The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 164 Marvel's Most Buggy Black Technology - Pym Particles

Fury's side may be busy with other things, and Leo's call from Fury did not answer.

After half an hour, Fury's phone called again.

Fury said: "Mr. Erwin, why did you suddenly call again, is there any emergency?"

Leo only said in the morning that it would be as short as two days or as long as a week before calling Fury.

"It's not an emergency, it's just that my men accidentally killed Sienna just now, so our plan is ahead of schedule."

Leo said lightly,

"So Mr. Fury, where are you in San Francisco? Let's make an appointment and maybe have lunch together."

It is estimated that it is only ten o'clock in the morning in San Francisco. Leo flew over at this time, and it was definitely too late.

Leo said it lightly, but Fury was shocked when he heard it, and he was speechless for a long time.

The leader of the Hydra died like this, and saying it in Leo's mouth was like crushing an ant and didn't care.

But fortunately, Leo had given Fury a vaccination against Siena in the morning. Although Fury was shocked at this time, he was not speechless.

What really made Fury speechless was that Leo actually said that he could have a meal at noon? ! Can he get from New York to San Francisco so quickly? !

Fury only knew from Natasha that Leo had the ability to fly, but he didn't know that Leo could fly quickly and long distances.

So in the end Fury could only tentatively ask:

"Is Mr. Erwin in San Francisco already?"

Fury thought Leo had already planned everything and took the morning plane.

Leo smiled and replied, "No, I'm still in the company in New York."

"But New York is more than 4,000 kilometers from San Francisco..."

"It's okay, I can fly!" Leo interrupted Fury with a smile.

Fury realized that the craziest idea in his mind had not guessed wrong, and suddenly became speechless.

At this time, he subconsciously began to estimate in his mind how fast it would take to fly from New York to San Francisco in two hours.

In the end, it was calculated that this speed is faster than the speed of civil aircraft...

How terrifying!

Fury took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said:

"Lo's Burger on East 12th Street in Pacific Heights, San Francisco, at 12 noon my time, we'll see you there."

Leo had no choice but to hang up the phone after agreeing to see him or her.

After finding the exact location of the Loh Burger fast food restaurant on the computer in the laboratory, Leo looked at the time and found that there were still two and a half hours, and there was still plenty of time.

So he went back to the large Ark reactor and found Bucky, who had already tidied up this place.

Bucky did not know where to find a body bag and packed Sienna, and was ready to take the body bag away.

Bucky saw Leo coming and explained:

"There is a large freezer in the security department. Don't you say it's still useful to keep her? I'm going to take her away and put her there temporarily."

Leo nodded,

Then Bucky left.

Leo walked back to the laboratory again and told Stim:

"Go and clean up the blood on the Ark reactor, I have something to go out."

"Om~ OK, Master."

In an instant, Stim mopped the basin fully armed, and properly cleaned the handyman's attire.

"Om~ Tim is going!"

Then he rushed out of the laboratory in a hurry.

Leo smiled knowingly, put on the fifth-generation Viper armor, and went up the roof along the special elevator, and then soared into the sky.

An hour later, Leo was in San Francisco.

However, his Viper 5th-generation armor is not suitable for exposure in the public eye.

So he found an unoccupied corner and landed, and then took out a special black compressed large bag from the storage slot of the Viper 5th-generation armor.

Opening the bag, Leo instigated the tin class, dismantled the fifth-generation Viper armor into scattered pieces, and then stuffed it into the bag and carried it behind his back.

With the big black bag on his back, Leo instantly had a sense of sight of a scavenger, and he was a little embarrassed.

But Leo has no good way to solve this problem for the time being. He is studying the folding technology of battle armor, but he has not broken through the technical difficulties for the time being, so he can only do it first.

But he wouldn't just go to see Fury like this. It would be too embarrassing to meet Fury like this, and maybe he would be looked down upon by Fury.

However, Leo had already planned it, and there was a rental car shop not far from where he landed.

He rented a car in the garage with a big black bag on his back, put the big black bag in the trunk, and drove himself to the place where he and Fury had agreed to meet.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Leo stopped the car at the door of Luo Hamburg.

As soon as he walked in the door, Leo saw Fury sitting at the door.

His dark skin and slender figure were very conspicuous, and with that familiar face, it was hard to admit his mistake.

At this time, Fury looked younger and looked similar to Fury in Captain Marvel.

But Leo always felt that Fury's lush black short hair and big piercing eyes were less mature and charming than the one-eyed black charcoal chief in the future.

Leo sat directly opposite Fury, and Fury looked up at him, stretched out his right hand and asked tentatively;

"Leo Erwin?"

Leo nodded and shook hands with Fury: "Director Fury, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Fury quickly put his finger to his mouth: "Now you don't dare to be called by the director, you can just call me Fury."

"Well, you can also call me Leo." Leo smiled lightly.

Fury is a straight-forward person, and he didn't talk much with Leo, and said directly:

"Leo, what is your so-called plan, can you talk about it now?"

Leo was not in a hurry, but said, "I said I'd come with you for lunch, let's chat while eating."

He ordered a chicken burger and a cup of Happy House Water for himself. Since Americans don't have the habit of treating guests to dinner, Leo didn't go overboard and paid for it on his own.

Fury also ordered a quick meal.

The two got their own food and went back to their seats.

Leo took a bite of the hamburger and drank a sip of the Fat House Happy Water. He was not in a hurry to discuss the plan with Fury, but asked:

"Fury, how long have you been transferred here?"

"It's been almost a year, since I destroyed so many Hydra bases last time, I was transferred here by Pierce."

Fury took a bite of the burger and ate it with relish.

"Why did Pierce transfer you here?" Leo asked casually.

Freer paused for a moment, then said:

"Anyway, you will be the top of SHIELD in the future, so it's okay to tell you this first.

One of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. was named Henry Pym, but for some reasons, he left S.H.I.E.L.D. and founded Pym Technologies himself.

Nominally I was sent to spy on Dr. Pym, looking for evidence of his illicit weapons. But in fact, this is Pierce's trick to transfer me here, to arrange a spare job for me. "

"Is that Dr. Pym who invented the Pym particle?"

But Leo turned a deaf ear to Fury's dissatisfaction and complaints at this time, and just subconsciously asked the question in his heart.

Fury nodded:

"Yes! It's him. Leo, you know quite a lot about S.H.I.E.L.D., yes, even the Hydra spies of S.H.I.E.L.D. know it, and it makes sense to understand this."

But Leo didn't take Fury's words this time, because there was already an uproar in his heart.

At this time, Leo couldn't help but scold his stupidity in his heart, and even forgot the darkest black technology in Marvel - Pym particle.

This thing has been recognized as the most buggy technology in the Marvel Universe by the Marvel fans of the previous life.

It can not only change the distance between atoms, shrink and enlarge objects arbitrarily, but also change the quality of objects, and even enter the quantum realm with it, and finally travel through time and space.

Leo forgot what he left like this! ! !

If you have this technology, what kind of armor folding technology does Leo need! What more Tony Stark's Micro Reaction Ark technology!

If Leo has the manufacturing method of "Pym Particles", he can cause miniature figures to hang on his body, and he can also hang all over his body.

At that time, he will not only be able to easily realize the dream of carrying a legion, but also handsomely perform the "throwing beans to become soldiers" in the ancient oriental fairy art, which is fascinating.

And after having the Pym particle, it is enough to directly shrink the large Ark reactor. At that time, the power and total energy of the reduced Ark reactor will not be able to throw a few streets away from the miniature Ark reactor? !

No wonder Dr. Pym said that he had been protecting his technology from being stolen by the Stark family before, because if Iron Man got Pym particles, it would be really perverted.

But now, Leo has a chance to combine Iron Man technology with Pym particles.

Because Leo's way of getting Pym particles doesn't look that hard!

He has a mechanic system and mechanical force analysis skills. As long as he randomly finds an object that has been enlarged or reduced by Pym particles, he may be able to directly analyze it.

How can Dr. Pym prevent this kind of silent stealing technology? !

Thinking of this, Leo was very excited and couldn't wait to get the Pym particle.

:. :

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