The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 578: The siege

The core element of the "Light Begging" energy column is the magic of light element.

This is based on the offensive magic circle on the top of the magic tower, which was later strengthened and improved by Thain himself.

It is estimated that the person who designed this magic tower is also a powerful magician who has made achievements in the field of light magic.

It just so happens that Thain has also made great achievements in the field of light element magic. This central magic tower, combined with several surrounding magic towers, can only exert its greatest value in the hands of Thain.

During the war, all energy expenditures for the Magic Tower were provided by the fortress.

So Thain didn't save anything.

As long as his mental strength can sustain it, Thane will provide long-range fire support to the main battlefield in the northeast without restriction.

Due to the lack of magicians on the battlefield of the Thunder World, there is especially a lack of long-range firepower provided by Thane.

As a result, not long after the war started, Thain had not applied to the fortress for energy crystal replenishment, but the fortress first sent a large number of spare crystals.

As if he was afraid that Thain would not be enough.

Of course, Thain himself did not use his mental power to trigger long-range magic strikes just because the fortress sent a large amount of energy crystals.

Everything has a degree.

The fortress asked Thain to take action from an overall perspective and needed the frequent fire support he provided here.

But as an independent magician, Thain naturally considers issues more from his own point of view.

Thain didn't want to keep his mental energy in a highly functioning and barren state just because of the fortress' instructions.

This is a dangerous dimensional battlefield. Countless accidents and tragic killings happened right next to Thain.

As a rational spellcaster, Thane must always be prepared to deal with emergencies.

The undead creatures at the bottom of his magic tower were prepared by Thain in advance.

In the early days of the war, the only incident that occurred was that the person responsible for delivering energy crystals and other supplies to the magic towers in Thain turned out to be the second-level knight Nataya.

In fact, this kind of trivial matter can be done by just sending a first-level knight and leading some slave coolies.

I really don’t know why she came here?

Thain didn't want to have too much interaction with this female knight, so it was the constructor Yuri who stepped in to deal with it on his behalf.

Yuri, who has not entered the devil fighting state, looks like a weak woman from another world. Therefore, after seeing Yuli's appearance, Natalya felt slightly surprised and thoughtful.

Could it be that Thain likes this kind of weak woman?

Of course, Natalya couldn't get along with this kind of woman, so she felt a little depressed after seeing Yuli, a creature from another world.

Natalya is not happy, Yuli is not happy yet.

Yuli also didn't like this guy who had fought with her master. After receiving the supplies from Natalya, she said expressionlessly: "The master also said that he needs radiant stone, lightning strike marrow, and compound No. 3 Magic alloy... and other seventeen kinds of magic materials."

During the war, Thain felt no burden at all about robbing the Knights Hall.

Compared with the foundation of the Knights' Hall of Steel Wall Fist, what Thain wants is nothing at all.

More importantly, he really needs these magic materials to provide long-range strikes on the frontline battlefield continuously, stably, and efficiently.

Sure enough, Natalya turned around and left without saying anything.

Of course, she didn't reject Thain's request, but went to get these resources for him.

As for the fortress headquarters, they will basically meet all of Thain's requirements.

A battle with over a million levels cannot be ended in one or two days.

Just the supplies consumed by several magic towers in Thane every day is an extremely exaggerated figure.

It is conceivable how huge the power and energy invested by both sides fighting on the entire battlefield must be.

From the beginning to the end of this war, the Wizarding World Legion was the one taking the initiative to attack.

With the slave biological legion as the front row of human shields and the elite knight legion as the backbone, the wizard world army basically pushed all the way on the battlefield of Thunder Plains.

Under this situation, the million-strong army assembled by the Thunder World was quickly cut into pieces by the Wizard World's legions.

If the strength of Luo Lei World is strong enough and the soldiers are elite enough.

Faced with this situation, they can form a united force and surround and annex the Wizarding World Legion that penetrates deep into the center of Thunder Plains.

But the reality is that there is no Thunder World Legion that can withstand the frontal impact of the main army of the Wizarding World.

Any creature that comes into contact with the vanguard of the main army in the wizarding world will soon collapse.

The larger number of legions did not give the Lei Luo World creatures an advantage.

If this situation continues, even if the number of these Thunder World creatures exceeds one million, they will inevitably end up being divided and cannibalized by the Wizard World Legion.

What's more important is that the momentum of the creatures in the Thunder World will drop significantly in the process.

So far, the Thunder World Legion has not collapsed despite successive defeats. A large part of the reason is that many Thunder World creatures know that their great guardians are here to watch the Sons of Thunder in the Thunder World, bravely resisting Alien invaders.

On the seventeenth day of this fierce and chaotic war, significant changes finally occurred.

The advanced creatures of Luo Lei World seem to realize that this war cannot continue like this.

The creatures from the Thunder World that held up the main force of the Wizarding World on the front line did not move significantly.

However, the scattered Thunder World troops that had been scattered were, under the command of high-level Thunder World creatures, systematically bypassing the main army of the Wizarding Civilization and beginning to attack the Wizarding World fortress behind the Thunder Plains. The main base is surrounded here.

This war is like two pairs of invisible hands, controlling the overall situation on the battlefield and the mobilization of legions.

Thane and other participating knights and magicians should be the pawns on the chessboard.

The two "invisible hands" playing chess are level four creatures that have not yet appeared on either side?

In the history of civilizations in many worlds, there are some classic examples of the weak defeating the strong.

These battles, without exception, all relied on various strategies or the right time and place.

Today, the world of thunder is the weak side.

So much so that it needs to use tactics such as encirclement and encirclement, encirclement and reinforcement, in order to realize its strategic value in Thunder Plains.

The Wizarding World side, at least so far, has not used any so-called subtle tactics.

Gather superior forces, push all the way forward, and force the creatures of the Thunder World to fight with them on the frontal battlefield. This is the fighting style of the Wizard World Legion!

Without considering strategic factors, this fighting method is the most suitable for the wizarding world.

Because it is upright, without any crooked ways, and does not need to bear particularly serious hidden dangers.

As long as they are on the frontal battlefield, they can defeat the million-strong army in the mine-dropping world, or kill most of the main forces.

One of the three million-level large-scale battlefields in the entire Thunder World battlefield will fall to the side of the Wizarding World.

It has an immeasurable effect on the development of the entire plane war.


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