The Little Ancestor Teaches You How To Live

Chapter 212 Huo Chengyi’s Promise (1)

He was shocked, but not angry.

Huo Chengyi reached out and touched Huo Ting's head.

Huo Ting was confused by the sudden touching of his head.

His expression was a little unnatural, but he didn't dodge.

Huo Chengyi said: "At Ting, Dad is not angry. Dad is very sorry and very happy. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to your true thoughts. I'm glad that you finally made friends and learned to stand up and protect your friends."

"If you tell me, I can do it!" Huo Ting turned away and used an angry expression to cover up his shyness and embarrassment at the moment.

Huo Chengyi could tell from his son's arrogant expression that the little boy was very grateful for his apology.

Huo Chengyi smiled softly.

His smile confused everyone.

Huo Ting also looked at his father blankly.

He remembered his father rarely smiling like this.

He usually has a straight face and a very serious look.

Su Su said: "Don't laugh! We are talking about important things!"

This uncle is not obedient at all!

"Okay, I don't laugh." Huo Chengyi agreed, "Then I apologize and make corrections. Will you and Ating forgive me?"

"Of course I will! If you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good boy!" Su Su replied.

"Then from now on, I will reduce my workload every day and spend more time with Ating. If I can't come to the scene, I will video chat with him remotely. Do you think that's okay?"

Huo Chengyi asked Su Su's opinion seriously.

"Okay!" Su Su nodded and approved Huo Chengyi's correction plan.

This uncle is quite well-behaved, he changed his mind as soon as he said it, and he is a good boy.

Su Su took out a candy from her pocket and handed it to Huo Chengyi: "This is your reward."

Huo Chengyi looked at Tang in a daze.

After pausing for a second, he reached out his hand and took it from Su Su's hand.

"Reward?" Huo Chengyi asked Su Su while looking at the candy.

"Well, be good and you can have sweet candies!" Su Su explained.

"Okay." Huo Chengyi smiled and accepted this candy with special meaning.

Huo Ting watched from the side and said dullly: "Little thing, you haven't even given it to me to eat!"

"You are not good." Su Su thought for a while and replied.

"Have I not been very good lately? Don't you agree that I am your friend?"

Huo Ting was not happy anymore. He changed everything as this little guy said!

He even walks Dahei in the yard recently!

Apart from scaring that woman, he had never scared anyone else!

"Then..." Su Su fell into thinking.

"Also, my dad just said he would change it and you gave it to him! I've already changed it and you still don't give it to me!"

Huo Ting also didn't expect that one day he would become jealous of his father because of a candy.

Huo Chengyi looked at his son, and the smile on his face became more obvious.

It was really the right time to put aside all my work and come to this trip today.

Of course, he still had to thank the cute little girl in front of him.

"Su Su, thank you. As a thank you, you can make three arbitrary requests to me." Huo Chengyi said to Su Su.

Make three arbitrary requests to Huo Chengyi? ? ?

Oh My God!

Everyone in the Qin family was shocked.

The servant bodyguards brought by Huo Chengyi were also shocked.

Butler Liu was particularly shocked because this was the first time he knew that Mr. Huo had made such a promise to someone!

Their boss, Mr. Huo, is famous for his promises worth thousands of dollars, and getting such a promise from him is worth more than ten thousand dollars!

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