The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 257 Flame Creatures

"Is this the plane suppression effect mentioned by the instructor?" In the sky, with a flame shield wrapped around his body, Thane was like a meteorite, flying towards the continent of the poisonous green flame world.

A special and indescribable pressure appeared around him after Thane entered the world of poisonous green flames.

When I was in the space fortress before, this feeling of strangeness and discomfort was not very obvious.

But since he flew out of the space fortress and experienced the environment of this alien plane alone, Thain felt that it was obviously different from the wizarding world.

If Thane was just a magic apprentice, this level of pressure would undoubtedly greatly affect his strength and physical condition.

But at this time, Thain was already an official magician. With his strong mental power and good physique, Thain's strength and condition were not affected too much.

If we have to use data to measure it, it can be said that Thain's status at this time should be maintained at about 85% of his level.

This is already a good situation.

If it is some extremely difficult and powerful world with extremely sound laws, after alien creatures enter it, their strength may be suppressed by up to 50%!

The target that Thane was flying towards at this time was a pitch black volcano directly below him.

The three space fortresses are about to complete their descent. Thain and other magicians set out from the space fortress first. One of their tasks is to clear out all threats around the place where the space fortress has descended.

The jet-black volcano in front of me, with an altitude of about two thousand meters, is within the range of the space fortress of the Holy Tower of Green Fire.

There were about a dozen other magicians who were responsible for cleaning up the volcano at the same time as Thane.

In addition to these formal magicians, there are also thousands of slave creatures of various types gathered in the area near the volcano at this time.

According to the instructions of the crystal ball and the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire, formal magicians such as Thane have certain command rights over these slave creatures.

"Everyone is responsible for the danger investigation in the surrounding area, centered on their own landing point."

"Go faster! In the early stages of arrival, we have other tasks to complete." The voice of a second-level magician appeared in Thain's crystal ball.

For the convenience of combat, the crystal balls of these magicians participating in the war will automatically connect to the nearest area.

of other magicians.

The greater purpose of this move is that when danger approaches, the weak magician can call for surrounding support through the crystal ball in time.

All magicians, including Thane, had no objection to the assignment of this second-level magician.

The Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire had already optimized its personnel configuration before ordering the magician troops to attack.

Thain did not see the figure of the third-level great magician near this volcano. It is estimated that they have other tasks to complete.

Taking the pitch-black volcano where Thane is about to descend as an example, the strongest magician around the volcano should be the second-level magician.

Apart from this, other magicians, including Thane, are only at level one.

Finally, Thain landed on a col in the western part of this pitch-black volcano.

In the directions of east, west, north and south, Thain took the picture of the poisonous fire and green flame world he saw outside the plane as the correct one.

For now, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual happening in the mountain col in front of me.

Also, three huge space fortresses are just suspended in mid-air.

Now there are more slave biological legions, sweeping past.

I don’t know what native creatures usually live on this volcano.

The stronger ones may have already received the call from the guardians and participated in resisting the invasion of the alien legion.

The weaker ones are probably hiding in some dark underground caves, shivering.

"During the previous gathering at the master gate, the masters and the others said that there were no outstanding native biological groups born in the world of poisonous fire and green flames."

"This is a low-level plane where different types of fire creatures cohabit and survive. The overall ecology and plane development model are somewhat similar to the Warcraft clan in the Wizarding World."

"Is this an ordinary stone from the poisonous green flame world? Judging from its texture and hardness, it looks a bit like obsidian, a special magical material in the wizarding world." Thain picked up a dark stone at his feet and said.

Now was obviously not the time to do research. After Thain threw the stone into the space bracelet, he picked up his energy and carefully observed his surroundings.

The so-called "excellent native biological groups" actually refer to special races similar to the "human beings" in the wizarding world that have taken over the dominance of this plane.

In the wizarding world, whether they are demi-humans, sea tribes, monsters, or other lineage creatures, their status is actually below that of humans in the wizarding world.

This is because human beings have developed two powerful professions, knights and magicians, and promoted the establishment of a powerful wizard civilization!

The first-level magician's mental power is extremely powerful. As shown by Thain's reconnaissance skills, while patrolling the nearby area, he discovered dozens of unique fire creatures.

These fire creatures range from a few centimeters to half a meter in length. They are relatively small creatures and most of them hide in crevices and caves.

No matter which plane they are in, creatures above level one must be the pride among ordinary creatures.

Ten thousand creatures below level one may not be able to give birth to one creature above level one.

Biological evolution is not that easy.

In a world as powerful as the Wizarding World, the birth rate of creatures above level one is not exaggerated, not to mention these weaker mid-level and low-level planes.

In fact, millions of slave biological legions are not necessarily needed. Only 200,000 magician troops are enough to occupy and suppress all resistance forces in the poisonous green flame world.

With the assistance of the slave creature army, the losses of the magicians can be reduced, and the magicians can be assisted in dealing with some low-level creatures from other planes that are larger in number and more difficult to deal with.

When he saw various types of flaming creatures, Thain was very interested in killing them at first and then threw them into the space bracelet.

However, as more and more flame creatures appeared, Thain lost much interest in those gadgets with extremely low life levels.

Only individuals whose overall strength can match the intermediate level of Warcraft will be looked at by Thain twice, and after killing them with fireballs, they will be thrown into the space bracelet as his trophy.

"Are the creatures in this plane naturally extremely resistant to fire elemental magic?" After releasing another fireball spell, Thain frowned slightly as he glanced at the elk-like flame creature that had turned into charcoal. said.

Just as Thain put the flame elk into the space bracelet, an urgent message suddenly came from the crystal ball.

"A group of flame salamander families with first-level creatures were found here, and they are in urgent need of nearby support!" A male magician's voice came from the crystal ball.

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