The Legendary Life of an American Superhero

Chapter 388 I think I will be Skye Edwin


Skye opened the door with his fingerprints and walked in.

Behind him was Jiaying who came in.

The atmosphere is a bit weird, but it has nothing to do with the air in the apartment. The central air purifier in the Xingchen Building runs endlessly for three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Jiaying looked at Skye who was putting down her backpack on the sofa and was about to speak.

Skye turned around, but took the lead and said, "Aunt Jiaying, I know what you want to say, but please don't say it."

The expression on Jiaying's face froze.

next second.

Jiaying frowned.

This word...

What do you mean?

Does she know?

But... when did it happen?

When Jiaying saw this, the original anxiety and unease had long since disappeared, and what remained was full of confusion and confusion: "But I am..."

Skye nodded: "I know."

"whats the matter?"

"When you first appeared."


Skye smiled: "If you are really Lake's friend in the East Country, then when you and Lake first met, you wouldn't be so restrained, or in other words, you wouldn't be afraid of Lake."

Just look at Cassell.

When Cassell and Lake were together, they all teased each other, and I didn't see how Cassel was afraid of Lake.

Although in Skye's impression, Lake has many friends, but in her impression, among so many friends she has met, none of them are restrained and cautious when they get along with Lake.


Not without.

When Rachel, Cypher, and Hermione were with Lake, Skye felt a little cautious as a bystander. Of course, only the three of them had it, not Lake.

Skye, who had been living a careful life before the age of thirteen, had already learned a certain ability called observation, which was perhaps also engraved in his DNA, without a teacher.

Thanks to this ability, Skye was lucky enough to meet Lake at the age of thirteen. Without this ability, although there are many police in New York, she still has a lot of crimes. The criminals not only They only want to sell women from Eastern Europe here, and they also like to sell women from New York to Europe...

There is something to say.

Friendship is generous, love or... enemies?

Skye shrugged and said to Jiaying, "But, you obviously won't be Lake's lover."

There are many reasons.

To put it simply, Skye felt that Jiaying would not be Lake's food. The main reason was that Jiaying had lived in the Star Building for too long, and this was the biggest proof.

Neither Rachel nor Hermione lived here.

Skye continued: "Then, I asked me... my adoptive mother asked her to help me go to Dongguo to investigate you. That's when I learned your identity."

The adoptive mother here is Cypher.

Although Skye, Rachel and Hermione have been in contact with each other for a long time, the first adoptive mother Skye contacted also taught her the fundamentals of standing up. Wouldn't choose to chat with Hermione or Rachel.

Jiaying said directly: "Yes, I am your mother, Daisy!"

Skye frowned. "Daisy?"

Jiaying said, "Yes, Daisy Johnson, that's your name."

Skye didn't speak.

Jiaying approached: "Daisy, do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

Now that the talk is over.

Jiaying directly told Skye's 1510, including their Inhumans identities, and how humans treated them and how they robbed Skye.

During this period, Skye did not make any representations.



Jiaying said, reaching out to touch Skye's cheek, but was quickly avoided by the latter: "You know how excited I was when I saw you, my daughter, you know , how long have I been looking for?"

Skye looked at Jiaying with a calm expression, and told her own story.


To be precise, since April 1, 2005, the moment when Lake and Rachel's daughter, Helen Edwin, was born, Skye's thoughts about finding his biological parents have faded. .

By now?

Skye is looking forward to finding her biological parents more with tomorrow's family court verdict.


Skye is actually not sure. Finding his biological parents is at most Skye's obsession, and it is no longer a driving force.


Skye slowly told his story, and then looked at Jiaying firmly: "You know, I once asked Lake, if he was looking forward to the family court tomorrow, do you know how he answered?"

Jiaying did not speak.

"Lake chuckled lightly at that time, and just said that he will look forward to what he has never owned, and in his opinion, I am already his daughter."

"My first parent-teacher meeting at Midtown High was with Lake."

"When I fell behind in English, Lake was actually very poor, but he still found the best tutor for me."

"My first prom dress was bought for me by Lake."

"Lake used to spend the night with me picking any college that would give me a scholarship."

"He accompanied me and witnessed the most important growth of my life."

"I want to keep going like this."

"One day in the future, I hope, at my wedding, it's Lake who will bid me farewell."


Skye said so, his face was as usual, but his tone was very firm and looked at Jiaying: "For the family court tomorrow, in my heart, the importance is not on the graduation day, I am looking forward to it, I am really excited. Looking forward, really looking forward to it, so don't destroy my expectations, otherwise, I will hate you for the rest of my life!"

Jiaying: "..."

Skye smiled, and the expression on his face was as calm as possible: "Aunt Jiaying, do you remember the last sentence I gave at the graduation ceremony?"

The way to make yourself happy is to like yourself, and the way to like yourself is to do what makes you proud.

Jiaying caught this sentence for the first time, which should be what Skye wanted to say.

A smile appeared on Skye's face: "I am proud to be the daughter of Lake, the daughter of the Edwin family, so I am very happy, Aunt Jiaying, please don't disturb this happiness that belongs to me, okay? "

Jiaying: "..."

Homeland Security Building!

Lake sat in his office, blankly browsing the document in his hand, saying, if I go back from get off work at night, I'm afraid the building will be empty, right?

"Dong dong!"

"Come in."

Tiffany pushed the door and walked in: "Sir, there is a lady Jiaying in the lobby who wants to see you."

Lake looked up.


"Please sit down!"

Lake looked at Jiaying who was brought in by Tiffany, smiled, and invited Jiaying to take a seat in the reception area next to her.

Jiaying said thank you.



"You're welcome."

Lake handed Jia Ying a glass of bourbon just poured in his hand, and then sat down on the sofa with a smile: "Then, Ms. Jia Ying, can I ask, did you get what you wanted? ?"

Jiaying drank the bourbon from her glass without saying a word.

Although not speaking.


Lake also knew that Skye had made a choice.

This is my daughter.

Class yourself!

Lake nodded secretly in his heart, then, looking at the empty glass in front of Jiaying, he took bourbon again and filled it.

It's no big deal to rob someone's daughter and pour a drink.

Jiaying looked up and looked at Lake: "Edwin..."

Lake corrected: "Call me Lake, I said, you are my friend."

Jiaying nodded, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "I don't know what my mood should be like now."

Lake said: "As a parent, you think about your children. In your opinion, how Skye is, then you should know how you feel."

"You knew already?"

"I didn't know before I saw you, but now, I know."

"You stole my daughter."


Lake admitted this frankly. After all, it can't be changed. However, Lake looked at Jiaying and asked with interest: "I didn't talk to you before because I didn't think it was necessary, but Right now, it is necessary, Jiaying, in your imagination, if Skye and you recognize each other, then how should this story develop?"

Jiaying frowned: "What?"

How can it develop.

Of course it's a happy ending for the whole family.

Lake played with the wine glass in his hand and looked at Jiaying: "Actually, you can come here, it has already been explained that you have made a decision, otherwise, you can actually try to force Skye away, right? ?"

If Jia Ying forcibly takes Skye away, it is indeed possible, but Jia Ying did not choose to do so.

This made Lake a little curious.

Just relying on his threat, forget it, if everyone took his threat seriously, would there be so many ignorant guys running to provoke him?

Lake said to Jiaying: "You will always be Skye's biological mother. I won't deny it, but in fact, you also understand that what you're doing is very dangerous, Skye won't agree to it, right?"

Jiaying looked up at Lake.

Lake chuckled: "You can do what you want, even, I won't stop you from visiting Skye, I once told Skye that she is an independent individual and can do whatever she wants, As long as she doesn't regret it, the premise is that Skye is willing, otherwise, trust me, Jiaying, no one can bear my anger."


Lake shouted out the door, "Tiffany!"

Assistant Tiffany walked in: "Sir!"

Lake got up from the sofa: "Bring up the guests in Room 5 and let Ms. Jiaying take them away."

Tiffany nodded.

Lake looked at Jiaying and smiled slightly: "Sorry, Jiaying, I believe you can control yourself, but a white man addicted to drugs, this will be a destabilizing factor, tell me Mr. Johnson, Skye can Go see him, but he can't go to Skye, otherwise, I don't mind sending him to hell."

Jiaying: "..."

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