In the Battle of Beihai, the Ninth Supreme led his troops to join forces inside and outside, and the prehistoric cultivators were defeated in a fierce battle. They took Nanfangbuzhou as a boat and temporarily retreated for three thousand generations.

On the side of the most powerful, there were more than a dozen Taoist saints who died in the hands of Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian, and 40% of the great powers who came back from the dead died in battle, and about 60% of the army was lost.

On the prehistoric side, countless powerful monks died in the war, more than half of them were damaged in overhauls, and the army was killed or injured; on the other hand, Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian belonged to the Chaos Spirit Kingdom, Hei Ling Kingdom, which was destroyed.

The Heavenly Emperor Jade Emperor, named Haotian, retreated from the prehistoric world to cover all the cultivators.

Invincible, he ignited his primordial spirit to receive and guide the power of the heavenly way, and was eventually killed by Xu Mo, who was wiped out in ashes.

The prehistoric Wubuzhou fell, the prehistoric way of heaven was severely damaged, the heaven and earth were in chaos for a while, the yin and yang were out of balance, the five elements were chaotic, ghosts and ghosts had nowhere to go, evil spirits swarmed, and disasters everywhere.

After the most powerful Xu Mo took over the prehistoric world, he slaughtered all living beings within three days, summoned the resentful souls of the world with his great power, and organized thousands of ghost soldiers to invade the three thousand worlds.

After several months of war, Honghuang shrunk its forces, and the Three Thousand Worlds fell to nearly one-third. Because Yang Jian attacked and killed the generals of Xumo's army everywhere, the army of the most powerful was forced to stop the army for repairs, and confronted the coalition forces of Honghuang Zhongxiu in a great world called Naraku.

So far, the prehistoric situation has changed completely, the way of heaven is gradually showing signs of recovery, but the side of the most powerful is becoming more and more powerful.


In the Naraku world, in the middle of the earth, there is an abyss of thousands of miles that was cut open by the sword of the Tongtian leader during the previous battle.

The army of the most powerful is on the west side of the abyss, densely packed, standing quietly from the earth to the sky, like a frozen tsunami.

On the other side of the abyss, the monks of the prehistoric are also in a similar battle.

Although the Heavenly Court was destroyed, the righteous gods of the Heavenly Court are still there, and the Heavenly Court and the Chaotian Pavilion were quickly integrated and named Gui Hongmeng, which means to conquer the prehistoric Wubuzhou.

Now all the monks in Honghuang obey the order of Gui Hongmeng. The leader of the alliance is Yang Jian, Erlang Zhenjun in name, but Yang Jian doesn't take much care of things.

Those who are really in charge of dispatching the armies of all parties are the Tathagata of the West, the Supreme Lord, Li Jing, Ao Xinke, and several old people from Tianting and Chaotian Pavilion, a total of nine deputy leaders.

Taibai Jinxing and the Jade Emperor fell together, and the prehistoric side lost a key person who could reconcile the four parties, otherwise the deputy leader should have the position of Taibai Xingjun.

At this time, Nanfang Buzhou was suspended behind the Naraku Realm, protected by several small thousand worlds, and the human world on it did not feel any influence.

Under the spellcasting of several saints, the sun still rises from the east and sets from the west every day; the sky is still full of stars, but there are many more monks wearing Taoist robes around.

Probably, at this time, only these mortals who don't know what happened are the most innocent and lucky.

In the northwest of Nanbuzhou, in a relatively remote desert, countless ascetics recuperate here. Although several months have passed, most of the monks still cannot get out of the shadow of that battle.

If there is a saint's order at this time, let them go to the front to fight, even the seriously injured will grit their teeth and get up, and go to fight with the subordinates of the strongest.


remnants of life.

In the depths of the desert, at the boundary of heaven and earth at this time, a figure stood in front of a blood-stained dark red stone tablet, looking at the densely packed names on the stone tablet.

Half of these names have turned bright red. They are the fallen Daxiu, who once fought with the strongest in blood books to the end.

Finally, the strongest appeared, and they also went to fight, but the result...


With a soft call, the young general who came on the hot wheel stood behind the figure with a deep tired look.

This person was no one else, it was Yang Jian who was stopped by Yuding that day and dragged back to Nanzhou by his master.

In just a few months, Yang Jian had a few more long silver-white hairs on his temples, and his whole body seemed to be haggard. He was like a weapon that had been tempered again. Although it was basically unchanged, it was stronger and sharper.

Yang Jian said: "Just came back from Naraku Realm? Why don't you go to rest?"

"Well," Nezha sighed, put away the fire-pointed gun, and asked with a smile, "Brother, are you going to steal someone later?"

"If your sisters-in-law heard this, they would think that I was going to spend time and drink." Yang Jian cursed with a smile, then shook his head, "There is no need to go for the time being, Xu Mo seems to have ordered his men to hide in Wubuzhou. If I go, it may not be easy to come back."

Nezha suddenly smiled wryly and sighed: "Thousands of monks are desperately unable to withstand the advance of the opponent's army, but you alone, the senior brother, intercepted and killed the opponent's quasi-sage and saint-level... I am ashamed to tell others that I am your junior. Now I am fighting with quasi-sages, and I have to avoid even stronger people."

"It's just that the circumstances are different," Yang Jian touched two jars of wine and came out.

This is a good wine in the mortal palace. Yang Jian picked it up when he went to meet the current emperor, brother Yu's righteous brother, and the taste is not bad.

Nezha put away the hot wheel and sat on the ground with Yang Jian; the pair of brothers leaned against the dark red stone tablet, looked at the boundary of the world in front of them, and stared at the void beyond the great array of heaven and earth.

After drinking a few sips silently, Yang Jian was a little tired, and sitting quietly like this was like taking a rest.

Nezha, on the other hand, was preoccupied and hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter? Are you having trouble with Lei Zhenzi?" Yang Jian asked with a smile.

Nezha also knew that Yang Jian's words were full of ridicule, so he couldn't help but roll his eyes and pouted, "I don't have such a habit. I'm thinking about cultivation. Master said that my lotus body can go further, so that my supernatural powers can be stronger than Master."

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?" Yang Jian frowned slightly afterwards.

Normally speaking, even with Nezha's unique lotus body, it is impossible to unscrupulously improve his cultivation level at will, and he must gradually realize the Tao.

If it is an extraordinary method, it must pay a certain price.

Sure enough, Nezha was worried about this matter.

"But this will cost Master several yuan and hard work."

Yang Jian could only remain silent, touched the jug with Nezha, and took a sip of wine there with his head raised.

Yang Jian asked, "What did Uncle Taiyi say?"

"Master wants me to be more capable," Nezha shook his head with a wry smile, "but even if I die now, I don't want Master to do this for me..."

"Don't worry, I'm thinking about it right now," Yang Jian said, "I'll go to see my master and ancestors later, and discuss with them to see if I can select a group of people with outstanding qualifications among the current monks, and use various means to improve their cultivation."

Nezha was taken aback, then blinked, "Is this possible?"

"It will happen naturally."

"Then why not do this before the catastrophe comes?"

When Nezha asked this, Yang Jian could only shake his head and sigh, and said in a low voice: "Originally, all the saints and I thought that what Hong Huang lacked was only the peak combat power, such as the strongest and the peak saints. But I never thought that now, the number of quasi-sages and Da Luo Jinxians has also become Hong Huang's weakness."

"Hey, it's our fault too," Nezha pursed his lips, "If I, Lei Zhenzi, Wei Hu and I worked harder, we would have a chance to keep up with you, senior brother..."

Yang Jian shook his head and smiled, and patted Nezha on the shoulder casually, "Don't think too much, your senior brother and I have the only talent in the sky and the only one on the earth. How can you keep up?"

Nezha rolled his eyes angrily, knowing that Yang Jian was comforting him, so he forced a few laughs.

The two continued to sit there chatting and drinking, talking about the battles in various places, fighting skills and supernatural powers.

Gradually, Nezha leaned against the stone tablet and fell asleep. Yang Jian looked at the fatigue on his junior brother's still immature face, and felt a little depressed for no reason.

Go ask your master and ancestors to see if you can train a master of the holy realm in a short period of time.

Even if only a few or a dozen can be trained, it can be regarded as adding a little more combat power to Honghuang; it can also satisfy the concerns of Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and others.

For the others, Yang Jian was also powerless.

He is not the most powerful person, let alone Xu Mo, if he can also develop the supernatural power of resurrection, even if it is to mass-produce quasi-sage masters, why did the prehistoric war come to this?

Facts have proved that all the masters of the Spiritual Race went to resist Xu Mojiu's troops back then, so that the Honghuang side had insufficient reinforcements and had to lose. It was indeed related to Chaotian Pavilion's lack of preparation before and only mobilized half of the masters.

But it was also like this that when Nanfangbuzhou retreated into the Three Thousand Worlds, it had enough troops to resist the invasion of Xu Mo's subordinates.

The Jade Emperor's previous considerations were correct, with Xu Mo's supernatural powers, even if Hong Huang fights to the end, and the monks of Hong Huang die together with the army of the most powerful who were born from death, Xu Mo still has the means to create another army in a place full of corpses.

The key lies in how to kill Xu Mo...

Yang Jian was not so arrogant that he took the whole matter on himself. Xu Mo is the enemy of the prehistoric world, and he is not the only one who can fight against it.

Several saints are also in Nanbuzhou, but they are outside Nanzhou, protecting the last hope of the prehistoric sea in the chaotic sea.

Ascending to the clouds, the immortal soldiers hoarded on the cloud roads everywhere saw Yang Jian's figure, and they all bowed their heads in salute.

After the fall of the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother recited the will of the Jade Emperor over Nanzhou, and the position of the Supreme of the Three Realms fell on Yang Jian.

It's just that Yang Jian didn't show up to take the order at that time, and later he only took the post of leader of Guihong League.

He is not expected to be the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, if he can defeat Xu Mo, regain the Great Desolation, and repel the culling of other powerhouses, then what about the Supreme Being of the Three Realms?

Now the main body of the Three Realms is gone...

Flying out of the border above Nanzhou, Yang Jian saw a place covered with golden rosy clouds, and heard the sound of chanting from a distance.

These Buddhist masters were on the edge during the war, and their casualties were the fewest among the major forces in the wild, but they were still heavy casualties.

But Buddhism also contributed a lot, and we can't blame them for anything, not to mention, the combat power of Buddhism is also needed now...

Flying here, all the immortals and Buddhas stood up to greet him, Yang Jian squeezed a little smile, nodded and 'nod' all the way in.

When he found the deepest part of the place, the door of the small courtyard, he didn't know what was going on in his heart, he kept knocking on the door, and stood there in a daze.

"What's wrong?"

Tianyan Daozi's voice came from behind the door, and the wooden door was also pulled open.

Yang Jian returned to his senses, shook his head at Daozi Tianyan, and said calmly: "It's okay, I just got something occasionally, and I was disturbed by your sound. Fortunately, it's not an epiphany."

Daozi Tianyan sneered and led Yang Jian in.

"In this way, I have become a sinner in the prehistoric world? I came out to pick you up and interrupted your comprehension of Xuan Gong."

Yang Jian suddenly smiled and said nothing.


There is always something that can't see through its depth.

In the process of saving manuscripts, there are two changes every day, and the outbreak will start at noon or afternoon on the 28th.

If you can find the help of the event, give it a thumbs up. I have entered the final volume, and I will try my best to use my greatest energy and creative enthusiasm to repay the readers, masters, and parents.

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