The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 151 The New York City Police

After Bucky and Natasha left, the 56th residential building on Haibin Street fell into silence again.

three minutes……

five minutes……

ten minutes……

Finally, New York Police Chief Olnia came with a large number of police officers.

At this time, the police stationed in Residential Building No. 56 found the backbone.

"How is the situation now? What about the SHIELD agents?"

Olnia asked a squad leader who had called out the police early.

The squad leader briefly described what happened before the SHIELD agents came, and then continued:

"Shortly after the group of SHIELD went upstairs, there was a big explosion on the roof, and the entire tenth floor was overturned, flying high!"

The squad leader raised his hands above his head, trying to describe the spectacular scene of the explosion more convincingly.

"Then the green monster disappeared, the four-clawed monster was blown up, and finally hung upstairs.

Spider-Man was going to deal with the four-clawed monster, but the group of SHIELD agents started attacking Spider-Man. Spider-Man seemed to shout a few words to those agents, but the voice was blown away by the wind, I didn't hear it clearly, but I Guess it should be persuasion. "

When it came to Spider-Man, the team leader was a little excited and seemed a little talkative,

"Then Spider-Man got angry and jumped up to the roof, and then the group of agents went silent, it's probably the end of the game!

Later, Spider-Man wanted to kill the four-clawed monster, but the four-clawed monster was quite powerful.

The squad leader seemed to be incarnated as Spider-Man, talking about spitting and dancing.

"Say the point!"

Ornia frowned and interrupted the squad leader.

After the squad leader was interrupted, he was quite regretful, with an unfinished look on his face.

But he also knew that he couldn't provoke his immediate boss, and then he said,

"Then Spider-Man and the four-clawed monster froze. After a while, a golden halo suddenly appeared behind the four-clawed monster, and then the four-clawed monster disappeared."


Ornia couldn't believe it, and hurriedly asked,

"Have you seen anything else?"

"Oh, yes, it seems that there is a black shadow in the sky, flying around all the time, but the shadow is too fast, and there is a power outage nearby, only the moonlight illuminates it, I can't see it clearly, and I can't be sure."

Olnia's brows furrowed even tighter, and he didn't blame his subordinates for being vague and unclear.

Because what happened today is really too bizarre and too scary!

If it weren't for the existence of a Spider-Man who forcibly raised the collective san value of the New York police, it is estimated that a group of ordinary police officers would be directly frightened by this incident.

And now all the parties involved have disappeared inexplicably, and Ornia doesn't know what to do.

However, according to the description of the team leader just now, it seems that the agents of SHIELD are still upstairs, so Ornia waved his hand and shouted:

"Come with me upstairs."

A group of police with flashlights,

Immediately followed the pace of the director, and soon reached the "rooftop" on the ninth floor.

There were eight people on the "rooftop", without exception, all of them were wrapped in thick spider silk, lying or hanging, unable to move.

Ornia hurriedly sent someone to check, and found that the eight people just passed out, and secretly relieved.

But he also had no way to untie the spider silk, so he could only command:

"Find a few people to guard this building, don't let people come up, and wait for the spider silk to dissolve naturally. If these SHIELD people haven't woken up yet, call a doctor for them and send them to the hospital."

Ornia looked at the devastated ninth floor again, and couldn't help but have a headache.

The mayor used to live here, and the first police report received by the police came from the rapid alarm line in the mayor's room.

But now not only the mayor is missing, but even the four-clawed monster who intended to murder the mayor has disappeared.

The ghost knows where the four-clawed monster came from, and the ghost knows whether Mayor Osborne is now alive or dead.

But Ornia, as the NYPD chief, he must know!

If he doesn't do well in this matter, it is estimated that the position under his ass will not be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Ornia looked at the eight S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the ground, and became angry.

Although you are a special department and your rights are higher than our ordinary police, how can you be so reckless and don't know how to judge the situation at all.

If you guys don't attack Spider-Man, but help from the side, Spider-Man might have taken down that four-clawed monster long ago!

Haven't you guys of S.H.I.E.L.D. heard the phrase "Spider-Man is a good friend of the people of New York"!

Although Ornia was angry, his basic professionalism was still there. At this time, he was scolding the SHIELD agents in his heart, while carefully searching for clues on the ninth floor.

Suddenly, he swept across a broken floor with a flashlight. There seemed to be something pressing under the floor, and it shone brightly under the reflection of the flashlight.

"Come on two people and move this floor away."

After the floor was removed, with the light from the flashlight, Ornia finally saw clearly that there was a broken mechanical claw lying on the ground.

The claws have four blades, each of which is extremely sharp.

He took a look at the mechanical claw with his hand and found that he couldn't lift it at all. The claw turned out to be pure metal and was extremely heavy!

With an idea, he quickly ran to the edge of the building, and sure enough, he saw the deep claw marks on the outer wall of the building.

Now Ornia was full of surprise, as if he had found the key to breaking the game.

If you follow the paw prints back, you can definitely find the source of the four-claw monster, so you can determine the identity of the culprit.

Ornia deserves to be the person who took the position of director, it seems that he still has some real materials.

"Come on some people, follow me along the traces of the claws to search the same way."

Do what he thinks, and Olnia doesn't procrastinate at all, which is also one of his strengths.

But before he could go downstairs, someone rushed upstairs.

Ornia took a closer look, and it turned out that it was an old man with white temples who was upstairs, and it was Mayor Osborne's old housekeeper Bernard.

Bernard's face was full of anxiety, and he came up and asked:

"Director Ornia, where is Mr. Osborn?"

"I'm sorry, Steward Bernard, we haven't found the whereabouts of Mr. Osborne at present, and it is preliminarily determined that Mr. Osborne is missing."

Olnia responded to Berner in a standard reply format.

Bernard looked at the roof of the ruined building, his eyes blank.

Looking at Bernard's expression, it seemed that he didn't know Norman's secret, and thought that Norman was just an ordinary person.

"Director Ornia, can you send someone to look under the ruins, maybe..."

Bernard's face was full of sadness. He felt that under this destructive force, Mr. Osborne probably had little hope of surviving.

Not to mention, that four-clawed monster originally came to Master Osborn.

"Steward Bernard, the fire trucks are already on their way, and they can start clearing the rubble soon."

Ornia continued,

"Moreover, I have already grasped the clues of the criminal, and now I am preparing to lead a team to investigate the identity of the criminal. Please wait patiently for the news from the police station, and pay attention to your own safety."

After explaining two sentences, Ornia quickly took her operators to search for claw marks.

Bernard went downstairs in despair. He served the Osborn family for most of his life. It can be said that Norman grew up with him, and his heart ached at this time.

But he knew what was the most correct thing he needed to do. Now that Norman's life and death are unknown, and there is little hope of survival, the most important thing today is to call Master Harry back from Europe first and stabilize the Aussie enterprise.

Bernard took his phone out of his arms and dialed Harry's number tremblingly.

"Hello, I'm Harry, I'm not here now, please leave a message if you have anything."

But there is a time difference between Europe and the United States, and Harry may be busy with other things now and didn't get a call from Bernard in time.

Bernard took a deep breath and pressed the message button:

"Master Harry, I'm Bernard. Something happened to Mr. Osborn. Please call me back immediately when you receive the news. Osborne needs you."

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