The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 256: 50, Krypton female warrior

   Chapter 256 50, Kryptonian female warrior

  The news of Superman's surrender quickly fermented on the Internet.

  The people in the metropolis reacted exceptionally fiercely. Although Superman appeared in front of the public for a short time, he is a superhero in the metropolis. The public called on the Internet for superheroes in other cities to unite and assist Superman.

  Sky Eye Meeting.

  Amanda Waller is preparing to contact superheroes everywhere, hoping that those vigilantes can stand up at critical moments.

  Amanda's female secretary, Lila, goes to Star City to contact Green Arrow.

   Amanda, on the other hand, appeared at the Gotham City Police Department in person to find Sergeant Gordon.

   "Gordon, I need you to turn on the Bat Light immediately and summon your friend Batman. The military intends to invite Batman, Black Knight, and Wonder Woman to form a line of defense to protect the earth."

  Although Superman has voluntarily surrendered, Amanda Waller will not pin the future of the earth on the fact that the person named General Zod will take the initiative to keep his promise.

  Promises are only valid for those who are stronger than themselves.

  For the weak, the so-called commitment is just to see the mood of the strong.

  This is the cruelest reality in the universe.

However, Sheriff Gordon shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to help you. Batman and the others are not in Gotham City. Batman left me a message before he left. If Zod threatens the safety of the earth, they will help you." I will take action, and hope that the military can assist them instead of treating them as enemies."

   "If they are not our enemies, why don't they follow our instructions?" Amanda asked rhetorically.

   Sheriff Gordon smiled and shook his head: "You're scared!"

   "No, I'm not afraid!" Amanda clasped her hands in front of her chest, denying the appraisal.

Sergeant Gordon still had a smile on his face: "You are just afraid, whether it is the Black Knight or Superman, you are worried that you will not be able to control their power, but what I want to say is that this does not mean that they are yours. Enemies, tell those in the military that friends start with trust, and enemies start with suspicion."

   "Did this come from Batman, or from the Black Knight?" Amanda stared fixedly at Sergeant Gordon.

   Sheriff Gordon shrugged and said, "I said that."

   Sheriff Gordon chose to believe in the Black Knight and Batman. Today's Gotham City is getting better and better, at least it is much better before the appearance of the Black Knight.

  As for Batman and the Black Knight violating the laws of the United States, whoever wants to try them can go to trial. Anyway, Sergeant Gordon will not stop them.

  Amanda was silent for a moment, turned and left, and said at the same time: "I will tell those people in the military what you said."

Looking at the back of Amanda's departure, Sergeant Gordon showed a gratified smile. People have to believe in something. Life is already so difficult. If the last bit of belief is gone, the world will only become a mess. dark.


the next morning.

  General Swanwick of the US Federal Air Defense Coalition established a temporary base on the outskirts of the metropolis.

  A large number of tank phalanxes and missile phalanxes are all aimed at the sky.

  Superman Clark, General Swanwick, and General Sam Ryan stood side by side, looking at the distant sky, waiting for General Zod to send someone over to pick up Superman.

  Louis also came along.

  As the only daughter of General Sam Ryan, Louise, because she was worried about Clark, ran into the army's garrison through her father's relationship to accompany Superman.

   "I heard from my father that the military is willing to cooperate with the Black Knights and they may not need you to face all this alone." Louise Lane took Superman's hand and said.

   "Thank you, but I will take care of my own affairs."

  Although Clark has also heard about the superheroes in Gotham City, he doesn't think the so-called Black Knight, or Batman, will be the opponent of General Zod.

"You should learn to trust others. Whether it's the Black Knight or Batman, they are all superheroes just like you. People on the Internet are calling for it. I hope you can cooperate and form an alliance or something, just like..." Louise paused for a moment, trying to recall what people on the Internet said.

   "Like the Avengers in the comics?"

  Clark showed a smiling face. He also loved reading Marvel comics when he was a child, but as he grew older, he felt more and more that the superheroes in Marvel were too weak.

  Especially in Infinite Crisis.

  If he is allowed to appear in the comics, Clark has absolute confidence that he can easily prevent Thanos from collecting six infinite gems.

  Louis smiled, "Yes, it's like the Avengers, but you can change the name, like... Justice League?"

   "Justice League? Such a good name, I like it very much." Clark and Louise intertwined their fingers like a couple in the period of passionate love.

  In front of the military tank phalanx ten meters away, General Sam Lane looked at his daughter, who was so intimate with the aliens, and unconsciously put his hand on the pistol at his waist.

  General Swanwick on the side saw this, and quickly said: "Hey, buddy, don't be nervous. From the current point of view, Superman and us are allies."

  Sam Ryan came back to his senses, and he shook his hand: "If you have a daughter, you will understand my mood at the moment."

   "Sorry, I gave birth to a son. I always wanted to introduce my son to your daughter, but now it seems that I should forget it." General Swanwick joked.

  General Sam Lane gave the other side a blank look: "Get lost!"

  The soldiers behind them heard the chief chatting, and their nervousness was reduced by half.

  There was a rumbling sound in the sky, Clark turned his head to look, his hand was pulled from Louise's, "They are coming, you should go back quickly."

   "You must be careful." Louise reluctantly returned to the military side step by step.

  In the sky, a small aircraft landed in front of the array.

  A female soldier in armor stepped down from above. The moment they saw this female soldier, the soldiers of the military clenched their guns tightly, as if this action could give them a sense of security.

  The female warrior glanced at everyone present, with a contemptuous smile on her lips.

  Finally, she looked at Superman Clark standing at the front, and said, "Kal-El, I am Fio Ra, General Zod's adjutant. On behalf of General Zod, I send my greetings to you."

   After finishing speaking, Fio-La passed Superman, walked to the tank phalanx, and looked at General Swanwick, "General Zod asked this woman to come with us."

  Fio La pointed to Louise Lane who was standing behind.

  Sam Ryan was suddenly furious: "Didn't you say that you only want your people? We will not hand over Louise."

  Fio-La still used a high-ranking tone, and asked: "Need me to tell General Zod that you rejected his request?"

   This is a bold provocation.

   After all, Louise is the biological daughter of General Sam Ryan, and it is impossible for him to give his daughter to aliens anyway: "I don't care how you answer Zod, we will never accept any form of threat."

   General Swanwick acquiesced to this.

   Handing over Superman is already the bottom line of human beings. If you blindly compromise and tolerate, it will only make the aliens feel that the earth people are weak and bully.

   Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two sides was getting stronger, Louise Lane took the initiative to stand up: "It's okay, father, I will go with her."

   "Louise..." General Sam Ryan trembled with anger.

  But Louise ignored her father's obstruction at all. She took the initiative to walk to Superman and said, "Maybe I can represent the earth and ask General Zod's attitude towards the earth."

  Fio-La took a serious look at Louise Lane for the first time, "You are very brave, at least you are more like a warrior than these men."

   As he spoke, he took Superman and Louise onto the small aircraft on Krypton.

  Before leaving, Superman gave Sam Ryan a reassuring look, as if to say, don't worry, I will take good care of your daughter for you.

  General Swanwick also noticed this look, staring at Sam Ryan strangely.

  The latter replied unceremoniously: "What do you look at, at least my daughter is more like a soldier than a man like you."

  (end of this chapter)

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