The King of Knights in a Different World

The Knight King of the Moon-shaped Alien World Chapter 332

"Are you talking about your future beloved concubine?"

Looking at Lucifer like this, Mira couldn't help but joked.

One of the pieces of information she just sent was particularly interesting.

Because of the previous Hannibal incident, many people in the Roman city who were originally dissatisfied with Nero became even more arrogant.

They even openly used Nero's marriage as a test to challenge her authority.

Faced with this approach, Nero did not exploit the weaknesses of people's hearts to make them kill each other like he did.

Nero chose the simplest option. She invited all her political opponents to a theater and burned the place down.

It was claimed that Ronister went crazy and burned down the theater.

But those who know the inside story will know what is going on.

Although the evidence was also buried in the fire.

After this incident, the DPRK's attitude towards her dropped to the extreme.

"What Nero is doing now is not desperate, no, it should be confident, that's why he dares to do this.

Well, it's very her style.

A fire burned the enemy to death in the opera house."

Lucifer recounted what Nero did.

"I thought you would say it's very my style. We are indeed a couple."

"Although I wanted to do this before.

I know better the consequences of playing like this.

Otherwise, I would have just lured all the old nobles into a castle and killed them all.

This may seem straightforward, but it may not be effective.”

Just kill all those who oppose it, so that no one will oppose it.

On the surface, there seems to be no problem with this logic, it is simple and straightforward.

But the problem is that as a king, you may not be able to find everyone who resists you.

Some people resist outwardly, while others resist secretly.

Killing all the people on the surface in this way will only make the people in the dark more afraid and unite to resist.

Not to mention, other people who didn't resist would feel that they might be killed from time to time.

In this case, it is possible to add more enemies to yourself.

“I think it’s very effective.

After all, a dead man won't resist."

Mira very much agreed with Nero's approach.

Rather, she had thought of similar thoughts before.

He also used his own advice, but he did not adopt it at the time.

"It is true that the dead will not resist, but the living will also be afraid that they may die at any time.

Under the threat of death, the remaining people will huddle together.

In order to prevent themselves from becoming the next person to be burned by a fire, they have only one choice."

"There are not many people left, and even less power left."

"Are you sure? If the children of these people raise high flags of rebellion in the name of your revenge, it is in the name of revenge, but in fact it is for their own ambitions."

"Hmm, interesting possibility.

This also proves from the side what I said before, the importance of cutting off the grass and roots.

If things go as you predict, Rome itself will be in chaos."

"The chaos won't last long.

As long as Nero still holds the commander of the legions...the trump card, those who resist will only be suppressed one by one.

But..., forget it, not to mention Nero, I don’t think such a small problem will trouble her."

At this point, Lucifer lost much...interest.

If Rome is in civil strife, your next attack will be easy. If Rome is not in civil strife, your side will still not lose.

The only difference was probably the time it took for Nero to fall into his arms.

"It's really a small problem, so why didn't you do this before?"

Mira asked rhetorically.

"If I had more than a dozen legions and a legion commander, I would have dared to play this way.

But I didn't, so I had to think of other ways.

Besides, if I really did this, would I still be the King of Knights now?"

"Since when do you care about what you are called?"

Mira seemed not to want to let Lucifer go, and continued to tease about this matter.

"I just discovered recently that although this title seems too ordinary and useless, it seems to be quite good for picking up girls."

"Haha! Your name as King of Knights will make you cry."

"If I want to cry, I will cry, but the title will not make me cry.

Just pay more attention to things in Rome, now is not the time to start a war.

Compared to Rome, what happened in Macedonia is more interesting.

The Spartan Three Hundred, Thermopylae.


With that said, Lucifer changed the topic to another piece of information.

This intelligence relates to Macedonia.

Macedonia divided its forces into two groups to attack Helen. The attack led by Alexander went smoothly and successfully forced Theseus to the foot of Mount Pherno.

But on the other side, Seleucus's 50,000-strong army was blocked by Leonidas's 300 Spartan warriors at Thermopylae, preventing them from going any further.

Coupled with the heavy rain before, Alexander's plan to prepare for the two armies to join forces failed.

Faced with this situation, Alexander had to ask Ptolemy to reinforce Seleucus, but in this way, the original two-sided, flanking battle turned into a distance battle.

Coupled with the arrival of reinforcements from various city-states, even the conquering king had to slow down.

no.448 What is the army

Regarding the war far away in Helen, both Lucifer and Mira are always paying attention.

In Mira's view, it would be best if the two countries fight in a losing battle, so that when Britain recovers, it can smoothly gain ground.

Unfortunately, judging from Alexander's previous strategy against Rome, this possibility is unlikely.

"Have you been to Helen? How do you judge the war in front of you?"

Mira looked at Lucifer and asked.

"It's hard to say! Helen's side has just experienced the God War, and the high-level combat power is incomplete.

At least Odysseus' Gundam: didn't fly out, and others also had some problems.

However, even so, in the face of pressure from Macedonia.

It's not like the whole Helen team can't fight together.



"If Helen unites, they will form a powerful force, but the problem lies in the system of Helen's country.

They are a city-state, which also means that there is the possibility of being divided from within.

Once there are internal problems, it will not be difficult for Macedonia to defeat them."

If he were Alexander, the way to attack Helen would not be to attack Helen as violently as before, but to find ways to use their internal contradictions to create opportunities, such as starting a civil war among the city-states.

However, the Conqueror King probably doesn't like to use his own labor-saving methods, and will instead go head-on in pursuit of high challenges.

This can be understood from his tactics and past.

But it is still a bit difficult to defeat Helen with this kind of head-on force.

After all, there are quite a few heroes on Helen's side. According to intelligence, even Jason, who looked like a naughty boy before, is now shining brightly as a strategist.

"Is there something wrong with them internally?"

"Yes, and the problem is serious.

Now the coalition forces of various city-states are brought together with the support of the prestige of the king of Athens and the king of Sparta, but they are fighting separately.

How should I put it, the heroism of this country is their strength, but it is also their fatal flaw."

Most of Helen's heroes are centered on individualism.

Such people cannot be turned into emotionless tools, and are far less useful on the battlefield than a real army.

Precisely because of their individualism, none of them are convincing, and they will do some outrageous things from time to time.

I have discovered this before when I watched the Olympic Games.

As long as they fight on their own in the name of heroes, it won't take much effort to capture Helen.

Just like now, Alexander is not totally without a chance.

If he could kill the two kings Theseus and Leonidas, the resistance to the attack would be reduced by half.

"It's not easy to be a hero on the battlefield.

That's it, I understand.

Now that you say that, does it mean that Helen is not a problem in your eyes?"

"You can think so.

In my opinion, as a country, Macedonia is much more troublesome than Helen."

"If that's the case, why did you agree to keep the Church State in the first place? Wouldn't it be better to just annihilate it in one fell swoop?

If the church had been annihilated back then, we wouldn't have to suffer so hard now.

Before marching into Macedonia, we must first deal with the church.

In other words, unless the church disappears, you cannot achieve the surprise attack you are good at."

This is exactly what Mira is confused about.

Lucifer must have had a chance to catch up with the church's retreating troops, but he did not do so.

Instead, an agreement was finally reached with Macedonia to allow a church state to emerge.

Although this small country is pitifully weak.

But with this buffer, Macedonia would not be caught off guard by a surprise attack, which would conflict with Lucifer's strategy.

"Mira, sometimes things are not what you think about."

In this regard, Lucifer said with a smile.


"The reason why I stayed in the church was not so that it would hinder me, but to reassure Macedonia.

As you said, if there is no church state between us and Macedonia, I can surprise Macedonia at any time before they can react.

But given the circumstances at the time, they might be undecided and join forces with Roma.

But leaving the Church State means that I have no intention of marching into Macedonia in the short term, so Macedonia will even join forces with Rome."

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