The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 557: Strict Wife Control

Ulysses is in the middle stage of the second level and has been stuck for a long time.

His accumulation of knowledge is definitely enough. What's missing is a complete set of techniques and a clear path.

Of course, the Grant family would not copy the fighting qi technique provided by Thain.

The Purple Flame Dou Qi is the foundation of the Grant family. If you lose all your Dou Qi, go and cultivate this Dou Qi.

The knight squires below the first level are fine, and the price won't be too high.

But the same cannot be said for Ulysses, Jerami and others. The losses and costs involved are too great.

What if this exercise is fake? What if there are any loopholes in this technique? What if this exercise is not suitable for the Grant family's physique?

Therefore, what Ulysses did was to study the top fighting qi book presented by Thain for a period of time, and strive to merge and summarize the meridians expansion and fighting qi operation methods in this fighting qi technique into the purple flame fighting qi.

The fighting qi skills in the wizarding world are not innate.

Which fighting qi technique was not created by humans?

Although Ulysses and others are still out of reach, the fact is that the path taken by every fourth-level knight is a unique path that is difficult for outsiders to copy.

Every fighting qi technique above level 4 is unique.

Except for the founder himself, others, even his direct blood descendants, may not be completely compatible with this fighting qi technique.

Thain nodded in approval of his great-grandfather Ulysses’ idea.

He also felt that it was not a good thing to directly use other people's fighting spirit. It would be smarter to do some research, learn from the strengths of others, and turn it into something completely his own.

Just studying hard cannot be accomplished overnight.

The complexity is probably even greater than Thain's experimental research.

There was nothing that Thain could do about this, as he had little research on fighting qi techniques.

In the end, most of the burden of improving Ziyan's fighting spirit will fall on Ulysses.

Who makes him the tallest member of the Grant family?

After walking out of Old Grant's hospital room, Niyu Shiwang, Ulysses and the others walked with Thain.

Ulysses stopped by to arrange a place for Thain to live, and with his strength as a second-level earth knight and some connections, he could also ask for some easy tasks for Thain.

"Hey, what did you just do? You covered the ward tightly. I seem to smell something good?" A knight on crutches with a bandage on one leg suddenly leaned over from a ward in the rest area. He asked with a smile.

The one who answered him was the Niyu Lion King.

"Get out of here, there's nothing good about it. It's for the little genius of our Grant family to discuss marriage."

"Do you want to share the dowry given by the Ernst family?" Niyu Lion King said in a loud voice.

The news that the Grant family is about to marry the Ernst family has spread within a certain small area of ​​the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist.

This is something that has basically been negotiated by the elders of both parties, so there is no need to keep it secret or avoid anything.

This outcropping knight is an old acquaintance with Niyu Shiwang, Ulysses and others. He usually has a good relationship and possesses first-level late-stage strength.

He curled his lips and muttered: "I'm sure I won't get a share of the dowry, why don't I just take a look?"

After saying that, the male knight looked at Thain walking in the middle with an envious look.

Why was it not his turn to marry a second-level knight of the Ernst family?

Due to the imbalance in the ratio of men to women among the knights in the wizarding world.

Many female second-level earth knights are married to third-level heavenly knights.

Thain's great-grandfather, Ulysses, was able to hook up with an earth knight of the same level and family background, which already made his colleagues very envious. It seems that it was Ulysses who was pursued by Kolina?

Now that Thain will get another earth knight wife, the prosperity of the Grant family is just around the corner!

What makes the lame knight in front of him even more uneasy is that Thain seems to be only a first-level magician?

Crossing the ranks and marrying a female knight who is stronger than himself has not happened in the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist for many years.

Seemingly noticing the lame knight's expression, the Inverse Feather Lion King blew his lion's fur and said, "Kodak, it's useless for you to be envious."

"Also, I heard that Tracy is also at the Thunder World Battlefield. She seems to be at the main battlefield of Thunder Plains."

"How about I tell her that her man is not thinking about recuperating behind the scenes, but is thinking about divorcing her and marrying a female knight again?"

The Niyu Lion King's mouth was so big that many knights in the entire rest area heard it.

A burst of suppressed laughter came from other wards.

The knight who was leaning out half of his body quickly retracted and shouted: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!, when did I have such an idea!""

"I still have some Thunder Dragon flesh and blood here, why don't you come over and have a taste?" a knight named Kodak shouted in the ward.

"No, the Thunder Dragon's meat is too bad. I have better ones here." The Niyu Lion King shook his big head, and then left with Thain and others.

"It seems that the knights I know, except for Stark, all of them married female knights of the same level, and they were all strict with their wives."

"I guess Stark will be like this in the future." After leaving the rest area, the Niyu Lion King approached Thain and said in a sneaky way.

It seems to be implying that Neihan Thain's future life will not be wonderful either.

Is it possible that the male knights in the wizarding world marry female knights who are the first level above themselves?

Not only because there are relatively few high-level female knights, but also because they want to avoid being controlled too broadly?

The private lives of many male knights should not be too confusing. After all, the knight's body is there and he is always full of energy.

On the contrary, female knights rarely engage in promiscuity.

From the perspective of history and civilization, women in the wizarding world are still relatively traditional.

"We, the demon lion clan, should be happy. I can get as many lionesses as I want."

"Tsk, tsk, that stinky bitch I met in the World of Warcraft Forest last time, let's see if I can do anything about it when I go back this time!" Niyu Lion King said viciously.

The increased strength of Ulysses also has great benefits and feedback for the Niyu Lion King.

It seems that they have signed some kind of contract between them, which is a state of mutual prosperity and loss.

Ulysses could obtain a semi-god-level fighting spirit technique, and the Niyu Lion King was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

Regarding the connotation of Niyu Lion King and his performance at this time, Thain had several black lines floating across his forehead.

Under the care of Ulysses, Thain's residence was arranged in the west-center area of ​​the Thunder Swamp camp.

There's even a five-story magic tower here.

Originally, a magic tower like this required at least two people to guard it.

In addition to defense, the magic tower also has the ability to detect fluctuations in strange elements around the camp.

However, due to the scarcity of spellcasters in the Thunder World battlefield, this magic tower was temporarily monopolized by Thain without being able to distinguish other magicians.

Not only this magic tower, but also the other three magic towers not far from this magic tower. According to the description of the fortress camp, Thain can go and see if he has nothing to do, and check whether the functions of the magic tower are complete.

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