The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 184: 183, Eye of Agamotto

   Chapter 184 183, The Eye of Agamotto

   "But it takes a lot of money to treat comminuted fractures in both hands... Well, that guy is not short of money."

  Even if Rorschach didn't have the Time Stone, he could still analyze the plot after Strange's car accident.

   It is nothing more than selling more famous watches, or selling his luxury cars and mansions, or relying on her girlfriend to pay for it. In short, according to the medical technology in the world today, Stephen Strange can definitely treat his hands.

   "Continuing to develop with the current timeline, Strange will not become Doctor Strange." The Ancient One said.

   "No, no, anyway, didn't you say that you want to pass on the position of Supreme Mage to me or Wanda?" Rorschach mainly wanted the time gem in the Eye of Agamotto.

"Supreme Master...Although I can't directly observe your future, after I see it, there will be no trace of you in this universe. There is a high probability that you will leave this universe within a year. As for Wanda, she You don't want to be the supreme mage at all, let alone guard the three holy places on my behalf."

  Master Gu Yi said, then paused: "I remember that you also have the ability to predict the future, I'm curious why you left this universe?"

   "What? I have a good life in this small universe, why do I have to leave?"

  Rorschach scratched his head. His so-called predicting the future was just his understanding of the comics and movie plots, but now the universe has been deviated from the comics and movie universes by him, who knows what direction the plot will develop next.

   Regarding leaving this universe, Rorschach felt that the only possible situation was that he was going to deal with OneAboveAll, the boss of the Celestial Group.

   Or something else stronger.

   Otherwise, it would be unreasonable not to be in this universe.

  After all, Rorschach has not yet spread the belief in God of Destruction to the entire universe.

  Master Gu Yi didn't answer.

  Rorschach asked tentatively: "Why don't you lend me the Time Stone?"

  Spells that observe the past and the future, Rorschach will too.

  You are not good enough, and you can’t see my future. Let me see my own future.

Mage Ancient One graciously took off the Eye of Agamotto hanging around her neck, and handed it to Rorschach: "You think it's possible, but if it's you... the more you know about the future, the more likely The greater the variability in the future."

  Rorschach's hand holding the Eye of Agamotto froze in mid-air.

  You really know me!

  Rorschach pushed back the Eye of Agamotto, "Forget it, I won't read it."

  Gu Yi also didn't reach for the Eye of Agamotto, as if it was a hot potato.

"Rorschach, let you keep the Eye of Agamotto. After all, it is too dangerous to keep the Infinity Stone anywhere. If you leave this universe, Thanos will come to **** it sooner or later." Gu Yifa Pushing the Eye of Agamotto to Rorschach again.

  Rorschach can kill even the Celestial Group with one punch, and the Eye of Agamotto is absolutely safe in his hands.

  Those who have the ability to **** the Eye of Agamotto from Rorschach may not be interested in it.

   To put it simply, if you like it, you can’t take it away, if you can take it away, you don’t like it.

"In a certain parallel universe, Strange also had a car accident, but his hands were fine. The accident happened to his lover Christine Palmer. Strange, who lost his beloved, hit him by mistake. I stumbled into Karma Taj's sect and became your closed disciple..."

  Rorschach told Ancient One about the origin of Doctor Strange in another universe.

   Before he could finish speaking, Master Ancient One frowned: "I won't refer to this. Although I very much hope that Strange can inherit my mantle, it is definitely not at the expense of another person's life!"

   "Listen to me!"

  Rorschach was upset that Master Gu Yi interrupted him, and continued: "Later, the Strange of that universe was obsessed with the undead magic of resurrecting his girlfriend, and even fell into the darkness continuously, learning black magic, and becoming the Dark Strange Doctor."

   "So, you want to say that Strange must never lose his lover?" The Ancient One looked at Rorschach puzzled.

Rorschach shook his head: "What I want to say is that Strange is not a good magician, and most Doctor Strange Stephen Strange in the multiverse will fall, passively or actively touch the darkness .”

   "The one who guards the three most holy places..."

"You can consider the gods of the Aesir and Vanir gods, you don't have to find Strange, and many gods want to immigrate to Earth, but because of the immigration control regulations of the Nine Kingdoms, the main gods of these two gods can There is no extra immigration quota, if you want to find some goons for Karma Taj... I mean, Guardian, you can definitely find them, they will be more than happy to come."

  Rorschach felt that no matter what you do, you must open up your thinking and pattern.

   There is no need to hold on to the person in the so-called destiny.

   Let Stephen Strange experience some setbacks, and then realize the value of career and love, just follow Christine Palmer and live a kid's day.

  The most indispensable thing on earth now is a superhero who can save the world.

  Gu Yi thought about it, and felt that Rorschach was right.

   "Okay... I'll go to Odin. Forget it, he's about to die. I'd better talk to Zeus. I'll leave Dormammu to you. Are you going to negotiate terms with Dormammu?"

  Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms...

Ha ha.

  Rorschach sneered: "A mere lord of the dark dimension dares to come to the earth, I will even punch out his dog's brain for you."

   Hearing this, Gu Yi, who was used to being serious, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

   Still the same sentence, even the dimensional lord-level gods in the **** group can't beat Rorschach, and Dormammu is here, I'm afraid it's not really going to give him a dog's brain.


   Two weeks later.

  Master Casillas, a former disciple of Master Ancient One, led a group of mages who fell into darkness like him to hold a ceremony to summon Domamu.

   All the mages who performed this ceremony had their eyes darkened, as if they had applied smoky makeup.

  They took the lead in breaking into the Holy of Holies in London.

   Casillas and his group have greatly increased their combat effectiveness because they have absorbed the power of the dark dimension. The ordinary mages in the London Sanctuary are no match for them at all.

   At this time, Master Gu Yi made a move.

  In the original plot, when Casillas invaded the London Temple, the Ancient One did not appear at all.

   She didn't arrive until the Holy of Holies in New York fell. In fact, she wanted to die in front of Doctor Strange, and wanted to use her sacrifice to let Doctor Strange shoulder the burden of protecting the earth.

  However, Master Ancient One doesn't need to think so much now.

   She appeared when Casillas and his party first started to invade, and together with Karma Taj's mages resisted Casillas' invasion.

  After the death of the ancient one, the mages of Kama Taj lost to Casillas who absorbed the dark power.

  Combined with the advantages of Casillas's portals, in just one hour, they broke through three of the most holy places on earth.

  Start to welcome the arrival of Dormammu, the **** of the dark dimension.

  In the void, the soul of the ancient mage did not leave in a hurry, but stood side by side with Rorschach above the sky of the last Holy of Holies.

   quietly waiting for Dormammu's arrival.

   "Why don't you leave?" Luo Xia asked, looking at the soul of the ancient mage beside him.

  Mage Gu Yi looked at the sky and at the approaching dark dimension: "I want to see how you will deal with Dormammu. After all, I have been drawing his power for so many years."

   "Then how do you want me to deal with him?" Luo Xia thought to himself, could Gu Yi still plead for Domamu?

   It shouldn't be!

  However, Master Gu Yi grinned at Rorschach: "Break out his dog's brain."

  (end of this chapter)

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