The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family

Chapter 679 A large wave of ladies from Xiaoan Village are about to arrive at the scene

Yan Yu's eyes lit up when he heard that Fourth Uncle Qi said that his father had organized a trade fair with so many tricks!

"Mother, mother, let's go over and have a look. It must be interesting."

Li Xuemei was very moved.

When you come, you will get pregnant, give birth to a child, and be in confinement.

He keeps wandering around the house and rarely goes out.

It's really frustrating.

Li Xuemei stuffed Xiao Ya'er into Grandma Rong's arms.

He turned around and started picking it up.

The mother-in-law left as soon as she said so.

Qi Si came to the Yan family first, and then the Cui family. He could stop here and turned back to his own house to talk to his wife and sister-in-law.

Mrs. Cui’s loud voice shouted from her own yard to far outside the yard.

"Big dog, you run fast. Go to your father's place and bring our donkey cart back. Little dog, go get the rope and tie up all our thick quilts. Mom goes out and will be back in a moment. You two should wear thicker clothes, you are already big, don't let mother worry about you, by the way, go to the waiter's house, forget it, I'll go by myself."

As she spoke, she pushed open the back door of Yan's house.

He shouted inside: "Xiaoer, wait for us when we go to Huju later. Let's go together."

There was no need to ask the waiter if he was going. As a child's aunt, she knew everything.

"Okay, auntie! Just shout when everyone is here and I'll be waiting at home!"

Yan Yu responded simply and knew her aunt's habits.

"Teacher, let me clean it up for you, and let's watch the fun together." Yan Yu happily climbed onto the kang and took away the quilt Li Xuemei had prepared for Miss Mu.

"Please put on an extra coat outside, it's very cold at night." Yan Yu naturally found the sheepskin jacket she had just put in from the kang cabinet.

Yes, she has the same style and made one for her teacher.

"I'll go talk to mother. We all wear the same clothes."

She saw the child skipping away, and the wind brought her clear laughter: "Hahaha! The sheepskin jacket is really here to bring the goods, why don't you thank me properly! Mom, is my father's sheepskin jacket at home? ? Let’s bring it to him!”

Ms. Mu put on the sheepskin coat, felt the warmth, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

When Mrs. Cui came back from making arrangements, her eyes widened when she saw the waiter at the entrance of the courtyard.

He slapped his thigh: "Oh, why did I forget this! Coyotito! Coyotito! Quick, find all the sheepskin coats for us. Let's all wear those!"

"Where's your brother? Has he come back? Not yet? Oh, this brat is just like your father, how can he be so good!"

She turned around and walked quickly instead of going back to her home.

"Sisters, hurry up and put on those sheepskin jackets we made before. We all have the same style, hahaha! This is good. You can see it from far away at night, so you don't have to worry about getting lost!"

"Aunt!" Yan Yu stood at the door of the courtyard waiting for her aunt.

He put his two little hands together and shouted loudly: "My family has a stove and is going to sell grilled fish and grilled mushrooms! Don't forget to bring it to the mountain goods at home! Bring whatever is convenient for you to sell there, don't go in vain one time!"

Many ladies heard this and started talking about it.

"Do you have any leftover vegetable soup? Give it to me. I'll take the pot with me and make soup to sell in the evening. It's cold at night. A bowl of warm vegetable soup will be delicious. It will definitely sell well. Alas, Can any of you lend me a few bowls?"

"We don't have to think about it anymore. We just pick the waiter's ready-made ones. She sells grilled fish and grilled mushrooms, and we grill and sell rabbits on skewers. If any of you have any ideas, let's catch two rabbits together as a family, whether we can sell them or not. After that, how about we sell them together and then split the accounts?"

In fact, it would be better to use money to buy other people's rabbits and start your own business, but the ladies in Xiaoan Village are used to picking on them, so what if they can't be sold? Can I return the purchase? How unsightly that is!

Why don't we all work together? We need manpower to set up stalls. All the men in the family have run away with Yan Er. It would be more fun for the sisters to save business together.

"Hit! Then I'll carry two rabbits!"

"Count me in!"

"And I!"

"Eldest Nier, Er Nier, let's make pancakes tonight."

"Mom, people here in Guanzhou are not used to our pancakes. How can the rich people from the south like them?"

The girls in Xiaoan Village are much more knowledgeable than before. Not only do they dare to speak, but they are also able to write. Even their own parents must listen to what they say and cannot take it seriously.

"People outside can buy it if they like it. If they don't, it's enough for the people in our village."

This is true.

They went to the town's big fair, and it seemed that people in their village were still willing to spend money.

I have to say that life has been better since I came to Guanzhou than at home.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! My bunny, bunny! Let's go, mother, take it away, Master! Mother, catch my rabbit! Master! Save! Save!"

Yan Yu can identify people by listening to their voices.

This is undoubtedly Hu Xiaoni.

"Mom, I'll lend you a pair first, and I'll give you two back when I get back." The mother-in-law said in a deceptive way.

Hu Xiaoni was stunned with tears in her eyes. She couldn't figure it out for a moment, her face was cute.

"Hahahahaha!" Yan Yu smiled happily: "Come on, Xiaoni, I have some candy here, do you want to eat it?"

Hu Xiaoni immediately turned her head and rolled her face with her sleeves. The tears in her eyes were still there, and she was filled with smiles in an instant. She ran over quickly with her legs: "Tangtang, I'll eat it!"

Yan Yu stuffed her with a piece of maltose.

The little girl was so happy that she hugged her softly.

With a happy smile on her face, she said, "Sweet!"

Who cares about the life and death of the rabbit? A piece of candy will kill all the friends.

"Come home with your father quickly. Don't cry. I'll give you sweets in the future." Yan Yu coaxed her.

Hu Xiaoni turned around three times and was led home by her father.

The ladies in Xiaoan Village here have already set up their cars and packed their things.

The thick quilt was wrapped around the body, and the whip rope in his hand basically did not need to be whipped.

The Yan family's cow mooed twice and took a step forward, and the cows, donkeys and mules behind it knew to follow.

Occasionally, the dog raised by the waiter, who is ignorant, comes over and barks.

Everyone is used to it.

The Yan family's dog is worthy of being the dog king of the village, but when it comes to taking care of things, the sheep are better herded than the children who grew up outside the customs, and they can run wherever they are told.

After Gou Zhu organized his team, he ran back and jumped up from the car.

Yan Yu stretched out her hand, and just barely managed to pass the dog's head over to her, letting her touch it, and then he lay down next to her, silently.

Official Mu was not surprised.

This student of hers raised dogs and trained falcons, and was more playful than the young ladies and gentlemen in the imperial city.

"Teacher Mu, when we get to the place, the waiter and I will set up the stall first, and you can go and have a look." Li Xuemei said.

She knew in her heart that the exhibition her father had put up for the waiter was just those things, and even if she had seen them, they were just for a night of fun.

It's far less economical than setting up a stall and earning some copper coins.

Ms. Mu admired the Yan family's kindness and humiliation very much.

Yan Huaian became the seventh rank general flag, but neither Li nor the waiter were as ordinary as usual. Even Yan Zongqi himself did not have the arrogance of being an official.

Right now, the mother and daughter are still very excited to set up a stall to sell food.

The Yan family’s family tradition and character are very rare!

The chapter name is a bit long!

Ahahaha~ I completed the double update early today, Nesness~(〃'▽'〃)~

As in the previous chapter: Asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket, lower your head and point fingers! ()

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