and the people, and save our lives, right?”

After saying that, I couldn’t stop crying. Jizi hurriedly asked Feng Yuguan what was going on. Feng Yuguan replied: "The emperor heard what the empress said last night. Later, he arrested two common people, old and young, broke their leg bones and checked the bone marrow. Based on whether the bone marrow was full or not, we can know the age of their parents when they were born. The result was that the emperor was very happy." Happy. The empress also said that if you want to know whether it is a boy or a girl, you can check the fetus through caesarean section. After hearing this, the emperor believed it and specially ordered us to catch the pregnant woman for verification. "

After Jizi heard this, he cursed: "What a foolish king. Now that the enemy's army has arrived at the city and the fate of the country is at stake, it is a great sin in the world to still listen to the witch's slander. Please stay still for the time being." Wait until I go to see the emperor to stop this."

Jizi was furious, followed by Weizi and others, and they all went to Lutai to see the emperor. Besides, King Zhou was waiting for the pregnant woman to check his sister's skills on Lutai. When he saw the driving officer, he reported: "Ji Zi is waiting at the door to be received."

King Zhou said: "Please come in." Jizi went up to the deer platform, fell on the ground and cried loudly, saying: "I didn't expect that the soup has been passed down for dozens of generations. If it is lost today, it still doesn't know how to be vigilant." , reflect on your good deeds, and still commit such serious sins, how will you look when you go to heaven to see the late king?"

After hearing this, King Zhou was furious and said: "A rebellious person like Zhou Wu can be resisted today by Generalissimo Yuan Hong. He will behead the generals and overthrow the army. In a few days, they will be completely defeated. I occasionally enjoy the snow." I saw people crossing the river in the morning, both old and young, and I saw that they were afraid of the ice water. Fortunately, the Queen was able to explain the reason and I was able to resolve my doubts. What is wrong with me today? You want to cut open pregnant women to check whether they are boys or girls. What a big deal. How dare you insult me ​​in person and talk wildly about the late king. "

Jizi cried and said: "I heard that people are born based on the aura of heaven and earth, and have five senses. Only those who promote the road for heaven and earth and promote good fortune can become the parents of the people. I have never heard of killing people. People can be called the parents of the people. Besides, people cannot live again after death. Who does not cherish their own flesh and blood and is willing to give up life and die easily?

Today, your Majesty does not respect Shang Yao and does not repair Taoism. The sky is angry and the people are resentful. People's minds are in chaos every time. Your Majesty not only does not reflect on himself, but also kills innocent women. I see that eight hundred princes are now stationed in Mengjin, fearing that the country will be harmed. Sooner or later it will be difficult to save it. Once the soldiers attack the city, who will be willing to protect the capital for His Majesty Bian.

It's just a pity that the ancestors and descendants of merchants were captured by others, the ancestral temple was destroyed by others, the palace was robbed by others, the people became the subjects of others, and the treasury was occupied by others as one's own.

Instead of repenting and reforming, Your Majesty listened to the women's advice, broke people's bones, and slaughtered pregnant women. I'm worried that once Zhou Wu's troops arrive here, without attacking the city, the people of Chaoge will naturally dedicate the capital to them. Got it

The troops and the people were enemies of His Majesty, but they were afraid that Zhou Wu's troops would not arrive as soon as possible. Once they came, the troops and the people would pack food in bamboo leather and fill kettles with tea to welcome them. Although His Majesty was arrested, it was a matter of course, but the idols of the ancestors of the twenty-eighth generation would be destroyed by the princes of the world. Can Your Majesty have the heart to do this? "

After hearing this, King Zhou was furious: "How dare the old bastard insult the monarch in person and put the crime of national subjugation on me?" So he ordered his warriors: "Take him out and beat him to death."

Jizi shouted loudly: "It's no pity for me to die. It's just pity that you are such a foolish king. You have defeated the country and been ridiculed by all generations. Even a filial son and a kind grandson can't change this tragic situation."

The warriors on the left and right were about to lift the Jizi and carry it down the stage. Suddenly, a shout came from the audience: "It can't be like this. It can't be like this." Weizi, Weiziqi, and Weiziyan came up to the stage. When they saw King Zhou, they He fell on the ground and cried, unable to speak. As he cried, he said: "Jizi is a loyal and good man who has made great contributions to the country. Although the advice he gave today is excessive, it is all for the good of the country." I hope your majesty can make a clear decision. Your majesty broke Bigan's heart in the past, and now he has killed those who spoke loyal words. The country is already in danger, your majesty doesn't know how to wake up, and we are afraid of the resentment of the people. If this happens, it will be a disaster. It will happen one after another. I hope your majesty can be compassionate, let go of the trap, and reward those who are loyal and admonishing. Then the human heart can be saved, and God's will can restore it."

When King Zhou saw Wei Zi and others coming to persuade him, he said, "Because of the dissuasion of the emperor and brother, let Jizi be demoted to a commoner."

At this time, Daji happened to come out of the back hall. After hearing what they said, she came up with another idea. "Your Majesty, please don't humiliate the king like this. Jizi has lost the etiquette of a minister. If you let him go outside today, bad things will happen. If he and Zhou Wu get together again and plot rebellion, it will cause even greater disaster. Disaster. By then, the consequences will be serious."

King Zhou asked: "Then how to deal with him?" Daji said, "According to my opinion, it is better to shave Jizi's hair and beard and imprison him as a slave to publicize the law of the country so that the people will not dare to act arbitrarily, and even the ministers will Don’t dare to offend the monarch with your words.”

After hearing what his sister said, King Zhou was very pleased and ordered Jizi to be imprisoned and demoted to a slave. When Wei Zi saw this scene, he knew that his destiny was irreversible, so he stepped down from the stage, cried loudly to Wei Zi Qi and Wei Zi Yan, and said: "Our Shang Dynasty has lasted for more than six hundred years, and today it is overthrown." The monarch who came here is lost, and God intends to destroy our dynasty. What should we do?"

After finishing speaking, Weizi discussed with the brothers Weiziqi: "You two brothers and I can transport the statues of the twenty-eighth generation gods in the Ancestral Temple to other places, and then keep their names anonymous, so as to preserve the ancestors of the Shang Dynasty." , don’t let them be exterminated today.”

Wei Ziqi promised with tears in his eyes: "How dare you disrespect your orders?" So the three of them started to pack up and went to live in seclusion in other places. Later, Confucius said to the three people at that time: "Weizi went away; Jizi became a slave; Bigan died for admonishing him." The so-called "Yin You Sanren" refers to them, and later people also wrote poems Come praise them:

There are hundreds of new grasses in the shopping suburb of Ying card, and the palace in Chengtang has become dust.

Being a slave is not a way of delaying business sacrifices. When you go to the country, you should know that you will be buried after you.

Caesarean section is a thing of the past, and women who have had their fetuses mutilated are once again in danger.

Chao Ge soon returned to the Zhou Lord, and the bloody suburbs had already turned into phosphorus.

Besides, after the three Weizi people packed their luggage and fled to another country, King Zhou ordered the three women to be arrested on Lutai. Daji pointed at one of the women and said, "There is a boy in the belly, with his face facing the left side of the body." Another woman said: "It's also a boy, with his face facing his right flank."

Then he ordered the samurai to cut open his stomach with a knife, and it was exactly the same as Daji said. Daji pointed to the third woman and said: "There is a woman in the belly, with her face facing her back." When she cut it open and looked at it, it was exactly the same.

King Zhou was very happy and said: "My wife's magic is like that of a fairy. Even a wizard cannot compare with her." From then on, he became more unscrupulous, tyrannical and cruel, and the people hated them endlessly.

On the day when the woman's belly was dismembered, the sky was dim, the earth was dark, and the sun and moon had no light. The next day, the general who reported the news came to the stage and said: "Weizi and three other highnesses have sealed the door of their house and don't know where they are."

King Zhou said: "Weizi is old, and even here, he is useless. Even if Wei Ziqi and his two brothers stay in Chaoge, they will not be able to do what I have done. If they leave, there will be no need for them." It has caused me a lot of trouble. Since Marshal Yuan Hong has won many battles now, Zhou Bing must not be able to do anything."

So he indulged in pleasure and pleasure every day and did not pay attention to national affairs at all. The civil and military officers in the dynasty are just a few, and they are the same whether they have them or not.

One day, two people walked in and out of the recruitment tent. One had a face like indigo, eyes like two golden lamps, a huge mouth with teeth raised, and a tall body; the other had a face like a melon skin, with a basin of blood. It has a big mouth, teeth that look like daggers, skin that looks like cinnabar, and two horns on its head, which is very weird. So the official in charge of recruiting talents took them to the palace of Zhongdafu.

Fei Lian felt a little scared when he saw them. After saluting, Fei Lian asked them: "Where are these two heroes from and what are their names?"

The two men bent down and said: "We two are your people, the people of Chengtang. I heard that Jiang Shang was too deceitful and arrogant, and invaded the emperor's pass. We two brothers are willing to join your army." In order to repay the favor of the country, I do not want high-ranking officials and rich salaries. I just hope to defeat the Zhou army and wash away the king's shame. My surname is Gao, my name is Ming, and my younger brother is called Gao Jue."

After saying their names, Feilian led the two of them to the court to pay homage to King Zhou. After entering the palace gate, they went straight to Lutai to see King Zhou. King Zhou asked them, "Do you have anything to say, sir?"

Fei Lian said: "Today there are two wise men named Gao Ming and Gao Jue who are willing to come to serve the king. They do not want high-ranking officials and rich salaries, but just want to destroy the Zhou army." King Zhou was very happy after hearing this and called them to Come on stage.

After the two came on stage, they prostrated themselves on the ground and called themselves "Chen". King Zhou asked them to stand up, and they both stood up. When King Zhou saw their strange appearance, he was very frightened and said, "I think you are indeed real heroes."

So he immediately named them all divine generals on Lutai. The two thanked them. King Zhou then said: "The doctor and I will accompany you to the banquet." The two weirdos walked down the Lutai, received their official uniforms, and went to the Xianqing Hall to wait for the banquet. It was not until evening that they thanked them and left the court. .

The next day, King Zhou issued a decree and ordered Gao Ming and Gao Jue to escort the cooking sheep, imperial wine, etc. to Mengjin together with the imperial envoys.

At that time, Gao Ming, Gao Jue and the imperial envoy came to Mengjin together. When they arrived outside the camp, the flag gate officer reported the news of their arrival to the central camp. Yuan Hong received the letter from King Zhou and read it with the generals in the central camp.

After reading, Yuan Hong thanked the emperor for his kindness, entertained the emperor's envoys, and then ordered Gao Ming and Gao Jue to enter the camp. Gao Ming and Gao Jue walked into the commander's tent to meet Yuan Hong. After the ceremony, Aihong recognized them as the Peach Spirit and Willow Ghost from Qipan Mountain. Gao Ming and Gao Jue also recognized Yuan Hong as the White Ape from Meishan.

Both parties laughed knowingly, exchanged greetings and comforted each other, and were deeply happy that they were all branches on the same tree. This is exactly what it is: If not for King Wu's great fortune, how could the "Seven Sages" die in Meishan? Gao Ming and Gao Jue met with the generals in the camp and greeted them one by one.

The next day, Yuan Hong wrote a memorial of thanks and sent the emperor's envoy back to Chaoge City. The next day, Yuan Hong ordered two generals, Gao Ming and Gao Jue, to challenge Zhou Ying. The two agreed straightforwardly. After walking out of the camp, he went to the front of Zhou Camp and shouted loudly: "Let Jiang Shang come to see me."

The sentry horse reported the news to the commander's house. Ziya said to the man next to him: "Who is going?" Nezha said to the side: "Brother, go." Ziya agreed to him. Nezha received the military order and came out of the Zhou camp. Suddenly he saw two people walking on foot, looking very fierce. One's indigo eyes are like lamps, and the other's face is like a green pine mouth with a bloody mouth.

One's teeth are as protruding as a steel sword; the other's beard is like a red rope. A square halberd has a leopard tail hanging on it; a pure steel ax looks like a wheel. A person on the chessboard mountain is called Liu Gui, and a person who succeeds is called Gao Ming in the world. Exactly: Shen Tu Yu Lei should be like this, to prevent Zhou soldiers from making trouble in Mengjin.

Nezha shouted loudly, "Who is coming?" Gao Ming replied: "We are Gao Ming and Gao Jue. Today, we were ordered by General Yuan Hong to capture the rebel Jiang Ziya. Who are you to dare to come and fight with us?" I compete?"

Nezha shouted: "What a sinful beast, how dare you say such foolish words", he picked up the fire-pointed spear in his hand and attacked the two generals directly. The two generals also raised their halberds and axes to attack each other.

The weapons of the three generals were intersecting, just like a battle in a dragon's den and a tiger's den. Nezha showed his head and eight arms early and used the Qiankun Circle, which happened to hit Gao Jue's forehead, causing a golden light to scatter on the ground. Nezha used the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield again to cover Gao Ming, then clapped his hand and shot out nine fire dragons, which were all burned out in a moment.

Nezha came back to the camp to see Ziya and told him about beating Gao Jue and burning Gao Ming. Ziya was very happy. Besides, Gao Ming and Gao Jue also returned to the camp, came to see Yuan Hong, and said: "Jiang Shang relies on no great people, just disciples from three mountains and five mountains. Therefore, it is a fluke that they can achieve some success. You have never met wonderful people like us, let alone Jiang Shang’s disciples. Even if you have extraordinary abilities, you can’t escape from the hands of us.”

Everyone is happy. The next day, Gao Ming and Gao Jue went to challenge Zhou Ying again. The sentry horse reported the news to the marshal's tent: "Inform the marshal: Gao Ming and Gao Jue have come to invite the marshal to talk."

Ziya asked Nezha: "You came back yesterday and told me that these two generals had been excluded. Why are you here again today? What's the reason?" Nezha said: "These two people must have the magic of a substitute. Please tell me." If we go to the battlefield and see it for ourselves, we will know what is going on.”

Ziya sent out the order, and six hundred princes came out of the camp to see Ziya use his troops. Gao Ming said to his younger brother Gao Jue: "Nezha said that we have the ability to hide ourselves. They all came out to see our true ability."

Before he finished speaking, he only heard the sound of a cannon, and the large group of people in the Zhou camp lined up, like a sea of ​​armored mountains, shining brightly in the sun.

Ziya came to the front of the large army with his Sibuxiang. When he saw the two enemy generals looking ferocious and ugly, he said loudly: "Gao Ming and Gao Jue do not follow the destiny and dare to forcibly block and resist me, Wang Shuai. It is only their own fault." Asking for death."

Gao Ming laughed loudly and said: "Jiang Ziya, I know you are a guest from Kunlun, but you have not experienced the masters of our kind. It will be clear who wins and who loses today." After saying that, the two generals raised their hands. Halberds and axes rushed over. Here, Li Jing and Yang Ren rushed out and started fighting without talking to each other. The four weapons clashed together, and the four generals fought and killed each other.

Destiny has always been determined by fate, even if there is a clever plan, it will all fall into the dust. Yang Jian saw Gao Ming and Gao Jue having a demonic aura nearby. They were not ordinary people, so he observed them carefully to prevent any accidents.

Yang Ren took out a five-fire fan and turned it towards Gao Ming. Hearing a "whoosh" sound, Gao Ming turned into a black light and disappeared. Li Jing also used a golden tower to cover Gao Jue, but no one could be seen for a while.

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