The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2649: Devastated

After the war in Faerûn started again, it could be described as "destroying" for the wizarding civilization.

The two indigenous biological coalition lines built outside the purgatory space faced the three awl-headed offensive formations of the wizard civilization army. They did not last long before they were completely shattered by the impact.

Even the third defensive front, which was still under construction, was swept away by the wizard civilization army in the half year since the first two fronts were breached.

The strong strength of the Wizard Civilization Expedition Corps is one of the factors that caused this situation.

There is another factor, which is the struggle between the gods and the confrontation between individual gods in Faerun that has lasted for more than 100,000 years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

If there is a battle between more than a dozen gods, the gods of Faerûn may be very experienced.

But the reality is that there are more than 2,000 hostile level four and above creatures here, swarming the trillions of legions and rushing toward their army of believers.

Not to mention that the gods of Faerûn have never seen this kind of "big scene" before, and they are extremely unsuited to this grand war model.

Even the wizard civilization, if it hadn't just ended a civilization war, would probably have difficulty mobilizing so many level 4 and above gods and legions in a reasonable manner.

During the Civilization War, Thane participated in the most brutal wild star war. At that time, the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation were in the star field, and the combined fourth-level combat power of both sides did not exceed one thousand.

At that time, they were still fighting in a star field.

But now, the war is concentrated in a vast and large world that exceeds most people's expectations.

Looking back at the civilized wars, during the several major battles between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, there was a large star field battlefield where thousands of combat units of level four or above gathered to fight here.

The wizard civilization army led by Thane also had obvious discomfort in the initial confrontation with the indigenous biological coalition of Faerun.


Fortunately, their performance was much more mature and experienced than the opposing Faerun Continental Army.

Moreover, Thain and others also grasped the timing of breaking out of the purgatory space very exquisitely.

It is true that the continent of Faerun has newly promoted two seventh-level master gods, but the master-level combat power does not mean that they can reach the front line of the battlefield just after breaking through.

Before the indigenous coalition forces in Faerun could react, they quickly eliminated the wizard civilization legions on three fronts, and then divided into three groups and drove straight in.

The main attack direction of the Ashes and Mechanical Legion led by Thane is towards the southwest of Faerun.

That is the area where the Dark Alliance is mainly located.

The Goddess of Death Hela led the Titan Protoss and part of the Zerg Legion to face the Justice League, the strongest overall force in Faerun.

Including the battle between Hela and the God of Justice, it also happened several times on the front outside the purgatory space.

The God of Justice, who is only at the early stage of level seven, is certainly no match for Hela and her pet Jörmungandr.

The fact that the three fronts built by the indigenous legions of Faerun in the outer space of Purgatory collapsed in such a short period of time is probably related to the defeat of the God of Justice.

In the absence of the god Io, there is no one in Faerûn who can control the combination of Hela and Jormungandr.

The legions that flocked to the Wings of Nature camp were mainly composed of the forces of the Black Territory, the Sea Tribe, and the Dragon Rider Legion of the Beren Empire.

In fact, Thain and other powerful wizard civilizations do not have such a detailed division of functions for the three routes of attack.

There are also some legions under Thane who participated in the confrontation.

The Alliance of Justice and Wings of Nature attack.

Including the black forces under Rose's command, they have also infiltrated into the Dark Alliance.

Regarding the final profit distribution of this large-scale plane war, it is estimated that we will have to wait until the end of the expedition to make detailed considerations.

Fortunately, Sean, Hela, Rose and other organizers relied on friendship, family ties, and personal connections to work together.

At least in the early and middle stages of the war, it was impossible for conflicts to arise due to uneven income.

Thane himself, in the ensuing war, personally led an elite army towards the hinterland of the Dark Alliance.

Thain has never forgotten the first city he came into contact with when he first came to Faerûn, and the risks he experienced subsequently.

Some things still need to be done in person.

Although, Thain's former opponents may not even be worthy of carrying his shoes now.

When the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Corps breaks out of the purgatory space and begins to conquer the entire continent of Faerûn.

For the billions of native creatures in Faerûn, this means the arrival of the "Century of Destruction."

In the eyes of almost all low-level creatures in Faerûn, purgatory demons are not a kind term.

But now, there is no need to say more about the status of these invading legions of wizard civilization that have broken out from the purgatory space and are accompanied by the purgatory demons in the eyes of the native creatures.

Extremely fierce resistance immediately broke out across the continent of Faerûn.

And as the war progresses and a large number of deaths and killings occur, the piety of the billions of creatures in Faerûn towards the gods seems to be getting higher.

After all, it is a great tradition in Faerûn to worship the gods when encountering any danger or disaster.

But alas, with the wizard

The war horn of civilization is sounding all over the continent of Faerûn.

Those high-altitude gods worshiped by billions of creatures seem to be of no use.

Just during the second-level space war in Purgatory, more than two hundred stars fell from the sky in Faerun.

Those falling from the sky are not real stars, but actually the Kingdom of God!

The fall of every star marks the fall of a god.

Then, a war took place on the three outer fronts of the purgatory space.

This caused more than 500 stars in Faerûn to fall frequently during those more than ten years.

Stars fall, gods catastrophe.

Such an exaggerated number of gods were eliminated from Faerûn in a very short period of time.

Even the "Holy Catastrophe" a hundred thousand years ago did not reach such an exaggerated level.

Of course, these fallen gods, especially the indigenous gods who were later killed by Thane and others after they led their troops out of the purgatory space.

Most of them are gods with weak divine power, which is what Thain once jokingly called "castrated fourth-level creatures."

But such exaggerated results and hundreds of crystal-resplendent gods.

While it caused great pressure and fear for the natives of Faerun, it also further stimulated the greed and war enthusiasm of the wizarding civilization's participating legions.

"What the hell, these guys deserve to be called 'gods'?"

A level four wanderer who followed Thain out of a world of despair used his bone arm to penetrate the back of the head of a brown bear that was several hundred meters tall.

While stretching out his bone arm and groping for something in the other person's brain, he cursed.

Not long after, this fourth-level wanderer patted the brain of the bear god.

He took out a precious magic core.

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