The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 127: Compassionate and sympathetic, the embryonic form of the future


In the Su Yan Group, after hanging up the phone, Su Ruoyan had an expression of excitement on her face, and she was reluctant to let go of her mobile phone with joy.


At this time, there was a knock on the door, and it was Su Ruoyan's new assistant, "Ms. Su, a beautiful lady said that he wants to see you."


Su Ruoyan was stunned, "Does she have an appointment?"

"No, I didn't say who she is, only that you will be very happy after meeting her." The little assistant had a strange look on his face.

Although the former Suyan Group was not ranked among the major groups in the East China Sea, it was also a listed company, not to mention that the Suyan Group has just obtained the cooperation of an international super commercial group like Omi Group. Su Yan Group's value soared instantly.

However, all the shares of Su Yan Group now belong to Su Ruoyan. At this moment, Su Ruoyan, although there is no arrogance, as a company boss, during working hours, someone needs to make an appointment to find her.

The other woman was very beautiful and very confident, but she wanted to see President Su without an appointment. She really didn't know what kind of confidence the other party had.

"Please come here."

At this moment, Su Ruoyan was in a good mood, even if he didn't know what the other party meant for him, she also asked the assistant to let the other party in.


Her assistant responded with a smile on his face, and soon came in with a woman in a red dress.

The moment he saw this beauty, Su Ruoyan's face didn't even show shock.

The figure is tall and straight, with a long wavy hair shawl spread out, a beautiful face without powder, starry eyes, bright moon, white skin that can be broken by blows, a tall nose, and a small cherry mouth that can make people feel shaken It can be said to be a collection of temperament and beauty.

This is a super beauty that makes any woman feel inferior. It can not only make any man fall in love with her, but also innumerable beauties.

If Emperor Xiao Qing were here, he would find that the woman in red was no one else, but Xiao Wu.

Emperor Xiao Qing agreed to let Xiao Wu join the Su Yan Group to help Su Ruoyan. Xiao Qi originally arranged it, but because Xiao Wu was curious about what kind of woman Su Ruoyan really was, he was able to make his prince look at him with admiration.

Therefore, her son came to Su Yan Group to see Su Ruoyan alone without being introduced by Xiao Qi.

"Well, he looks pretty good, he can hit ninety points."

When she saw Su Ruoyan's face, Xiao Wu was slightly satisfied, but in her eyes, Su Ruoyan was only ninety points. As for her, she was once rated as ninety-nine by the prince.

When she held her head up and looked at Su Ruoyan with a smile, Su Ruoyan was a bit stunned by the beauty and temperament of the other party. After a while, she recovered, with a surprised look on her face. A beauty, what can I do for you?"

The voice was crisp, like the voice of an empty valley, and at the same time, Su Ruoyan also straightened her figure, showing her beautiful figure.

The same women, when they see a beauty who is not inferior to their own, they all have a sense of comparison in their hearts.

"I'm here to help you."

Xiao Wu smiled, "Although Su Yan Group received the help of the old man from Omega, Su Yan Group is just a small company after all, with insufficient talents. It is not easy to develop in a short time. It is easy to cause bubbles due to rapid development."


Su Ruoyan was shocked. During this time, she had been worried about this issue.

With Omega's cooperation, Su Yan Group's prospects are of course needless to say, but she is also facing problems.

The Suyan Group was established for too short a time. When the company was small, everyone could cope with it freely. However, when the company developed and encountered some major events, the original experience was not enough and it was obviously unable to cope with it.

Especially for senior management.

Even Su Ruoyan feels that her own experience is not enough to support the Su Yan Group that will develop rapidly in the future.

However, if we look for some elites with rich experience and management experience in large multinational corporations, they are worried that because of their lack of experience, the company may be controlled by the other party.

This woman actually came to the door and said to help herself?

She frowned slightly, "Our company has not recently recruited demand..."

"I know."

However, Su Ruoyan was interrupted by Xiao Wu before she finished speaking.

Xiao Wu smiled and looked at Su Ruoyan, "However, someone asked me to help you, and I came across the oceans, one of them is to see what kind of strange woman you are, and you can make him value it so much. , The second is to get closer to him."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth.

She, why did she do everything she could, even threatening Xiao Qi so that Xiao Qi would get herself to the East China Sea anyway?

Isn't it because she wants to be with the prince?

Even if you just watch that person quietly, whatever you do is worth it.


Su Ruoyan didn't care about the thoughts behind Xiao Wu, but frowned after hearing Xiao Wu's words, "Someone asked you to come, could it be..."

The faces of countless people flashed in his mind, and when he thought of this beautiful woman who had come across the ocean, Su Ruoyan suddenly exclaimed, "Could it be Brother Qingdi?"


Xiao Wu smiled, "It was the prince who asked me to come, but I specifically asked the prince and Xiao Qi not to tell you in advance, just to come over and see Miss Su for themselves."

"If Miss Su can't satisfy me, even if the prince asks, I won't help you much. It is enough to send a few men to help you at most."


Su Ruoyan had a curious look on her face, "Then we just met, I wonder what your impression of me is?"

Now that she was sure that the other party was Qingdi's brother, Su Ruoyan felt very happy in her heart. She had known that her Qingdi brother was very mysterious, and she was not surprised that the beauty in front of her was Qingdi's brother.

However, she was a little nervous about what she was like in the heart of this almost perfect woman?

"I decided to stay and help you make Su Yan Group No. 1 in the world."

Xiao Wu smiled and stretched out his hand to Su Ruoyan, "Get to know me officially, my name is Star Five, everyone calls me Xiao Wu, you can also call me like that."

"Little Fifth Sister."

Su Ruoyan quickly shouted sweetly.

"Hey, Ruoyan."

Xiao Wu smiled lightly, "Come on, let's have a morning tea together, and then discuss what to do next."


Ever since, the two beautiful women left the office holding hands together.

They were having morning tea while chatting. After getting to know each other, they talked about the current situation and future development of the Su Yan Group.

It wasn't until it was about business that Su Ruoyan really understood why the other party had the confidence to say that he was going to help him make Su Yan Group the number one in the world.

The woman in front of her turned out to be a real business prodigy, and she was so talented that no one could compare her.

After some conversation, she realized that this "Little Fifth Sister" whose looks and temperament made her feel ashamed, turned out to be the cover figure of countless commercial newspapers and magazines in the world, and was awarded the highest award.

There are also professional insights published in various publications and even cited as classics.

In Su Ruoyan's view, even Omega's super chaebol who had no idea how much money could not be compared with the beautiful woman in front of her.

Moreover, after Xiao Wu was really put into work, Su Ruoyan was truly shocked.

In contrast, Su Ruoyan, who has always been very confident in her own abilities, really understands that she is far from being able to compare with the opposite direction. Some of the problems that she has had a headache for a long time are nothing in Xiao Wu’s eyes. It was solved easily.

With her admiration for Xiao Wu, Su Ruoyan studied carefully, and it was because Xiao Wu herself was the person introduced by her Qingdi brother, and she repaid the greatest trust and gave Xiao Wu the largest position in Su Yan Group. Did not give the position of president to Xiaowu.

In this way, in the future, two business empresses from a business empire across the world will really come together at this time.

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