Chapter 251 45, Superman

  For the editor-in-chief to deduct the bonus as a threat, Louise had no choice but to agree: "Okay, I will go and promise to complete the task."

   "That's about the same. Send the report to my mailbox before seven o'clock tonight." Editor-in-chief Perry White left such a sentence, then turned and left.

  Louis sat back on the chair dejectedly, and picked up the football game invitation letter from Metropolitan Star High School with some frustration. She glanced at the start time of the game, which was 1:30 in the afternoon.

   "Damn it, it's only an hour away!"

  Louise's face was ashen. It would take at least half an hour to drive there from the Planet Daily, and that would be without traffic jams. If there was a traffic jam, an hour would probably be enough.

  After realizing that there was not enough time, Louise quickly grabbed her coat and camera, and rushed out of the Office of the Daily Planet in a hurry.

   A few minutes later, Louise drove to the Metropolitan Star High School. She was almost driving at lightning speed all the way, but when she was leaving the city center, she was stuck in a traffic jam.

  Louis poked her head out and looked at the long convoy, feeling extremely depressed.

   "Please, there is no traffic jam here usually, why is there a traffic jam today."

  Louis tried to stop and find another route to leave here.

  However, the vehicle in front remained motionless as if there had been an accident, causing more and more vehicles to gather behind, and this section of the road turned into a parking lot.

"damn it!"

  Louis got road rage and honked her horn angrily, trying to use this method to urge the vehicles in front to move as soon as possible.

  But in the next second, a series of gunshots sounded in front.

   Immediately afterwards, screams, shouts, and calls for help came from the front. Louise found that many people abandoned their cars and fled, and a large number of people ran from the front to the back.

  As a reporter, Louise has an extremely keen sense of smell, and she has a premonition that something big must happen ahead.

  So, Louise stopped a lady in business attire and asked, "Hey, ma'am, what happened up front?"

   "Terrorists are robbing the Metropolitan Bank, and they are shooting at the vehicles at the intersection. God, you have to run too!" The lady roughly described the situation before, and ran out without looking back.

   Robbing the Metropolitan Bank, why shoot at the intersection vehicles?

  Louis felt a little strange, but after taking a look at the congested road, she instantly understood that those terrorists were creating chaos and causing trouble for the police to arrive.

   "This is big news!"

  Louis immediately returned to the car, picked up the camera, and went straight to the Metropolitan Bank against the pedestrians.

   ‘Terrorists rob Metropolitan Bank’

   This news is no bigger than a high school football game!

  Louis Lane cautiously approached the intersection ahead, and the Metropolitan Bank was diagonally opposite the intersection.

  Those masked terrorists, armed with rifles, shot at the vehicles in the direction of the intersection, and entered the Metropolitan Bank one after another.

Louise walked around to the back of a nearby flower bed. She picked up the camera and pointed it at the inside of the Metropolitan Bank. After zooming in on the screen, she could clearly see that the gangsters inside had broken into the vault and were carrying bags of beautiful knives .

  The staff of the bank and the civilians who were in the bank at that time were taken as hostages and gathered in the lobby, and special gangsters were in charge of guarding them.

After a while, police sirens sounded from a distance, but the bank robbery was obviously carefully planned. The gangsters created chaos on the section of the road where the police cars must pass. Many people were shot by gangsters with rifles. Many people They all abandoned their cars and fled.

  This leads to a lot of traffic congestion on the road.

  The gangsters use light motorcycles.

  Light motorcycles are highly maneuverable in congested roads, and can disperse to avoid police pursuit. If you set up a few more contact points and change the means of transportation, you can escape the police's sight in the most efficient way.

   "When did such a brilliant criminal appear in the Metropolis?"

  Louis prayed that the police would arrive at the scene quickly, but seeing the gangsters all carrying bulging bags in their hands and preparing to evacuate one after another, she knew that the police in the metropolis must have no time to stop them.

   Just as the last gangster was leaving the Metropolitan Bank, he pointed his gun at the hostages inside.

   "Damn, that gangster is going to shoot the hostages, is he crazy?" Louise saw this scene, her hands holding the camera trembled.

   But she could only watch from a distance, unable to do anything.

   Just as the gangster raised his gun and aimed at the hostages in the bank, there was a violent roar in the sky, as if thousands of thunderbolts exploded.

  A red and blue light and shadow descended from the sky, and suddenly fell in front of the gangster.

  The gangster pulled the trigger, and a stream of bullets sprayed out, shooting towards the front like raindrops, but all the bullets were blocked by a strong chest, making the sound of shooting on a thick steel plate.

   bang bang bang...

  Louis was stunned, the gangster was also stunned, and even all the hostages who closed their eyes and waited to die were also stunned.

I saw a tall and burly man, wearing a red cloak, with a big 'S' logo on his strong chest. He just put his hands on his hips, pointed his chest at the muzzle of the gangster, and stood up for the hostages behind him. Blocked the deadly bullet.

"It's him!"

  Louis' eyes changed from despair to surprise.

  Although the other party was wearing a strange red and blue tights, Louise recognized the man in front of her as the man she met in the glacier two weeks ago.

  Out of the professional habits of journalists, Louise immediately raised the camera, adjusted the angle, and pressed the shutter.


   "Gentlemen, the money does not belong to you, please return the money to the bank."

  The person who came was Superman Clark Kent. From the ancient spaceship of Krypton, he learned about the origin of Krypton, saw the virtual image of his father, and learned to fly.

  He is ready to let the world know his existence.

  The gangsters thought that today's robbery plan was foolproof, but at this juncture, another vigilante jumped out to stop them.

   "His suit is bulletproof like Batman, hit him in the head!"

  The gangsters raised their guns one after another, pointing their guns at the head of Superman Clark. With the lessons learned from the nano-suit version of Batman, almost all gangsters believe that bulletproof suits are the basic condition for all vigilantes.

   bang bang bang...

  A series of bullets hit Superman Clark's head, just like the opponent's chest, he was still invulnerable.

   The gangsters were stunned again.

  The next second, Superman's eyes were red, and he shot two heat vision shots, but his target was not those gangsters, but the guns in the hands of all gangsters.


The firearms were instantly melted by the heat vision, and all the gangsters lost their weapons. Some gangsters didn't even want money. Then several other gangsters flung them away.

  Several gangsters collided together, like a bowling ball, being smashed to pieces.

  Louis pressed the shutter frantically, afraid of missing any detail.

   Soon, the police arrived and surrounded the Metropolitan Bank. Seeing that the police had arrived, Superman looked up at the sky, took off on the spot, turned into a red and blue streamer, and disappeared into the sky.


  Louis did not go to the Metropolitan Star High School, but returned directly to the Daily Planet.

  Editor-in-Chief Perry White was just holding a cup of coffee and was about to return to the office. Seeing that Louise Lane had returned, he was a little puzzled and said, "Louis, don't tell me the football game is over!"

   "I didn't go to the football game." Louie replied unceremoniously.

   "What, you... now it's not about your bonus this month, if you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then get out!" Editor-in-Chief Perry White pointed at Louise angrily and said loudly.

Louise waved her hands and raised a few freshly edited photos, "I just happened to meet the Metropolitan Bank being robbed by gangsters, and a vigilante, the vigilante of our metropolis, came forward to stop the robbery, and this Vigilantes fly, are invulnerable, and have fiery rays from their eyes!"


Editor-in-Chief Perry White took the photo, and the more he looked at it, the more colorful his expression became, and finally he opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Not bad, good job, Louise, you are the one to write this press release, tomorrow's front page headline , Gotham City has Batman, Black Knight, Star City has Green Arrow, and our hero in Metropolis... let's call him Red and Blue, how about it?"

   "I'm so stupid, call...he has an 'S' on his chest, why not call him Superman!" Louise suggested.

  (end of this chapter)

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