The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 508 Laundering Zhenjin

The leopard is a black panther, with strong limbs and shiny fur.

People are beautiful, well-proportioned and perfect in temperament.

At first glance, Tchaka knew that the black-clothed woman in front of him was the black panther goddess he believed in.

For no other reason than the sixth sense.

After all, he grew up eating food that was mutated by Lilith, and then swallowed the heart-shaped herbs. Lilith's secondary bloodline was kept in his body, and some sensations were normal.

Not only T'chaka, but the captain of the guard, Makaba, and the high priest Badu also felt the same way.

The three exchanged glances, then bowed their heads and called out in Wakanda, "See the goddess."

Lilith spit out the oddly pronounced Wakanda: "Get up."

T'Chaka quickly stood up obediently. He hadn't forgotten what Lilith said just now. He quickly turned to look at Leo and bowed deeply: "Thank you Guardian."

In his heart, Leo not only saved the earth, he was also powerful, and more importantly, he helped the goddess of the panther, and he deserved to be worshipped.

Leo had a smile on his face, raised his right hand, and the mechanical force acted on the metal ornaments on Tchaka's shoulders, helping him up.

Tchaka looked at Leo with a look of surprise, then turned his head left and right to look at his shoulders, secretly thinking that this is really a magic trick.

At this moment, the two children T'Challa and Shu Rui rashly ran up the steps, and Carol flew away. The two of them were both excited and disappointed, and the one who ran was faster.

T'Challa had sharper eyes than his sister, and saw Lilith riding a black panther at the first sight. He stretched out his fingers and shouted, "Look, sister, it's a goddess!"

Su Rui raised his head quickly, but didn't pay attention to his feet. He accidentally tripped over the last step, fell and gnawed on the mud. Half of his front teeth fell, and the pain caused tears to flow out.

However, she was strong, but she held back her tears and was supported by her brother. The two hurriedly walked behind their father.

Although Su Rui wiped away her tears, she still kept staring at Lilith, crying and laughing, looking very funny.

Seeing this, Tchaka was a little embarrassed. He couldn't bear to blame his own children, and he was even more afraid of causing Lilith's displeasure, so he quickly explained: "Goddess, these are my two children,

The child's lively personality makes the goddess laugh. I hope you don't take offense. "

Tchaka is also in chaos, how could Lilith blame the child? She has never seen a human with her "eyes" for hundreds of thousands of years. It's too late to be happy when she sees it at this time.

If Leo hadn't insisted on her maintaining the so-called goddess majesty, she would have laughed happily.

Children are the cutest, and Lilith is even less likely to blame.

"It doesn't matter," Lilith waved her hand, trying her best to maintain her goddess model based on the theoretical knowledge Leo gave her. "Children are the future of Wakanda. I ran into them just as I recovered from my old injury today. related to them.”

"In that case, I will give them two gifts." After speaking, Lilith waved her hand gently, and two light blue rays of light emerged from the ground and poured into the two brothers and sisters T'Challa and Shu Rui. in vivo.

The two rays of light were actually the rich essence of life. The essence of life entered the body, and T'Challa and Su Rui immediately felt warm.

Especially Su Rui, the half of the front teeth she accidentally knocked out just now grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't hurt at all.

Maybe it was because Lilith was really happy, or because the two brothers and sisters T'Challa and Shu Rui had the protagonist's halo body protection, and the two life essences given by Lilith were much more special.

A small part of it was immediately absorbed by Tchaka and Su Rui, and more was stored in their hearts, slowly transforming their bodies with each beating of their hearts.

T'Challa and Shu Rui haven't realized how much benefit this is, but their father T'Challa is like a mirror in his heart.

T'Challa winked wildly at T'Challa and Su Rui, and the two children did not disappoint their father, and said in unison, "Thank you, beautiful goddess sister."

Lilith was overjoyed.

T'Chaka almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

But after seeing that Lilith was not angry because of the title of "beautiful goddess sister", Tchaka was relieved and couldn't help but muttered in his heart: Even if she is a god, she is still a woman!

At this time, the high priest Badu took a step forward, bowed to Lilith to the end, and spoke in an ancient Wakanda tone: "I, Badu, is your faithful servant of the goddess. Kanda should be celebrated by the whole family. Therefore, I am going to prepare a sacrificial ceremony for you, the goddess, I wonder if the goddess will allow it."

The matter of the sacrificial ceremony was actually negotiated by T'Chaka with Badu yesterday. T'Chaka knew that Leo was going to rescue his goddess, and he had already made various plans in case of emergency.

Coincidentally, Leo was thoughtful enough and told Lilith many plans when he was underground, and one of them tried this situation.

"The sacrificial ceremony can be done," Lilith said according to Leo's instructions, "but I don't like to be noisy, you can do it yourself, I will only appear at the beginning.

Afterwards, live your life in Wakanda as you please, and don't come to the temple to disturb me unless it's a matter of great importance. "

Badu immediately bowed again: "Follow the goddess oracle."

Tchaka also nodded secretly on the side, very satisfied with the result.

Although he worships the Black Panther Goddess, and even everyone in Wakanda worships the Black Panther Goddess, but in fact, after the Black Panther Goddess might actually appear, the result of the elders' discussion is that they do not want the Goddess to interfere in Wakanda. Da's government.

If it was hundreds of years ago, the Presbyterian Church would definitely not have this attitude.

But times have changed, especially the emergence of Skynet and aliens, and Wakanda is destined to change.

In this era, Wakanda should learn from the political systems of those countries in Europe and the United States, rather than find a god and regress toward the primitive society.

The goddess of the Black Panther is happy and quiet, and she has no strong possessiveness.

Thinking of this, T'Chaka looked at Lilith with more respect, this is really a great and selfless god.

However, he could never have imagined that all this was as expected by Leo, and Wakanda had been clearly arranged by Leo.

Although Lilith will not take the initiative to forcefully control Wakanda, her status in Wakanda is still detached, which is clear when you think about those Wakanda warriors who were not afraid of death yesterday.

So if necessary, Leo can easily gain short-term domination of Wakanda through Lilith, which is enough.

For a force that will develop and grow on its own, Leo can still prostitute for free at a critical moment. This conspiracy can not be described as unsuccessful.

Lilith was learning from Leo and using it now. After all, her skills were limited. At this time, she couldn't stand it anymore. She was afraid that if she communicated with Tchaka and others again, she would lose her skills if she was not careful.

So she took the initiative to say: "you all step back and prepare for the celebration. I still have something to discuss with my two friends."

Tchaka understood who the "two friends" of the goddess were, and nodded immediately, preparing to leave with the others.

But at this moment, Lilith stopped him again: "Prepare some original vibranium. He has used up the vibranium I gave to Leo a long time ago, and he needs to send him another batch."

T'Chaka nodded with a smile on his face, but his heart was bleeding.

For a long time, he had taken it for granted that Zhenjin was unique to Wakanda. At this moment, how could he not feel distressed if he wanted to take the initiative to send out a batch?

But this is an order from the goddess, and the vibration gold is catalyzed by the goddess!

Even if Tchaka's heart is broken, this Zhenjin will be sent out, and it will be sent beautifully and in a grand manner.

Tchaka resigned again, and went with people to prepare the sacrificial ceremony and the vibration gold as a gift.

And Leo was very happy on the side. In this way, the stolen vibranium on his body was immediately washed away, and he could use it freely in the future!

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