The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights from the Moon-shaped Alien World Chapter 346

I just watched the first act::, very interesting script.

The design based on the three of us is more like a fan story than... a script.

However, the structure of this narrative also has a way of intensifying contradictions, which is very Shakespearean."

The topic returned to the script, and Lucifer did not think about the coat of arms for the time being.

This script looks very much in the style of a certain scumbag writer.

Speaking of this writer, Lucifer's deepest impression of him was... being slapped in the face by a woman.

And he beat me repeatedly and continuously.

Until now, Lucifer still can't understand the idea that he covets other people's bodies just for writing.

All I can say is that people who play art are very individual.

Thinking of this, Lucifer couldn't help but think of Arong.

This person... seems to have accepted his current situation very quickly.

"Because of the popularity of Hamlet, I consulted him for a while."

Morgan didn't hide it.

It was during this period that Shakespeare finally wrote his first famous work.

And freed from the previous salary-earning life.

"The ending of this story will not be the same as that of Hamlet.

From the story of the prince's revenge to the story of the princess's revenge, because she couldn't stand the king's philandering, the princess picked up a hatchet and gave him a good ship."

Thinking of this, Lucifer said jokingly.

"Why is a good ship a hatchet?"

"Oh! That's right, you don't quite understand the meaning of these two words.

To put it simply...the princess couldn't stand having her things taken away, and her jealousy was aroused by others, so she killed the king and her sister."

"No! No! That's absolutely not the case. I never thought about killing... ah."

As he spoke, Morgan was shocked.

Only then did she realize that she had almost said the words of killing the king.

That's right, you can't say this.

For Lucifer himself, he may not care about Morgan's words.

But it doesn’t matter what the people below, especially those at the round table, think.

"Don't be nervous, I was just joking."

"Please don't scare me, I'm not Leah."

no.463 Care about progress

The unintentional words revealed isolation, and Lucifer heard this too.

"But it looks a lot like Leah, doesn't it?"

He said this at this time.


In silence, Morgan subconsciously put his hands on his face.

If it is similar, Morgan is actually very confident in himself mentally.

I think I am not inferior to Leah.

Until now, her initial jealousy towards Leah has turned into envy.

People's hearts are different, and the outcome will naturally be different.

"Tragedies can often touch people's hearts, but Morgan, you know what.

There is a saying that has been circulating for a long time, the core of tragedy is comedy, and the core of comedy is tragedy."

While talking, Lucifer began to talk about drama creation.

"The core of tragedy is comedy, and the core of comedy is tragedy."

Morgan murmured, carefully savoring the meaning of these two sentences.

"The drama itself needs to be reversed, and it is such extreme reversal that can reflect the charm of the drama itself.

Cry and laugh, laugh and cry.

The two emotions reach the same destination by different paths, and both can touch people's hearts."

If a tragedy is only sad, it will lose its original meaning.

How to transcend sadness and move from sadness to strength is what human beings should do.

Similarly, if a comedy can only make people laugh but cannot make people feel the slightest bit, then it is just a clown at best.

Reversal is not a display, but a hint.

Thinking of this, Lucifer couldn't help but feel that a certain writer who wrote fairy tales was very powerful, especially his satirical techniques.

"But won't such a reversal cause the drama itself to become fragmented?"

When it comes to drama, Morgan also thinks seriously.

"If it's not handled well, of course it will.

It's like adding a lot of sugar to bitter melon.

If the combination of sourness and sweetness creates an infatuation like first love, then the combination of bitterness and sweetness is... it makes people feel that they are in the wrong place."

"To use a dessert as a metaphor, it's very Wang's style."

Morgan said naturally.

Whether it's scripts or snacks, they are all things Wang is very good at.

Although Lucifer rarely cooks by himself now due to Al's growth, there is no doubt about his ability.

"in spite of....

Whether it is a snack or a drama, the moment you taste it is mixed with a unique smell. In my eyes, they are actually very similar."

"Well...can you please evaluate this script of mine?"

Morgan's probing question.

At this time, she couldn't help but feel some emotion in her heart, and wanted to hear more about Lucifer's recognition of her.

I want to hear more praises from Lucifer.

Not as a king, but as a compliment to Lucifer himself.

Not for the vanity of fame, but for a person's satisfaction.

"If only for the first act, it's interesting.

Although there are some elements of routines, the lines reveal a kind of delicateness unique to women, especially when the princess meets the knight, the...sorrow of gains and losses in the princess's heart are revealed in the words, and they are all expressed one by one."

Lucifer thought for a moment and expressed his evaluation.

The structure of a script can be described as a routine, but routines do not mean that they cannot be used. It just depends on how to use them, how well they are used, and where they are used.

What surprised Lucifer was Morgan's lines.

Judging from the script alone, she may be better at lines.

Is an expert in language.

The Morgan in my memory seems to be... a witch who seduces people's hearts, but the one in front of me... is not innocent, but at least she doesn't feel a strong demonic nature.

"Hey! Can the king feel it?"

Morgan looked at you happily.

Just like Lucifer's comment.

Words are her proudest strength.

Now that she could be discovered at a glance, her whole body felt a resonance.

"Didn't I say that?

The words are like a snack, and you can taste them the moment you read them.

And later on, the jealousy towards my sister was like a mixture of lemon and milk."

"..., are there any more?"

...For a moment, they seemed to have forgotten what they had to do before and started talking about the script in front of them.

Initially, it was Morgan's script, and then it became various popular scripts now, and finally extended to stories and even national culture and history.

As time passed by, Morgan became more and more intoxicated in this atmosphere.

Until... "I'm talking about you! We are practicing hard and waiting for you to come over."

As a result, you are here talking and laughing with him.

Are you worthy of...our joint efforts, Morgan?"

Al walked over in the corridor angrily.

Beside her was Joan of Arc, and Atta and Europa were also looking at Lucifer from behind with expressions of laughter.

"Ah! I'm sorry..., Al."

"Don't blame Morgan too much, I asked her to stay."

Seeing Morgan like this, Lucifer took the initiative to take over the responsibility.

Then, Al opened fire on Lucifer without mercy.

"I knew this was the case. I had previously said that I would supervise me, but in the end, I simply gave up.

I've only been here twice during this period, and now I'm dragging our script writer along to waste her time.

Did you do it on purpose? Yes, you must have done it on purpose.

Then you’ll want to see my jokes again.”

In fact, Al feels more angry now, well, not towards Morgan, but towards Lucifer.

This situation is like my mother working hard outside, but you are here leisurely picking up girls. Are you worthy

This feeling.

"This must be difficult."

"What's the problem?"

"Think about it, it will definitely be me and Al who will be laughed at by then.

If I want to be laughed at, it’s because Joan of Arc and the others are laughing at me.”

Lucifer's words made Al's anger completely disappear, and she said with disdain.

"Tch! My sister won't laugh at you."

"It is true that Joan of Arc won't, but those... two will definitely do it.

You see, they are already laughing."

"Over there! I... No, you want to change the subject again."

Al was about to open fire on Atta and the others, but suddenly understood when he saw Lucifer's hateful smile.

"Hey! Al has become smarter this time."

"Have you always thought I was a fool?"


"I'll beat you up."

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