The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights from the Moon-shaped Alien World Chapter 410

After the first generation of Hassan disappeared, the entire Hassan organization has gradually declined.

Until this generation, after a lot of effort, a few talents finally met the Dark Moon Knight who ran away from nowhere.

They are assassins, and once they are discovered, they are no match for the assassins who have changed their profession from knights.

Under constant blows, Hassan chose to defect to Macedonia.

"What a pity, this was originally prepared for Britain.

But now it has to be used here.”

Aristotle sighed somewhat.

"Master, please forgive me for speaking frankly."


"If you put this thing in Britain, it might not be as effective.

Due to the previous Death Apostles incident in Salem, the entire town was infected. After that incident, the King of Knights ordered the Ministry of Magic to take special preventive measures.

They even have a set of teaching materials on how to deal with 'toxic' infections to train doctors."

Silent Hassan spoke seriously about his investigation.

In his opinion, Salem, who was unprepared at the time, or the Dead Apostles, only died a few thousand people due to the rapid infection.

Their poison was not as strong as the Dead Apostles at that time.

Not to mention, Britain is already prepared.

"I heard that there is a lot of movement of people in some places in Britain. Wouldn't it be better this way?"

"But the British official's execution is equally strong.

The Death Apostle incident at that time was...the humble political officer who was an official decisively ordered the area to be sealed off, so only a few thousand people died.

And the Dark Moon Knight is staring at us now.

We simply do not dare to carry out large-scale operations in Britain."

Hassan told them their difficulties.

If you want to do this in Britain, you'd better find a town to poison.

But the death of a small town had little impact on Britain, but they took risks and wasted expensive poison.

What do they want? But if they go to a big city, the other side will just block the city and eliminate them one by one. At most, a few thousand people will die.

And the consequences of this may be that they are caught.

In contrast, Helen is obviously better at attacking.

After all, under the leadership of Lucifer, Britain has done too many strange things in recent years.

If the other party quickly develops the antidote, they will die unwillingly.

"Knights of the Dark Moon."


Now it is basically certain that this knight belongs directly to the King of Knights himself, but few people even in Britain believe that this knight really existed.

After fighting against each other in the past few years, from businessmen to ordinary nobles to farmers, gardeners, chefs..., we have found the shadow of the Dark Moon Knight in every aspect.

I suspect we have people from them inside as well.”

At the end of the sentence, Hassan's voice was filled with bitterness.

He suspected it, but he couldn't find who it was.


Hearing this, Aristotle sighed again.

no.540 Helen’s civil strife

Along with the secret arrangements between Rome and Macedonia, Helen's internal problems began to emerge.

The situation that started first was the conflict between Troy and Argos. The origin of this incident was also very simple, that is... Paris betrayed Menelaus.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's just like this. After all, in this era, Helen and the Green Man are not without their problems.

Such personal matters cannot rise to the level of the state. Most of them are resolved by duel, and life or death is decided by fate.

But the problem is that Paris also kidnapped the woman back, and now Menelaus couldn't bear it at all.

He directly led 3,000 men to Troy, threatening to attack the city and snatch his woman back, and also hang Pari's head on a tree.

Based on the situation at that time, Menelaus was just angry and shouting. He wanted Paris to come out and fight him.

If it were true, his three thousand men would not be able to capture the fortified city of Troy.

But the old king of Troy took the lie and took it seriously under the persuasion of a certain chamberlain.

Since he loved his son so much, the old king sent 10,000 troops to kill Menelaus without leaving any trace behind.

Menelaus never thought about attacking the city, and naturally he never thought that the other party would attack him. He even started fighting without even having a negotiator.

Caught off guard, Menelaus, who was killed and defeated but fled back with 600 men, was furious and vowed to make the despicable Trojans pay the price.

So he wrote to Xi's brother and good friends, preparing to attack Troy together.

He is still there: threatening to snatch Paris' sister-in-law away after the city is captured.

When the frontline received the news, Hector felt like an arrow had been hit in his knee.

Of course, he was still relatively sensible, and took the initiative to promise Agamemnon that he would go back and deal with his bastard brother, and then send his wife back.

Under the persuasion of the kings, Agamemnon did not hesitate to help Hector and even saw him off.

However, something unexpected happened next.

Diomedes, the worthy heir to the throne of Agor and a close friend of Menelaus, was killed in what was supposed to be a symbolic attack.

If it was just a woman, the conflict could still be resolved, but if a prince died and was still the heir, the problem would become much more serious.

King Agor immediately left his frontline men and took more than 10,000 people with him, and returned to prepare to avenge his son.

Of course, this is not the worst. The worst part is that Athens and Sparta also had problems.

Plague occurred in both places, resulting in a large number of people being infected and eventually dying.

For a time, many people hid in the countryside.

At this time, Menastheus, the grandson of the previous king and the nephew of Theseus, took the opportunity to spread rumors that all this was a punishment from the gods because Theseus had seized the throne through unfair means. .

Using rumors and nobles, he successfully raised an army to seize power.

The same thing happened in Sparta, and the script was similar.

Faced with the fire in the backyard, Theseus and Leonidas could only temporarily surrender their command positions with the Allied forces and lead their troops back to quell the rebellion.

Since they had received some news in advance and were well prepared for this, it was not considered a panic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the war between Troy and Argos became more and more serious, and the two sides began to fight with real swords and guns.

By the time Hector returned, the matter was no longer something he could solve.

Now even if he hands over his younger brother and lets him fight in a duel, the other party will not give up.

Because this is no longer a woman's issue.

The countries on the other side wanted to flatten Roy and make the king kneel down to apologize.

This condition was naturally unacceptable to Hector, so even though he didn't want to fight, he fought to defend the country.

As the war escalates, more and more people join the war.

Under the instigation of thoughtful people, Helen's city-state began to take sides and divided into two factions to start a war.

Originally, in this situation, the two leaders, Theseus and Leonidas, should have stepped forward to quell the conflict between the two parties, but now they have problems at home.

I don't have time to pay attention to these people, so I just send symbolic letters to persuade them.

It's a pity that the person involved is so jealous that no one pays attention to such a weak thing.

Time passed little by little, from autumn to winter, and while Lucifer was busy...farming, unknowingly, only the original seven kings were left in the Macedonian army.

Because they had received the news early and acted decisively, they directly killed the two or five young men in the family, which did not cause much problems.

The remaining seven faced Alexander head-on, and the result goes without saying.

So Helen also reversed her previous attack and turned into a temporary defensive state.

Since they were in the fortress and land of Macedonia, he was not worried about destroying it.

Anyway...if it's broken, they can go back in the end.

The Macedonian side finally managed to reduce the pressure, but had to temporarily scale back its offensive due to the arrival of winter.

Therefore, both sides have temporarily entered a brief period of peace.

At the same time, Alexander never relaxed his guard against Lucifer, and the legions he left in the west never moved.

Taking advantage of this period of peace, another civil strife broke out in the royal city of Rome.

Of course, civil strife seems to be a tradition in Rome, and the person who rebelled this time was Pompey, Caesar's friend and father-in-law.

A total of more than 3,000 people who directly and indirectly participated in the rebellion were executed by Nero.

Now that Ross is about to go south, Nero can't control that much.

Otherwise, when Wangcheng rebels again when she and Ye Er 2 are facing each other, the problem will be much more serious.

Jellal, who made great contributions in this rebellion, was also promoted to become the Thirteenth Deputy Commander of the Army.

Time passed little by little, and a new banquet arrived.

This time Lucifer has another member in his harem.

Morgan's rise to power is no surprise to some, but to others it means something different.

So the number of times Lucifer danced at the banquet couldn't help but increase. Even until the end of the banquet, the eldest lady was still waiting in line.

Some guys even brought their eleven-year-old daughter over, to which Lucifer could only say that he was crazy.

In the middle of the night, after finally packing up everything, Lucifer returned to his resting place. At this time, Anna hugged Lucifer tightly and let him lie on her body.

"Thanks a lot."

"Oh! Those... eldest ladies are so energetic, my legs are almost numb.

Today I have danced all the dances of my life in one day."

Lucifer couldn't help but sigh.

"Sir, you asked for this. You took the king's majesty and said to them, get away from you troublesome women.

Well, that’s enough.”

Anna deliberately imitated Lucifer's tone and said with a straight face.

"That way I would be considered gay.

By the way, why are you alone?"

Lucifer moved his head to make himself more comfortable and said.

"Leah and the others haven't seen you come back after waiting for a long time, so they went to the training ground first."

"What are you doing at the ashram?"

Leaving aside Leia, Al is so serious, and he can still insist on practicing "holding a story session!"

"Ghost Story"

As he spoke, Lucifer couldn't help but think of the traditional arts in his student days.

"of course not.

None of us are afraid of ghosts, but Morgan said we were looking for inspiration for the next play.

So let’s exchange feelings and collect materials together.”

"Thank you for your hard work, wait here alone for my return."

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