The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 301

no.413 Speed ​​up the march

A sudden loud knock on the door startled Pompek.

He almost couldn't.

After recovering, he immediately yelled outside the door.

"Bastards! Didn't I tell you to get out of here? You have no brains, and you still don't listen to me.

Dare to disturb my interest, sir, and say, how do you want to die!"

Bombek roared out.

Doing this kind of thing is disturbed, and it will not be a good mood for the individual.

However, the knocking on the door continued and intensified.

"My lord, it's not good!"

"What's wrong, it's not the Britons calling here! You've made a lot of fuss all day, get out of here!"

Roaring, Bombek lowered his head and was about to continue.

He originally thought that this would make the younger brother outside know how to leave, but this time the younger brother directly stated the seriousness of the problem.

"The Britons are calling!"

"What's so good! How dare you lie to me, the Britons are still here: how could they appear here after having a fierce fight with Charlemagne thousands of miles away?"

Bombek was taken aback for a moment, but after thinking about it, he immediately realized that this was a lie.

From his point of view, it was indeed true.

Too bad it wasn't a lie this time.

"My lord, come out and have a look.

The British battleship has already arrived at the door.

The bank has been completely lost, if you don't come out to command, the entire alley will be completely lost."

The younger brother shouted tearfully outside the door.

In fact, he also understands his adult's thoughts very well.

If someone had told him a day ago that Britain would attack here, he would have given that person a big slap in the face to wake him up and stop dreaming all day.

But now... "Get out! Don't try to lie to me."

Bombek is now in a posture of not being able to go up or down, looking at the beautiful lover in front of him, he is very annoyed by the younger brother outside.

"My lord, come out and see for yourself.

If you don't come out again, they will call here.

grown ups!"

The younger brother continued to slam on the door, this time, Bombek finally walked down.

He was full of anger and prepared to teach this little brother a lesson, to let him understand who is the boss.

"You bastard, dare to interrupt my interest, I will let you know the consequences of doing so now! Britons, where are the Britons... British knights!"

Opening the door, Pombek immediately noticed the flames of war in the distance below.

His current location is on the third floor of a house in a high aristocratic area, with a very good view.

Just a few hundred meters away from the front entrance, the figure of the British knight can already be seen there.

He stayed: half a minute, did not respond.

At this time, the younger brother reminded me.

"My lord! I really didn't lie to you."

Hearing this voice, Pombek came back subconsciously.

"Asshole, why didn't you tell me sooner."

He slapped his younger brother on the face and scolded loudly.


At this moment, the little brother covered his face, and there was a thousand things in his heart that he wanted to say to the stupid fool in front of him.

I told you earlier! That is only if I can find someone for you.

Who knew you were hiding here today.

In fact, the little brother had already gone to Pompek's home for the first time before.

Otherwise, there would be no information about the Black Knight's passing.

"Hurry up, go home quickly, I, I..."

After reacting, Bombeck immediately thought of going home instead of going to the command post, and he planned to pack up his things and run away.

"It's too late, I just saw a group of knights going in the direction of your house.

My lord, now I can only hurry back to the command post."

"How many of them came!"

"I don't know, there are people everywhere.

It is estimated that there are at least ten thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"

Bombek almost died of fright.

He knows the strength of his subordinates, so it's no problem to bully pirates or something.

But if you talk about fighting against the French elite, it's a free gift.

And now it is obviously the British elite who are attacking.

They have defeated the elite of France.

Thinking about it this way, a certain formula immediately emerged.

The British elite and the French elite should flee.

The formula came to his mind almost immediately.

"grown ups!"

"Quick, bring my horse here."

Under the urging of Bombek, the younger brother immediately brought the horse over.

"Help me on the horse!"


Bombek arrived on his horse, and without even looking at his lover, he was ready to flee for his life.

Money can be found again when it is gone, and lover can be found again, but one's own life is the most important.

With this in mind, he quickly ran out of the city.

The little brother didn't know it at the beginning, so he thought he was going to the command post to command the battle, but now I look at it, the direction is wrong! "My lord, the direction is wrong! The command post is over there."

On the horse, the younger brother reminded his boss.

"Who said I was going to the command post.

I am now going to Normandy immediately to seek help from Sir Filanbaras."

Bombek even found a reason to escape.


For the shamelessness of his boss, the younger brother has a new understanding.

However, in order to save his life, he could only run along.

Although the viscount's escape ability is top-notch, his reaction is also good.

But because he wasted too much time on women before, he just ran to the avenue outside the city when he was caught by Agguiwen who had already been waiting there.

Agguiwen didn't have the slightest thought of showing mercy, and took him back like a dead pig.

In the command post at the entrance of the alley, this was supposed to be the place where Pombek stayed, and now he has indeed come here.

It's just that identity is a captive.

He was only wearing one piece of clothing, and looked at Lucifer in fear.

"Two o'clock!"

Lucifer looked down at the viscount in front of him, and said calmly.


At this moment, Bombek didn't react.

"Do two things well, and your future will depend on those two things."

"Won't you kill me?"

Hearing this, Pombek subconsciously asked.

He looked again at Agguiwen next to Lucifer, originally he thought he was dead.

"Why do I have to kill you? I have always been very tolerant to... sensible people who can understand."

"Thank you for your kindness.

Whatever you want me to do, I will do it.

As long as I can."

Suddenly finding that he could survive, Pombek immediately praised Lucifer and expressed his loyalty.

"Relax! It's very simple! Let these people inform others, give up resistance and surrender on the spot.

If you are still alive, don't do stupid things.

Although I am merciful, I am not merciful enough to accept a second surrender."

As he said that, Lucifer gestured with his eyes to the dozens of non-commissioned officers who were caught on the spot.

His words are also said to be heard by others.

That's right, let them go, if they still want to resist, then there is no chance of surrender.

Since they can surrender here, they must be afraid of death.

"No problem! Absolutely no problem.

The second thing is"

Bombek immediately nodded in agreement.

He doesn't want to die.

"It's just as simple. Find a bodyguard you trust the most to inform: Philan Barras in Normandy, and tell him that this place has been attacked by 10,000 British navy and needs to be rescued."

The moment Lucifer said the second thing, Bombek thought he heard it wrong.


He subconsciously said.

"Can't do it? It seems that maybe I should consider changing someone."

"Yes! Can do it! Absolutely! I can go there myself."

Even though he didn't know why Lucifer made such a decision, Bombek still promised that he could do it.

"You just stay here.

If I hadn't seen the reinforcements led by Ferran Barras coming to shake me, something very regrettable would have happened, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, Lucifer's words already carried obvious threats.

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