The King

Chapter 310: Fire Dragon Burning Cang

  Chapter 310 Fire Dragon Burning Cang

   "Your Excellency, you are so generous. Such a good opportunity, you still let the Lochnard family go!"

  After hearing what Marquis James said, Hudson laughed and said: "Your Excellency, the most important thing now is to solve the problem of logistics deficit.

   Everything should be based on the overall situation, and personal grievances can be shelved and put aside first. "

  Deep in his heart, he had already secretly rolled his eyes. Fuck the overall situation, if he could kill the Lochnard family, he would have done it long ago.

  At the meeting just now, although everyone was clamoring fiercely, everyone’s interest demands were for the Lochnard family to compensate for losses, and there was no intention of killing them at all.

  Everyone is sensible. Judging from the reaction of the Terran Alliance, everyone knows that there is a high probability that the Lochnard family has been tricked this time.

   I'm a little sensible, and I'm going to report my coach secretly. Who would be a normal person to raise it publicly in the parliament?

   Suffering from an innocent disaster, even if the Lochnard family is responsible, they are not guilty of death. Mixing in the same circle, everyone will naturally not do things to perfection.

   After gaining an insight into the thoughts of the nobles, Hudson will naturally not let them do what they want.

   If it is really forced, Duke Pias is under pressure and agrees to take over the shortfall of everyone, then it becomes the uncle who owes the debt.

  As long as the huge debt is not repaid, everyone will not watch the Locknard family have an accident. They only need to repay a nominal sum of money every year, and they are invincible.

   "Your Excellency, your magnanimity may not be appreciated. The Northland gang is used to being greedy, and they must have reached out a lot this time. According to normal operations, it may be difficult for them to fill the hole.

  If they take the risk next time and make troubles, I'm afraid you will be implicated too! "

   James Marquis said worriedly.

   It's impossible to worry about Hudson. If Hudson can be pulled down this time, he will only be happy to see it happen.

   Although the Lochnard family provoked this incident, the nobles of the Northlands have always been regarded as a whole. If it is really pursued, the Duke of Cavadia will also be blamed.

  The boss and the second in the army died together, and it was only logical that the third would be the backup coach.

   Unfortunately, things are not that simple. Knowing that the investigation team of the Alliance is coming to the Alpha Kingdom, they can deceive others, but they can't fool Caesar III.

  The king issued a death order, asking them to solve the problem before the investigation team arrived.

   Compared with Hudson and the Duke of Cavadia, who have a higher degree of autonomy, James has no confidence in refusing to execute. Not only to solve the problem, but also to solve it beautifully.

  In the meeting just now, Hudson was indeed solving the problem, but it also left hidden dangers.

  In the view of Marquis James, since the strategic materials are insufficient and the hole is destined to be unable to be plugged, then a large scapegoat should be launched and take responsibility for it.

   Duke Pias, who has provoked public anger, is undoubtedly the best candidate, and the choice that can best preserve the kingdom's face.

   "It doesn't matter! The deficit below is so big, I, the coach, don't know anything about it, and I should take responsibility.

  This is my resignation letter. I have decided to resign to His Majesty the King and be responsible for this ineffective supervision! "

   Hudson bit the words "poor supervision" very hard. The implication is very obvious: his problem is poor supervision, and it is impossible to take the blame.

  The entire logistics department has millions of soldiers and civilian husbands under its jurisdiction. If there are no problems, it is a real problem.

  The logistics pressure on the front line is so great, and it is not easy to keep the logistics system running normally. It would be too much to be critical.

  Even the investigation team of the Union Congress cannot deal with a meritorious coach just because someone under Hudson resells military supplies.

   If you really want to play like that, no one will dare to lead troops. It was originally a team composed of noble private troops, each with considerable autonomy, and it was impossible for anyone to completely restrain the younger brothers below.

  Just because the head coach is fine, doesn’t mean the deputy commander is fine. If it is really necessary for someone with weight to take responsibility, Marquis James will be more likely to suffer from unwarranted disasters.

   "Your Excellency, this matter must never be done! This matter was not your responsibility in the first place, how could you resign because of this!

  I think we should try our best to solve the problem now. If it can’t be solved, let Duke Pias take responsibility. You don’t have to suffer for others! "

   James Marquis said nervously.

  Having been on the front line for so long, he knows how complicated the situation in the army is. If Hudson retreats at this time, he will not be able to fight the Duke of Cavadia.

   Seeing this scene, Hudson just smiled slightly. The resignation letter still has to be submitted, which is a matter of attitude. Whether to approve or not is the king's business.

  Theoretically speaking, everyone is rushing to buy strategic materials to fill the pits, and the black market should be very short of stock.

   But the actual situation is not as serious as everyone imagined. I can't guarantee whether all the holes can be blocked, but at least most of the nobles can get away with it.

   Deliberately creating the illusion of a severe shortage, naturally, is to take the opportunity to sell the strategic materials in hand at a good price, and by the way, weaken the financial resources of competitors.

  The fact that Hudson did not participate in the reselling of military supplies does not mean that he did not take advantage of the opportunity. For example: using the logistics system to entrain private goods.

  The materials transported by the great nobles are indeed strategic materials for the front line. However, a large part of the strategic materials escorted by the army brought by Hudson were private goods.

   They are all strategic materials, all mixed together, and the people below don't know that the materials they escorted are also mixed with the coach's private goods.

  Even if there is an accident on the road, what will be lost will always be the strategic materials of the coalition forces, not his private goods.

   Falling into the eyes of the outside world, seeing strategic materials coming in and out, it is natural to suspect that Hudson is reselling military supplies. It is normal to be reported.

  It's a pity that the materials in the coalition warehouse that Hudson is in charge of always match up with the accounts. Even if there is a discrepancy, the error is within the normal range.

  The only flaw lies in the chamber of commerce that provides strategic materials. But everyone shared the money together, and no one had any reason to jump out and smash their own business.

   Even if someone stabbed him out, the crime of carrying private goods is much lighter than reselling military supplies.

  As the coach, Hudson will step down in despair at best. If you're lucky, you'll be able to stay in the post and commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

  Businessmen who can participate in it will be sent to the gallows. It is useless to find someone to intercede, this is the world of nobles, and the rules of the game are all for the noble group.


  The meeting of the logistics department ended, and the trading market suddenly became lively. All the nobles in the logistics system have joined the wave of snapping up strategic materials.

  Everyone's nerves are tense at the moment. Even if the supplies have been robbed, they still send heavy troops to **** them one by one, lest someone will not follow the rules and rob them halfway.

  In order to ensure the safety of the logistics transportation channel, Hudson also specially applied to the coalition command to send additional air patrol forces.

  In fact, the probability of this kind of thing happening is still very low.

   It is easy to rob a transport team, but it is not so simple to transport the robbed strategic materials back.

  The long convoy passed by, and it was impossible to leave no traces.

  Watching the convoy of supplies coming in and out, Hudson was in a good mood. Even the sound of wheels rolling over became the sound of gold coins colliding in his ears.


  In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight entered the camp, Hudson, who had just woken up, met a group of relatives and friends who came to visit him.

   Obviously, this is the result of news fermentation. The great nobles are all busy filling in the holes, and it is inevitable that the tasks will be pushed down layer by layer.

  Theoretically speaking, the big nobles have to pay joint and several liabilities for the losses of the nobles under their command, but in practice, few small and medium nobles dare to put it badly directly, waiting for the boss to help fill in the hole and deal with the aftermath.

  I am responsible for solving the things that I have created by myself. The normal operation of the logistics system is enough to prove that most nobles are clean.

  Of course, they can't do it if they don't want to be clean. Not everyone is eligible to participate in reselling military supplies. Most of the minor nobles have no chance to reach out.

   Those who really participated in the reselling of military supplies were either relatives and friends of the great nobles, or their cronies. Only these people have the opportunity to be allocated fat jobs.

   As the coach, Hudson is not immune. Although he restrained his own clansmen, he could not restrain relatives and friends.

  These people in front of them were actually affected by Chi Yu. It was originally a hole dug for the Dalton family, and many small and medium-sized nobles in the southeastern provinces were also passively recruited.

   Now that something has happened, everyone can only bite the bullet and come here for help.

  Seeing the ashamed expressions on everyone's faces, Hudson was very satisfied in his heart, but his face was still gloomy and terrifying.

   "One by one, you are really brave enough. You dare to participate in this kind of thing, and you are really not afraid of death!

   Nonsense, I won't listen. Let's each talk about how big the hole you made is, so I know what to do next! "

   While speaking, Hudson cast his gaze on Viscount Oran. Among the group of people in front of him, he, the father-in-law, has the closest relationship.

  The matter of the investigation team was also the first letter that people came to report. Although there is not much substantive significance, this love is still essential.

  "The family is unfortunate. The Holliser family has a total deficit of 700 armor, 1,200 spears, 150 tons of grain, 500 pounds of salt, 5,000 feet of cloth, and 36,000 arrows...

   Among the armor, I can find a way to make up five hundred. Food can also be squeezed slowly, but the remaining strategic materials, alas! "

   Viscount Oran said bitterly.

  He didn't stretch out his hand, because the Nai people didn't give enough. A little inattentive, he poked out the basket. The armor can be replenished by five hundred, all of which are taken from the soldiers of his own family.

  It is also a tragedy to think about it. With such a small amount of supplies, the Holliser family is stumped.

  If it is placed in the lair, it can be gathered casually. It's a pity that this is the front line, and you can't have supplies if you have money.

   It seems that the trading market is very prosperous, but in order to make everyone pay willingly, they still play hunger marketing.

  In order to make the show more realistic, in recent days, people from major chambers of commerce have been running to the front lines of the coalition forces every day.

  Those who didn't know it thought that the supplies on the black market were really picked up from the frontline coalition forces.

   Some did come out of the front, but that was a very small number. Knowing that the investigation team was coming, the nobles on the front line were also afraid of problems.

   "Your Excellency, Viscount, don't worry too much. If there is only such a gap in the Holliser family, as long as you are willing to spend money, it should not be difficult to fill the hole!"

  It seems to be comforting, but in fact it is drawing lines for everyone. The meaning is very obvious, he can find a solution for the supplies, but everyone has to pay for the money.

   Favors, Hudson wants to sell, but money also needs to be earned.

  The price is still the price on the market, it is nothing more than finding his relationship and getting the goods in the shortest time.

   "Hudson, I've made it difficult for you this time. To be honest, I went to the trading center and walked around, and now all major chambers of commerce are out of stock.

  Even if there are some in stock, not everyone can buy them. This time I'm afraid you will have to pay a lot of favors! "

  Viscount Oran's words made Hudson very comfortable listening. It is obvious that the old man heard what he meant, and deliberately cooperated with him to set up a stage.

  The nobles who originally wanted to use their connections to get some bargains changed their minds at this moment.

  Under the background of short supply, if you want to get the goods, you have to pay for favors. If you want to buy cheap goods, it is too boring.

  In the world of the aristocrats, the most expensive thing is always the debt of favor. The bigger the person, the more stingy he is to owe favor.

   "It's all my own family, these are what I should do. Your Excellency, Viscount, don't take these things to heart.

  Let’s talk about your own situation. As long as you can help, Hudson will do his best.

  Tom, grab a pen and paper and take notes! "

  As soon as the voice fell to the ground, many nobles who heard the implication suddenly turned bitter.

   It is right for your own family to help. If it is not your own family, it is natural to talk about the exchange of interests.

   It is also a favor, and the favor sent by Hudson is not of the same level as theirs.

   It is true that all the nobles present have a relationship with the Koslow family, but most of them are too far away.

   At least two-thirds of the nobles, Hudson couldn't call each other's name, and he didn't know their background.

  If it wasn't for coming with him, it is unknown whether he could enter his camp. After all, the threshold for Shuaiying is already high.

  As a group of nobles continued to report their families and lack of supplies, Hudson's face gradually became ugly.

   I don’t know where these guys have the guts. Some simple people have no strength or connections, and they dare to imitate others and resell military supplies.

   It's fine if I can't help but reach out, but I'm still so greedy. There are seven more holes than the Holliser family.

  Looking at the accumulated list, Hudson said angrily: "The shortage of everyone's supplies has been counted. I can't guarantee whether I can buy them all.

   You all know the rules of the black market. There is no such thing as credit here, so prepare the money first!

  In order to avoid long nights and dreams, tomorrow morning, I will help you make appointments with people from major chambers of commerce.

   The current situation, I guess everyone knows it well, everything is up to the seller, and the buyer has no room for bargaining! "

   It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, Hudson has it! But he couldn't say that by himself.

  If you want him to advance the funds, you need to pay a price. What you need to pay depends on what you have.

   They are all nobles, and Hudson is not afraid of everyone's repudiation. If it is really impossible to repay, isn't there still a fief?

   It is impossible to annex the fief, but as a creditor, it is reasonable to take away the income from the fief.


   "Four, the current situation is not good, the Chamber of Commerce in the trading center seems to be deliberately targeting us!

  They have taken other people's orders, but when it comes to our orders, they are suddenly out of stock! "

   While speaking, Duke Agiron deliberately glanced at Duke Cavadia and Duke Pias.

   This kind of situation can occur, and there is a high probability that it is the fault of these two. Who made them propose to search the black market when targeting Hudson?

  Due to such a big hatred, you still want to buy goods from others, so there is no problem if you don't make things difficult.

   But at this moment, the two of them are also having a hard time. They thought that they could force Hudson to give up the black market with the help of everyone's pressure.

  However, the plan was good, but when it came time to implement it, new problems arose.

  Hudson has close ties with the black market, and a large number of nobles in the coalition army also have close ties with the black market. However, this kind of thing cannot be brought to the table after all.

   If everyone works together, it is not impossible to search, but unfortunately everyone is not as united as they expected.

  After learning that the black market was short of supplies and that the cooperation of the nobles of the coalition forces at the front line was necessary to make up the supply gap, everyone was immediately discouraged.

   It is also greedy for ink and reselling military supplies, but everyone is facing a completely different situation. Not all the nobles are so greedy, desperately planing food into their own bowls.

  Most nobles are restrained, the gap is not that big, and the hole can be filled by purchasing a batch of supplies. There's no point in going on an adventure with them.

   "Businessmen seek profits and deliberately make things difficult for us. They just want to take the opportunity to raise prices!

   Just be afraid, they are really out of stock now, not just making things difficult for us.

  For the current plan, we can only do our best. If you really can't plug the hole, then you can only...

   Better not to take that step. If it is done, no matter how clean it is, it will be difficult to guarantee that it will not be found out. "

   Duke Cavadia said with a gloomy face.

  In this wave, he was severely beaten by Hudson. If it weren't for Hudson's long-term indulgence that made him relax his vigilance, he would definitely not be so easily led by the other party.

   "Pias, a giant dragon attacked your Locknard family a few days ago, have you found out why?

   If it really reaches the last step, this dragon may be able to use it! "

  Duke Dias' words seemed to open a new window for everyone.

  If you create an accident by yourself, it is easy to be found out, but what if an accident really happens?

  (end of this chapter)

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