The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2614 Ordering a Fortress

In addition to building a star port, while Master Wharton and others were in front of him, Thane mentioned to them the matter of ordering multiple space fortresses.

And the space fortress ordered by Thane is not as simple as one or two.

But there are dozens or hundreds of them.

According to the price of standard space fortresses in the Wizarding World, if so many space fortresses are ordered, even if Master Wharton and others can give Thain a discount, the total cost will be hundreds of millions of magic coins.

"The Civilization War has just ended, and the overall demand for space fortresses in our wizarding world should be experiencing a decline."

"Including several heavy industry laboratories in our Sky City, we also plan to reduce the order for space fortresses in the past thousand years."

"Why, Master Thain, you..." Wharton said in surprise.

"I may conduct a war activity in the near future. Naturally, the more war platforms such as space fortresses, the better."

"And they can also be integrated into the mysteries of my Union Fortress Group." 🅆

"Master Wharton, you don't have to worry, I will pay the deposit in advance." Thain smiled.

"It's not that I'm worried about the payment, I'm just a little surprised."

"Or are you saying, Master Thain, that you plan to build your own Tower of True Spirit?"

"If we really want to build the Tower of the True Spirit, the more space fortresses we have, the better."

"Perhaps, Master Thain, you can also use this to win over those newly promoted fourth-level experts after the Civilized War to join the True Spirit Tower force you formed!" Master Wharton said with his eyes shining.

With the end of the war with the Gallente Federation, a large number of knights and magicians died on the battlefield.

The current situation of wizard civilization is that although the surviving knights and magicians are all "elite".

However, it is an undeniable fact that the number of knights and magicians in the entire civilization has plummeted.

And while absorbing the majesty of the Gallente Federation,

After nourishment, it is conceivable that in the next thousands or tens of thousands of years, the wizard civilization will definitely be in a period of rapid expansion and the explosion of new powerful people.

The best thing about this civilized war is that it lasted just over 10,000 years.

The lifespan of Level 3 creatures in the Wizarding World is exactly 10,000 years.

Therefore, those low-level magicians below level four who survived can be said to have experienced the baptism of civilized war.

Their success rate in advancing to level four is far greater than in peacetime.

Not to mention, in order to promote the breakthrough of these new powerful people, the incentives provided by the wizard civilization in terms of rules and materials are also far more generous than before the civilized war!

This can also be understood as the wizard civilization gained a huge amount of resources and benefits during the war.

Now is the time when you have a lot of money and don’t know where to spend it.

Master Wharton just mentioned that the overall price of the Sky City and the space fortress industry in the Wizarding World will show a downward trend in the thousand years after the end of the war.

But it is foreseeable that this price reduction phenomenon will not last long.

As long as there are new level 4 or above strong people who break through, as long as the number of new strong people is increasing, the level 4 or above creatures of the wizard civilization will far exceed the state before the outbreak of the civilized war.

Then the development of the space fortress industry will never usher in a recession!

Therefore, even if the civilized war has ended, the space fortress manufacturing industry of the wizard civilization has never stopped to take a breath.

On the contrary, because of absorbing a large amount of cutting-edge technology from the Gallente Federation, every wizard world fortress builder is now full of energy.


The emergence of a large number of new space fortresses also marks the innovation and progress of wizard civilization technology.

From this point of view, Thane was still at a bit of a disadvantage when he ordered the space fortress just after the war.

Perhaps the standard space fortress that was built hundreds of years ago and the standard space fortress that will be built a thousand years from now are completely different from the latest model of space fortress.


Thane was not as far ahead as Master Wharton thought at this time.

He himself has not thought about the construction of his True Spirit Tower, and the reason why he wants so many space fortresses.

It's just Thane preparing for the next war in Faerûn.

With Thain's current mechanical system achievements and Rubik's Cube strength, it is enough to help him control more space fortresses and conduct battlefields.

Not to mention, in addition to Thane's own power, he also has so many advanced intelligent robots of level four or above to assist him in combat.

And there are not many dozens of space fortresses... The total number of advanced intelligent robots under Thane's command has now exceeded three hundred!

This does not include those intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

The future development of Thain still has a long way to go!

At this time, Thain's ordering so many space fortresses from Master Wharton can also be regarded as a "side ball".

Because the Wizarding World expressly stipulates that the latest model of space fortress, and its advanced models within three generations, may not be sold to members of the Wizards Alliance.

The gods from the member planes of the Wizards Alliance can only order older models of space fortresses.

And those who can't even join the Wizards Alliance, the fourth-level and above creatures outside the distant alien star field, are even worse.

The space fortress they obtained from the wizard civilization was even an "old antique" from ten generations ago.

It's very easy

Something easy to understand.

Just like the Gallente Federation, it never sold its most advanced weapons to other civilizations in the past.

The wizarding civilization must also maintain its advanced position in the field of magic technology.

The space fortresses now customized by Thane must be the latest models.

But what if in the future, the intelligent robot family under Thane joins the Wizards Alliance.

Even Thane himself has to act in accordance with the rules of wizard civilization.

Unless he can independently research and build a space fortress... without purchasing it through the official channels of the wizard civilization.

In addition to arming his own legion, there were hundreds of wanderers brought out of the desperate world by Thane.

Once they settle in the Wizarding Alliance, Thane also prefers that they each have a space fortress of their own.

It not only improves their own strength, but also strengthens Thane's own strength.

But those space fortresses cannot let Thane spend money.

More than six hundred space fortresses... Just thinking about it, Thain found that number quite terrifying.

Even with his wealth, he might go bankrupt.

Now he can't even arm all the advanced intelligent robots under his command.

However, those guys who come out of a desperate world also have money.

Some of them should have realized that what they gained in the desperate world and the philosopher's stones they brought out have a huge market in the wizarding civilization.

But, can they be persuaded to spend their own money and take the initiative to apply to the Wizards Alliance to order a space fortress?

This is what Thain needs to consider next.

Perhaps, the war in Faerûn that will take place soon will help them make this decision.

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