The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 725: The unwilling emperor


A roar suddenly rang in Xiao Qingdi's body.

At this moment, in his dantian, the emperor seal is surrounded by nine dragon veins, erupting imperial might.

The emperor seal rose into the sky, bursting out with a brilliant nine-color light.

Where this light passes, the energy in the dantian seems to have been washed once, and it has become more and more pure. At this moment, if he displays the same energy as before, he will explode with stronger strength.

The sword fetus, who was able to fight against the emperor's seal, was also suppressed at this time and hid in the corner of the dantian not daring to move.

"The emperor seal absorbs the power of the dragon veins, and waits until the power of the nine dragon veins is completely refined, then it is the real emperor seal."

All kinds of information came to mind, making Xiao Qingdi's face a faint smile.

After receiving the'gift' from Ning Yu, the emperor's seal has undergone transformation, and it has become more and more different.

At this moment, all the liquid energy in his body rushed into the dantian and directly rushed into the emperor seal. When this energy flows from the emperor seal again, the energy contains the monstrous emperor's might. It is more than ten times more pure.


"Repay the emperor's dragon veins."

At this moment, Ning Yu was completely crazy.

Although his nine dragon veins are not real dragon veins, they are the essence extracted from the dragon veins. They are the successors left by the Ning style emperor to the descendants. Only he, the future emperor, can obtain the inheritance. It is invincible.

It took thousands of years to be able to reach such a level.

If he can completely refine these nine dragon veins, he can definitely become the world's number one powerhouse.

But now, it was taken away by Emperor Xiao Qing.


Ning Yu roared.

His strength that had entered the condensing period burst out crazily, and various attacks were bombarded towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You can't do it yet."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his head, looked at Ning Yu who was attacking frantically, shook his head and said, "For the sake of giving this king a gift, I won't kill you today."

Raising his hand, in the palm of his hand, a brilliant Nine-Colored Sword Qi suddenly emerged.


With a sword cut down, Baizhang Jianqi tore through the void and slashed towards Ning Yu.

In Ning Yu's hand, a divine dragon soared into the sky and crashed into this sword aura.

However, at this moment, the imperial prestige contained in the sword aura exploded, making the breath of the divine dragon displayed by Ning Yu stagnate for a while, and then it broke out again.


There was a roar.

This dragon was instantly split in half.

Sword Qi kept on, still slashing towards Ning Yu with terrifying power.

Ning Yu roared in his eyes, as if the whole person was lost or even ordinary, and shouted angrily, "I want to kill you."

Facing the sword spirit displayed by Emperor Xiao Qing, he not only did not back down, but roared to meet him.


A divine sword appeared in his hand, the sword was three feet three long, and the whole body was shining with terrifying imperial might.

A sword smashed, the sword energy tore through the void, and after colliding with Xiao Qing Emperor's sword energy, they canceled each other out.


He was volley in the air, holding a sword in both hands, and slashed with the strongest force.

"Since you have swallowed the power of this emperor's nine dragon veins, then this emperor will split you apart, dig out your heart, lungs and dantian, and take out the power of Nine Dragons."

His expression was cold.

Until now, this is the only way to get his Nine Dragon Power back.

This sword smashed, and the power was surging, and it was many times stronger than the Phantom Ancestor's blow.

Even people with powers such as light and darkness were shocked.

The pope on the side of the light power whispered, "His strength has surpassed us and reached the realm of the great pope. No, his current power is already stronger than the great pope."


"Can he stop this sword?"

Everyone stared at Emperor Xiao Qing and Ning Yu closely.

The battle between the two of them has exceeded many people's expectations, especially the power of Emperor Xiao Qing, which shocked everyone's minds.

However, in the face of Ning Yu's sword, why did Emperor Xiao Qing stop?

He raised his head with a smile on his face, "Ning Yu, didn't anyone tell you a word?"


Ning Yu's expression solidified.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, with incomparable pride on his face, "No one in this world can move a sword in front of this king, and neither can you."

His swordsmanship, no one in the world can match, the world is vast, there are countless swordsmen, but no one is qualified to draw a sword in front of him.


He stretched out his hand, and in his palm, a sword aura rose up, containing the supreme sword intent, terrifying and suppressing everything.

Next, a scene that shocked Ning Yu's mind appeared.

I saw that the sword that he smashed with all his strength seemed to be controlled by an invisible force, and it stopped directly when it was about to be cut on Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Break it for me."

He roared and injected stronger force.

The long sword trembled, the sword spirit was surging, and the sword mighty.

However, this sword took the initiative to avoid Emperor Xiao Qing, and instead chopped it aside.


Next to Emperor Xiao Qing, the infinite waves were chopped up, the sea was rolled up, turned into rain and poured down, turning into heavy rain.

However, it could not affect Xiao Qingdi in the slightest.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing with a calm look on his face, raised his head and looked at Ning Yu, who had incredible eyes, "Now, do you understand?"

"No, it's impossible."

Ning Yu shook his head, "What tricks did you use, how could this no..."

This sword uses all his power. If it is smashed on Emperor Xiao Qing, it will be enough to kill Emperor Xiao Qing completely. However, at the moment when it is cut, he has a feeling, as if his sword has He was generally conscious, so he didn't dare to attack Xiao Qingdi, but took the initiative to cut it aside.

This is incredible.

"This sword intent..."

The old farmer who was standing behind Ning Yu suddenly appeared beside Ning Yu, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a solemn expression, "Sword King? No, you are beyond the realm of Sword King. Are you the Sword King?"

The last two words already carried endless horror.

Even if his cultivation level had reached the level of earth-shaking, at this moment, when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's swordsmanship, he was shocked.

"How is it possible, how can anyone in this world be able to cultivate kendo to such a realm, and your strength is only the foundation period, and your strength is not reached, how can the realm of kendo be so terrifying?"

He shook his head, "Even if the Sword King kid can become the Sword King at such a realm, it is already the reason for having a horrifying talent for swordsmanship. How can you reach such a terrifying level?"

"What the sword king can't reach does not mean that this king can't reach it."

Emperor Xiao Qing said indifferently, "For your sake, today, this king will let Ningyu go once and take him away. In the future, be optimistic about him and don't let him provoke this king, otherwise, it won't be like this next time. Good luck."

This person is too mysterious, and his strength is terrifying. Even Emperor Xiao Qing at this moment is not sure that he can kill Ning Yu in front of the opponent.

Furthermore, Ning Yu is the future emperor, and at this moment, he cannot die.

If Ning Yu died, the world would be chaotic.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, the battle between us is not over yet, this emperor will kill you."

Ning Yu roared, holding a sword in both hands, his figure was volley, and he was about to kill again.

"Stop it."

However, the old farmer raised his hand and a force came out, directly imprisoning Ning Yu.

He shook his head and sighed, "You are not his opponent, no need to fight, no matter how you fight, the consequences will be the same."

"No, no, I don't believe it, I'm already a strong man in the condensing period, and he is only in the foundation period, clan elder, don't stop me, I will definitely kill him."

Ning Yu's face was full of madness, roaring again and again.

Even if he was imprisoned by this old farmer, he continued to explode his own power, and the power that wanted to smash the old farmer came out.


The old farmer shouted in a deep voice, "You are not his opponent, don't ask for a dead end."

"No, no, it's impossible." Ning Yu roared, "Let go of me."

Boom boom boom!

He even started bombarding the old farmers to imprison his power.

The power of the nine dragon veins, that is his invincible power, but now, everything has been obtained by Emperor Xiao Qing, how can he stop?


The old farmer suddenly raised his hand, slapped it over, and instantly slapped Ning Yu.

"You, are you hitting me?"

He stared at the old farmer blankly.

"This is to wake you up."

The old farmer shook his head and sighed and said, "You have lost your mind. It is not terrible without the power of Nine Dragons. The terrible thing is that you are completely unconscious and you have lost your life for nothing."

"Then you help me kill him and get my power back." Ning Yu said in a low voice.


Hearing this, the old farmer glanced at the void with a look of fear on his face, showing a wry smile, and then shouted in a deep voice, "Go."

The voice fell, and he took Ning Yu directly away.

As for Ning Yu, what if he is not reconciled?

If you make another move, there is only one dead end.

The old farmer, as the elder of the Ning-style emperor, was saving his life.


From a distance, everyone could vaguely hear Ning Yu coming with an unwilling roar.


At this moment, everyone around was shocked, each took a breath, and then, suffocated severely, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with an incredible color.

It seems that for fear of breathing hard, it will attract the attention of Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head slowly, looking at the dark power, Pharaoh Aji and others with a smile on his face, "You, just said you want the corpse of this king?"

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