The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 605: command

Justin walked through the crowd of her followers to the throne made of carved wood. She put the sheathless sword on her knees, facing her most powerful follower, the Gosor tribe. This sword reminded them how she ruled here, a naked symbol of her power. She received the grace of their demon god, and this expression of grace is her power. The orcs and horned beasts may not like it, but they must endure it until one of them can, in accordance with their original guidelines, overcome her in a battle. If they were sensible, no one would challenge her: they all knew Kazakitar's prophecy, which was made when she was promoted to the ranks of evil warriors. They all knew what the demon had said—no warrior could defeat her in battle. They all witnessed the truth of the matter. However, they are orcs and horned beasts, and it is an instinct to challenge their leaders.

Tonight, she almost hopes one of them will try it. Her thirst for bloodthirsty tonight is strong, and it always happens after she confronts her benefactor. She glanced at the place where the orcs were lying: a huge tapestry, which she remembered once covered the entire wall. It depicts the fighting and hunting scenes of the Klein family in the past. Now it is covered by the dirt and leaves of the forest clearings and the dung of the orcs and horned beasts. She will order to burn it. She didn't want to leave anything reminiscent of the Klein family.

Seeing her followers with huge animal heads lying lazily on Earl Klein's favorite things reminded her that since she escaped from Chavez's room to the memorable deep in the forest How much has changed in her world since the morning.

The scene before her now is like a nightmare sculpture by the crazy artist Togen. The huge horned animals wore armor and walked among the twisted trees in the dark forest. They look like an evil imitation of the knight's ideal, a subversion of the natural order of things, as if the beasts in the forest have risen to expel those pretentious human beings. One day they will. My lord's servants will level all kingdoms. She is just a small start here. But it will grow. As the news of her victory spread, more and more of my lord's servants would flock to her banner. Soon, she will have a strong army, and the power of the entire Marnus Empire will tremble. Somehow, this prospect did not excite her as before. She mumbled and felt dissatisfied and pushed the idea aside. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

She saw Hagel who was posing, his goat's horn gleaming with gold, and the golden fur shone in the fire. Of all the horned beasts that followed her, she thought he was most likely to challenge her and provoke conflict among the beasts. Her agents told her that he complained loudest around the campfire, that it was abnormal for a woman to lead them. He was also the most violent, always questioning her orders, but never to the extent that she had to challenge. However, at this moment, he was waiting for the opportunity, perhaps until her body became weak. If he is dueling now, he knows she will win.

Without that prediction, she would not be so sure of victory. The red-haired tauren is her most brutal warrior, a bloodthirsty mad warrior whose desire for killing can only be surpassed by his desire for human flesh. When the crazy battle came to him, he was a deadly warrior. She was almost afraid of the challenge from him, but she also thought that unless someone asked him to challenge, it was unlikely. This tauren is too stupid, has no ambitions, it will only be satisfied to follow any leader who promises enemies and food to it. As a leader, he will be the perfect tool for a person to rule from behind. By the way, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Blind Trier is not a real threat; he is a great warrior, with a heroic figure, but also the mark of the magic stone. He has no eyes, but he can see as clearly as others. As a person who once felt the power of evil, he was very scared of Justin. He thought that Justin was particularly loved by the evil deity. He lives only to kill, to add new eyes to his collection.

And Marlow Grayman, who killed his father and let him lead the tribe. If the young man really feels resentful, he can only say that he hides well. He strictly followed her instructions, fought bravely, and made a correct judgment. His plan is often better than the plan specified by the war leader who is twice his age. He is already a great warrior, although he has not yet fully exerted the power of his heyday. Others complained that he became a consultant only because of his friendship with her. She knows that some people have been whispering that nasty lie, saying that he is her partner. She knew that his status was based on merit and strength, and his ability proved his status.

Among all the troops she commanded, she felt that only the evil black warriors recruited on the wasteland long before she returned here deserved her a certain degree of trust. They swore allegiance to her. To some extent, she hopes they are here now to provide her with a certain level of support, but they do n’t. This evening, they went to the depths of the forest to hold their own ritual, using blood and soul to appease the demon-carrying machine and prepare it for the upcoming hard battle.

The horned beasts raised their heads and looked at her expectantly. It was half an animal's face, and there were both human wisdom and inhuman desire in their eyes. She was suddenly happy because she easily got the sword in her hand. Although she feels isolated and uncomfortable here. But as usual, before she started the meeting, she had a feeling of anticipation. Will it still happen now? Will the challenge come? Day, I ca n’t watch it and there are few more! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

She didn't know whether she wanted what he wanted. Her main goal was achieved after Chavez died.

She told herself that it was only a long-time desire that was fulfilled that made her feel this way. For seven years, she has been driven by her desire for revenge. Now it has left her and died with her tormentors. After so many years, it will definitely leave a gap. She forced herself to concentrate and feel the longing for power and immortality that was easily obtained in front of her demonic patron saint. She managed to evoke a faint shadow of it. that's enough.

"We have destroyed our first victims," ​​she told them with a strong voice. "But there is a survivor. She is destined to die. This is our master's request."

"We should find other places where humans live. Kill more people." Hagel said, glancing around with his golden eyes. "Why worry about a survivor?"

He tapped his bone rod carved from human thigh bone on the stone slab. "Keep them alive. Spread the news to others. Fear comes with words. Fear is our friend."

She thought that there was always such a constant test. Always circling this way to find weaknesses. Even simple things will become small conflicts, because the horns will improve their status at the expense of others. Their society is based on a hierarchical system of strength; showing weakness, any weakness will weaken prestige.

"Because this is what our Lord demands. Because of Kazakhtar's choice by Khuhon, we must do so."

Marlow Grayman turned his gray gaze to Mott and Hagel. "Because our leader, Justin, asks to do this!"

"Why do you question our leaders' orders?" Trier asked Hagel directly.

So the rumour of hatred between them is true. well. This consolidated her position.

"I won't question our leaders. The problem is when you need to find someone ~ ~ you can find more people. You are so anxious to find a girl because you gave her last night?"

"Who said that?" Trier said quickly. "Are you going to challenge?"

Justin felt Trier was trying to cover up the matter, but she didn't care. She also let the girl go. Is this what Hagel wants to express? Is this a subtle criticism of her? Letting the quarrel continue is not good for her. If Trier killed Hagel, that's fine; but if the situation is reversed, she will lose a true ally among the chiefs of the beast, and she wonders whether she can find a replacement.

"There will be no challenges," she said softly, but the sound was loud enough to be heard by everyone present. "Unless the challenge is me!"

Everyone calmed down, waiting to see if anyone would challenge her. She saw the old shaman Mott licking his lips expectantly. She glanced at Hagel. She could see that he was tempted. In an instant, his eyes were completely attracted to hers, his eyes full of desire to kill. His hand rested on the handle of the weapon. She smiled, hoping to stimulate him to make this decision, but in the end he seemed to change his mind and bowed his head.

"Very good," she said firmly. "Trier, take your warrior and help me find the girl with my hair. Tracker, search this area, find her, and bring her to me to meet me. I will hand her over to myself Kazakitar. The remaining people gather your strength. We will move on to the next human town and gain more benefits by slaughtering more people. "

The horned beasts, orcs and aberrations nodded in agreement, stood up and left. Justin was alone meditating in the cold hall, wondering what she would do when they brought the girl to her.

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