The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 343 All Saints Gather in the Netherworld (3)

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Chapter 343 All Saints Gather in the Netherworld (3)

As for the candidate for the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, Taiqing Taoist also agreed in his heart. I just couldn't figure out other people's thoughts, so I didn't rush to express my opinion. I just waited and let other saints debate it before making a final conclusion.

After hearing the words of Taoist Zhunti, Taoist Tongtian first said: "The Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions is not a trivial matter. To get this position, you must have deep luck and great merit. The five people in the jade slip are indeed good. They were once human emperors and had great merit. In the human world, if you can get this position, it can be regarded as a reward for the five of them. According to Pindao, it’s just these five people. What do you think?”

Mingyu has always felt that since the separation of the Sanqing family, Taoist Tongtian's role has been that of a troublemaker. He behaves abnormally and often contradicts others. Although it has something to do with his character, what he does is ultimately unpleasant. But it would be wrong to say that Tongtian is not scheming.

Seeing that Taoist Tongtian said this after looking at Taoist Taiqing, Mingyu thought that he must have seen through Taoist Taiqing's mind. Taoist Taiqing is the leader of the human religion, and if the ghost emperors of the five directions become the human emperor, it will be of great benefit to him. From then on, the fate of the human race will be stable, and nothing else will be considered. Mingyu didn't believe that Taiqing Taoist was unmoved.

"Junior brother, what you said makes sense. The three emperors achieved great merits when they ruled the world. They held the Taiqing Jade Talisman and entered the Fire Cloud Cave to prove the way of the Holy Emperor. After that, there were five emperors who made great contributions to the human race. They governed the world throughout their lives, and their achievements were as good as The three emperors are not much worse than each other. If they are to sink into reincarnation, they will be ashamed of themselves. They are the supreme ghosts of the underworld, and they will definitely support the smooth operation of the ghosts in the underworld. emperor."

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Taoist Tongtian with admiration. This junior brother always opposed him, but now he finally said something meaningful, which made Yuanshi Tianzun feel happy.

Taoist Taiqing smiled slightly after hearing what the two junior brothers said. It seemed that the words of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Taoist had touched his heart.

Not only Taoist Taoist Taiqing was happy, but Empress Chengtian was also happy. She chose the five human emperors to take over the position of the ghost emperors of the five directions, not because she was a good Taiqing Taoist, but because these five people were upright and good at governing the world. If he could become a ghost emperor, he would definitely be able to prevent the Netherworld from losing power. Even though they were all once human emperors, now that they have entered the Netherworld, they may have to put the interests of the Netherworld first.

Taoist Taiqing didn't care that these five people favored him after becoming Ghost Emperors. The way of inaction he practiced, as long as he preserved the fate of the human race, he would do whatever was beneficial. It doesn't matter even if the ghost emperors of the five directions disagree with him in the future. The Nether World and the human world are dependent on each other and have their own constraints. They have to manage the Nether World well and keep in tune with Taiqing Taoist's inner plan.

Taoist Jie Ying didn't have much opinion. He was similar to Taoist Taoist Taiqing's Tao of Wuwei, which emphasized the absence of all four elements, no fighting, no anger, no greed, and no jealousy. I just listened to the saints expressing their opinions, but I didn't say a word, just recited the scriptures in my heart.

The human calamity is approaching, and the Taoist guides have calculated that after this calamity is over, it will be time for the rise of Western culture. However, Western religion has geographical restrictions after all, and the word "West" is also a bit petty. If one day I preach to the East, I am afraid that I will be ostracized.

Furthermore, since he became a saint, he devoted himself to enlightenment and compiled various scriptures for the inheritance of the Ba Bao Lingshan Taoism. Furthermore, the way he practices Taoism has long since separated from the Xuanmen lineage and established a separate side sect.

Although Mingjiao is also a side sect, it is still a lineage of Qi Refiners after all, but it is not the orthodox sect of Xuanmen, but it can be based on orthodoxy. The Taoist practices practiced by his disciples are all authentic Heart Sutra, which is no worse than those practiced by the Three Puritans.

Compared with this, Western religion is very different. It has deviated from the Taoist scriptures and found a new path. Among them, classics and Taoism have nothing in common, and they form one system. If the Western religion does not change its name, it will eventually be associated with Taoism. Only if they establish a new sect and break away from the Taoist connection can the Babao Lingshan rise.

However, those who lead Taoism are not reckless people, and they know that what they have in mind will definitely not be liked by the saints. Once announced, he might be rejected by other saints, so he just hid it in his heart and just waited for the opportunity to come.

Now that the human calamity is approaching, although Taoist Jie Yin cannot figure out where the calamity will come from, he still senses that this is an opportunity for him. If it can be grasped well, Western religion will definitely rise due to this calamity.

Taoist Zhunti originally wanted his senior brother to guide the Taoist to support him and make plans for the Western Sect in the Netherworld. But now Taoist Huiyin didn't say a word, and Taoist Zhunti couldn't guess what he was thinking. This senior brother is otherwise good, but like Taoist Taoist Master Taiqing, he is a little indifferent to external matters and concentrates entirely on the classics.

In these years, Taoist Zhunti devoted himself to enlightenment and planned how to revitalize Babao Lingshan. However, Taoist Taoist Jie Yin spent most of his time compiling seal script classics. Seventy-eight out of ten classics in the scripture library were written by Jie Yin. However, this move is a good thing to increase the foundation of Babao Lingshan. Taoist Zhunti also admires his senior brother very much, so I am just anxious and never say anything against Jie Yin.

We are both younger brothers, Taoist Zhunti is many times better than Taoist Tongtian. Even Yuanshi Tianzun was a little envious. Taoist Taoist Acceptance was really good for him. He had such a junior disciple who was devoted to him. How could Taoist Tongtian be like Taoist Tongtian who would quarrel with him whenever he disagreed, which made him so troubled.

Thinking of Taoist Zhunti's true nature, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but glance at Taoist Jieyin, wondering how he spoke and whether he also supported Taoist Zhunti's remarks.

Mingyu and Nuwa, who were sitting aside, had been silent. When Yuanshi Tianzun saw this, he couldn't help but have a thought in his heart. He opened his mouth and asked: "I don't know what fellow Taoist Mingyu and Nuwa think about the candidates for the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions. You might as well tell me, Let's wait and see. Maybe there is another reason, which is better than the current quarrel!"

Mingyu had long known Yuanshi Tianzun's intentions, but he did not want to conflict with the Western disciples. Besides, Mingyu had no other thoughts about this incident in the Netherworld, he just came to bear witness. Therefore, after hearing what Yuanshi Tianzun said, he kicked the ball to Ye Nuwa.

Her fingers tapped the emerald green bamboo on her knees, but her eyes looked at Nuwa Empress. Sensing Mingyu's gaze, Nuwa felt a little unhappy and cursed secretly.

"This Mingyu obviously doesn't want to offend both parties, but he allows the bad guys to do it. If he really doesn't speak, I don't know what embarrassing words he will say. None of them are good people and have deep intentions."

Mingyu didn't know that Nuwa was secretly criticizing him, and even scolded him like a bastard. After staring at Nuwa and reading, he said with a smile: "I don't know what you think, but my Taoist friends have dominated the world since the creation of humans in Buzhou Mountain. Your Taoist opinions are also very important in matters in the Netherworld!"


Seeing Mingyu smiling, Nuwa couldn't help but feel resentful. But at this point, it wouldn't be a good idea if she didn't speak. While scolding Mingyu for being ignorant, he was thinking about how to respond.

Following Mingyu's words, everyone looked at Nuwa Empress, wanting to know what she thought about the Five Ghost Emperors.

After a while, Nuwa said: "I am a poor Taoist who is devoted to cultivation and is not good at such things. Even before coming to the Netherworld, I didn't think much about it. I really don't know how to explain it. What happened in the Netherworld this time is due to people. Since the calamity has arisen, Taoist Taiqing is the leader of the human religion, so why not let Taoist Taiqing decide? What do fellow Taoists think?"

Among the six paths of reincarnation, Nuwa occupies the animal path. Anyone reincarnated in this path will belong to the demon clan if they have the opportunity to practice. Therefore, she was in favor of Empress Chengtian in her heart, but she could not say this clearly.

"The fact that the five human emperors have entered the Netherworld is indeed inconsistent with their great achievements. These five ghost emperors are compatible with them, so according to the proposal of fellow Taoist Chengtian, they will take over the position of the five ghost emperors."

The minority obeyed the majority. Seeing this, Taoist Zhunti glanced at Taoist Yingyin with some disappointment. He was mentally prepared for this outcome when he arrived. After all, Western religion is incomplete and lacks the ability to interfere in the affairs of the Three Realms. Just a little sad, he glanced at everyone present, lowered his head, his eyelids drooped, and said no more.

"Very good!"

The Taoist priest suddenly spoke and there was no objection. As soon as his words came out, everyone was shocked, wondering what Jie Ying was thinking. In this way, the matter about the Five Ghost Emperors is almost finalized.

Mingyu nodded when he saw this, "Good!"


All the saints nodded, and the five ghost emperors of the Netherworld finally came to a conclusion. When the Seven Holy Words come out, there will be celestial phenomena. There was a roar, and thunder sounded out of thin air in the Netherworld. The human world was even more ominous, and red clouds filled the sky. Those who are good at numbers can naturally vaguely guess that something big will happen. As for what will happen and the secret of heaven is hidden, it is beyond their ability to calculate.

"Once the five ghost emperors are established, the Netherworld will have its foundation. In this way, fellow Taoists, you don't know how to think about the six paths of reincarnation?"

Seeing that this proposal was passed, Empress Chengtian mentioned the Six Paths of Reincarnation again. This was different from just now, and she was afraid that most of her plans would not succeed. However, Empress Chengtian was also prepared. After all, she is the master of the six paths. Even if the six paths of reincarnation are controlled by the saints, they are still under her control.

"When reincarnation was established, it was divided into six realms. Pindao established a human religion to educate the human race. The human race must be connected with the destiny of the human race." Taoist Taiqing suddenly said to everyone. Taoist Taiqing, who had just been indifferent to everything, was so aligned. Understand the six paths of humanity.

What he said made sense. Humanity was the place where the human race could turn back. It was related to the human race and was connected with the fate of the human race. Everyone had no reason to object, so they nodded.

"In this way, the way of heaven is maintained by the poor Tao. There are rules in heaven. Anyone who has the slightest chance to achieve the path of immortality and is named an immortal will be reincarnated by the way of heaven. Any immortal who violates the rules of heaven begins in the way of heaven. , Finally, those who have experienced the Six Paths, Seven Tribulations and Three Disasters, and their true nature remains unmoved, can enter the Immortal Path again. Otherwise, they can only sink into reincarnation and never escape the tribulations for eternity, and have no chance of becoming an Immortal Path."

Empress Nuwa is in charge of the rules of heaven and man, and she is the one who belongs to heaven.

After hearing what Nuwa said, all the saints nodded in agreement. Originally, Empress Nuwa was responsible for the supervision of the Emperor of Heaven. Now that she is one of the emperors, it is justifiable. The Way of Heaven is only effective for the immortals and gods listed in the Immortal Sect. The disciples of all the saints have their own destiny. Those with deep roots in the path will occupy the position of Da Luo and be protected by the purple energy of Luo Tian. They will not enter the five elements. , do not enter reincarnation, there will be calamities but no catastrophes. Therefore, everyone agrees with Nuwa's wishes and responds accordingly.


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