Chapter 189 The second tip

Baili Luo Ji was not Lou Gan’s opponent.

Having been forced to retreat by Lou Gan, he had no way to defend himself against the long sword that Lou Gan wielded again.

Lou Gan smiled sarcastically in the midst of his anger, "So what if you, Xiliang, win this battle? It's just the result of those madmen from the Hua family risking their lives. In the eyes of His Highness, you are nothing but a waste. Not worth mentioning at all!”

At the same time as he finished speaking, the knife also struck at Baili Luo Ji.

Baili Luo Ji's heart trembled, and an unprecedented panic spread throughout his body.

When the lieutenants saw this, they all exclaimed loudly.

 It’s just that they are too far away and there is no way they can get there.


 Blood splattered everywhere and the yellow sand was stained with blood.

Baili Luo Ji actually grabbed the soldier fighting beside him and blocked Lou Gan's sword.

Lou Gan was not surprised when he saw this. He just smiled and said, "The royal family in Xiliang are really cruel."

 Baili Luo Ji turned over and jumped up without a care, and threw the soldier who was split in two aside like garbage, "As a soldier, you must protect the royal family on the battlefield."

 Lou Gan raised his eyebrows and sneered.

This is the Xiliang imperial power that the Hua family swears loyalty to.

It is so worth mentioning.

Compared with the royal family of Xiliang, he admired the Hua family who were determined to die even more.

 Suddenly, a soldier galloped over on horseback.

Lou Gan raised his hand and crotch Baili Luo Ji to hit him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the soldier again.

If the Hua family wasn't such an eyesore, what could a Xiliang prince do to him?

With this in mind, Lou Gan kicked Baili Luo Ji in the belly again as he flew towards him. Taking advantage of the moment when Baili Luo Ji fell to the ground, he smiled condescendingly and sarcastically, "If it weren't for the Hua family, , Who do you think you are? The royal family in Xiliang can only show off their power in Xiliang. "

These words were enough for half of the soldiers in the main camp of Xiliang to hear clearly.

 Baili Luo Ji was furious, "The Hua family is just my watchdog in Xiliang!"

 How can a family of deposed ministers who have been expelled from the throne compare with him as a dignified prince!

Lou Gan looked at Baili Luo Ji and sneered, "Even if you are a watchdog, you are able to get to where you are now because of your Xiliang watchdogs."

 Baili Luo Ji's anger rushed straight to his temples, and he wished he could kill all the men of the Hua family right now!

Several other lieutenants who were resisting Xianbei soldiers not far away felt bad when they saw this.

 The third prince of Xianbei is simply sowing discord!

At the same time, the soldier delivering the military report rang out urgently, "Report! Xianbei continues to send more troops to seize food and grass. The dangerous tiger road thirty miles away is difficult to resist. I hope His Highness the Seventh Prince will send troops to support quickly!"

At this time, only the defeated troops of Lou Gan and Xianbei were left in the main camp of Xiliang. Only half of Xiliang's 20,000 elite troops were lost. At this time, if additional men were sent to the dangerous tiger road thirty miles away to support the Hua family men, , Xiliang will definitely win a complete victory against Xianbei this time.

After hearing this, several lieutenants wanted to make a request to go.

 In the end, before they could speak, Baili Luo Ji said, "Inform the Hua family that there are no troops to send to the main camp!"

 For a moment, everyone in the main camp was stunned.

“Your Majesty, Seventh Highness, we only need to send out five thousand elite troops this time, and the Hua family guarding the front will definitely win a complete victory!”

“Your Majesty, the Seventh Highness, must not accept Lou Gan’s plan to sow discord!”

“Your Highness, please put the overall situation first!”

 The lieutenants spoke sincerely and earnestly.

It's just that at this moment, Baili Luo Ji, who has already regarded the Hua family man as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, can let the Hua family man who has the upper hand to **** his merits survive?

 Besides, his father had already committed suicide before he left. In this battle, no matter he wins or loses, no one from the Hua family will be left alive!

Lou Gan knew that his centrifugal plan had worked, so he took the opportunity to ride his horse over the gate of the main camp in Xiliang and galloped away.

Faced with the dangerous Lou Gan, no one from the Xiliang main camp was chasing him. They looked in disbelief at His Highness the Seventh Prince who issued the order, and their military morale instantly weakened.

For his own selfish interests, His Highness the Seventh Prince put other men of the Hua family in danger...

Facing such cruel and selfish imperial power, they didn’t know why they were still fighting.

Baili Luo Ji gritted his teeth and stood up, looked at the crowd and said, "Those mad dogs from the Hua family are meant to serve their crimes, and it is their greatest honor that my father allows them to come to Huaishang! Killing Lou Gan this time is the first and most important thing to do." "Everyone listens to my order and joins me in attacking the main city of Huaishang and killing Lou Gan!" After saying this, Baili Luo Ji gritted his teeth and mounted his horse, riding towards the gate of Huaishang first.

 Seeing this, the other lieutenants had no choice but to follow behind.

The seventh prince died tragically. Even if they were victorious, how could they survive?

 It's just a pity that the flower family...

 I hope that in the next life I will no longer be a minister, but a general!

Tianyu, who had gone and returned with Fan Zhao, was hiding in a corner of the main camp at the moment.

She looked at the people leaving the main camp in disbelief, her heart aching and tears flowing wildly.

 She came all the way because what she wanted was to be reunited with her father and uncles, not to watch everyone die tragically in front of them.

No wonder the uncle sent his cronies to take her and Fan Zhao back to the main camp last night.

It turns out that the uncle had expected it a long time ago, right?

Tianyu opened the brocade bag in his hand like crazy, and his tears fell into the yellow sand at his feet and were instantly submerged.

 The third sister must have a solution!

Three sisters…

 The moment Tianyu opened the kit and saw the note, his body froze suddenly.

She looked at the only word in the kit in disbelief for a long while, and then burst into tears with despair in her eyes.

Fan Zhao looked at the brocade bag with only one word "Shou", and his heart ached.

 The master may have already anticipated the selfishness of the royal family and the ruthlessness of the prince, so he wrote this word.

Looking at the unstable point in the middle of the word "Shou", Fan Zhao gritted his teeth and his eyes became hot.

How could the master who had foreseen everything endure the heart-wrenching pain and write this word?

 It's just that now Xianbei has thrown all its troops into the front. How can a mere few thousand elite soldiers resist?


A loud noise suddenly came from the main gate of Huaishang.

Fan Zhao stood up and looked around, and saw huge rocks falling from the main city gate of Huaishang.

The stone weighing dozens of kilograms not only smashed the Xiliang soldiers who were accompanying Baili Luo Ji into a pulp, but also completely blocked their retreat.

 Baili Luo Ji never expected that Lou Gan would still have a hand, and immediately turned his horse's head in panic.

Suddenly, a huge force rushed towards his back.

 Baili Luo Ji was unable to support himself at all, and fell directly from his horse to the ground.

Looking up, he saw Lou Gan slowly walking towards him amidst the falling gravel.

While standing in front of Baili Luo Ji, Lou Gan raised his foot and stepped on Baili Luo Ji's chest. The sarcasm in his eyes was even worse, "I would like to thank His Highness the Seventh Prince of Xiliang for letting those difficult people The Hua family is isolated and helpless, so what does it matter if all my Xianbei soldiers are killed in the battle? As long as you are in my hands, Xiliang is destined to be slaughtered by me, Xianbei!"

Upon hearing this, Baili Luo Ji waved the long knife in his hand, "Lou Gan, don't get carried away!"

Faced with the weak attack, Lou Gan didn't even bother to dodge, and raised his foot again to roll Baili Luoji towards the main city gate of Huaishang.


 Baili Luo Ji's eyesight went dark and he finally lost consciousness.

Lou Gan sneered and said, "Come here!"


“Place His Highness the Seventh Prince of Xiliang in a water prison and serve him well.”


Fan Zhao and Tianyu, who were still in the main camp, were frightened when they saw this.

Tianyu couldn't wait to rush over and cut that good-for-nothing seventh prince into pieces right now.

 Because of him, all the efforts of my father and uncles were in vain...

Fan Zhao gritted his teeth, turned around with Tianyu and ran towards the dangerous tiger road.

 (End of this chapter)

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