The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 240

"Very contradictory."

"Pretty contradictory.

This war does not know where it will end."

Speaking of this, Lucifer sighed a little.

Originally, I told Joan that I would end the war and go back to see them, but the sudden accident made the previous words look like one.

It's not a good time to charge.

However, these things can only be thought about in the heart, not spoken out.

At this moment, Lungominiad seemed to hear a hint of yearning from Lucifer's words, and she suddenly understood that the firm king outside before her eyes also had a gentle part in her heart.


Thinking of this, Rungomigniad said hesitantly.


"If you are lonely, I will always be by your side."

Hearing Lungominiade's confession like a girl, Lucifer was stunned for a moment, then smiled and hugged her tightly.

Yes! There is also an important person here who cannot live up to her expectations.

For the rest of your life, you have to keep winning.

no.340 Merlin's News (ask for tickets, ask for custom order)

There was a sudden announcement from the guard outside the door.

"My lord, the magician Merlin is waiting to see you."

The moment they heard a certain name, Lucifer and Rungomigniad looked at each other, and saw the strangeness in each other's eyes at the same time.

"Understood, take him to the living room and wait."


Along with the sound of the guards leaving, Lucifer also let go... Rungomignard, they stood up together.

"Will it be real?"

Rungomigniad said a little strangely.

Merlin has been missing for more than two years, so it's strange to appear now.

"It must be real.

Not to mention that very few people dare to role-play with me now, even if not, with Merlin's reputation, the most likely result of playing him is being thrown into the sea by his enemies to feed the fish."

Lucifer said while opening the door.

After going through the corridor to the living room, Lucifer found Merlin who was waiting here.

Lucifer dismissed the left and right: After that, he sat on the upper seat and spoke.

"It's really real.

Mia, from what direction does the sun rise today?"


"Oh, so it's not the west side anymore.

That's weird, when will Merlin learn to knock on the door to formally inform me instead of sneaking in like a voyeur"

Lucifer deliberately used a teasing tone.

For this, Merlin was still there: his smiling expression froze.

"You bastard, your mouth is still so poisonous.

Seeing you now, I suddenly feel that I have learned a good habit.

If I had sneaked in just now to see what I saw, I might have been killed by you directly."

Merlin seemed to understand something after seeing the figure of Rungomignard.

"That depends on what you see."

"Doesn't that mean you don't deny that there will be black hands?"

"Merlin, I don't think you should be surprised.

What would you do if I said now that some acquaintance of yours is standing behind you?"

Lucifer said deliberately, his expression seemed to be that someone was really behind Merlin.

At this moment, Merlin's first thought was... to run away.

"Where is something suddenly happening to me.


"Look! You're self-conscious about your personality, too."

"in spite of....

How many times, I can't get used to being with you."

"I thought it might be fun to watch you get beaten up later on."

Facing Lucifer's words, Merlin was a little speechless.


"Okay! The joke is over here, our Archmage Merlin's sudden appearance must not be to say hello to me.

Let's talk about your business.

For the sake of the gift you gave before, I will help at least."

Putting aside his joking mood, Lucifer also got down to business.

I don't think that Merlin suddenly appeared here for his own sake after disappearing for two years... that would be ridiculous.

In contrast, it should be what happened to him.

"Do you know the seven treasures?"

Merlin also changed a serious expression at this moment.

The moment he heard a certain name, Lucy's expression changed.

"Hmm! You found out where that thing is"

"do you know.

Great, so I don't need to explain it again.

I found one of the clues of [Creation Crimson], this treasure has the ability to fix the soul."

"It's a clue, not a whereabouts"

Lucifer noticed the small difference, if it's not a definite whereabouts, but just a clue, it means it might just be gossip or something.

"Yes, clues.

In the past two years, I have traveled to the Far East, where I found the record of Genesis Crimson.

After more than a year of repeated confirmations, I am sure that the Creation Crimson is hidden somewhere in the Far East."

Merlin stated the purpose of this trip.

When he discovered that this thing really existed in the Far East, the first thing he did was try to find a way to deal with such a troublesome thing.

Then he thought of Lucifer.

"Where exactly is it?"

"Well, I don't know either.

That thing is too miraculous, coming from the outside world.

We know so little about it."

"There is just a clue, but you don't know where it is or you just heard some rumors"

Lucifer's eyes were suspicious.

Could it be that this guy ran back because he got some gossip from somewhere, or that he couldn't get along in the Far East, and felt that Britain was safer? Just when Lucifer thought so, Merlin continued to talk about what he knew .

"That's not gossip, I just found a clue in the [Emperor]'s library in the Far East.

About 500 years ago, the [Emperor] of the Far East owned it.

It’s just that his whereabouts are unknown.”

"From the point of view of the value of intelligence, what you just said is as good as what you didn't say."

Lucifer looked at Merlin with the eyes of a salted fish.

Expanding his words a bit, it can actually be said that I know the Seven Supreme Treasures are on this continent, but I don't know where they are.

Saying is tantamount to not saying.

If he didn't know Merlin quite well, he would have thought that this guy was... a third-rate liar.

"This...isn't that bad."

Merlin was a little embarrassed.

"Although the extreme east is an island, but that... the place is not small.

If it is really lost there and has not been found, it can only mean that someone deliberately hid it.

Thinking about it this way, the person who... hid it would have erased information about it, and information about it might have been obfuscated in other ways as well."

As he said that, Lucifer said the correct guessing method about the treasure.

Since it is something owned by the emperor, and then it is deliberately hidden by others, it is difficult for people to find out.

Because the person who hides it doesn't want anyone to find it, let alone a treasure map.

"My thoughts are with yours.

So I conducted a special investigation for a while, and found several suspicious places so far."

"Suspicious location, do you have a map?"


"Do you know what you're talking about.

This is equivalent to saying that you may hear a few legends that are related to it.

Usually this kind of legend is very difficult to find one, let alone several.

Needless to say, I don't have time at all right now."

Speaking of this, Lucifer felt a little helpless.

It is impossible to leave oneself here, and it is impossible to send a team to investigate things like the Seven Supreme Treasures.

"Then it has nothing to do with me, I'm just bringing you the news.

As for how you find it, that's your business."

"I have a question now.

Why did you tell me this news?"

Regarding this, Lucifer was somewhat puzzled.

However, Merlin had his own reasons.

"Because you and those things come from the same world, only you know how to dispose of them.

They should not exist in this world, let alone be owned by people in this world."

"As Merlin, do you also care about humans?"

"I care about it: Speaking of it, my understanding of the fate of human beings is actually that, as you know.

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