The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 211

An elite army can often defeat a motley army.

"Twelve against eight, in terms of the number of troops, we are in an advantage.

But the quality cannot be compared, is that what you mean?"

Lucifer simply explained the problem.

The other side has 80,000 elites, but there seem to be many people on my side.

But there are less than 60,000 people who can really be counted as combat power, and the rest are new troops.

Letting these new troops go head-to-head with the elite army of the legion is suicide.

This is also the reason why Rungomignard didn't chase too much before.


King, look! This is Ruhr, where I beat them before.

Ten days ago, after that encounter, there had been no major offensive on the Roman side.

Now, most of them are guerrillas with small units, and it is difficult for us to find their main force.

But if you rashly attack these... small troops..."

"Leaving aside the issue of income, if you are led into a trap, you will be in big trouble.

do you mean this"


"How about you in France"

Speaking of this, Lucifer suddenly changed the subject.

"Well, I've seen it.

Dracula's main army has already moved to follow-up wars, and France may face the risk of being flanked."

Rungomigniad said what he knew.

After Macedonia in the south was defeated, Dracula left Camilla alone to guard the defense area, while he led troops to support the south under the emperor's order.

In this case, the situation on the French side may not be good.

The current situation is... a three-party game, once France feels that the situation is not good, or it will be repelled.

The pressure on my side will become: greater.

"Not only that, if they retreat here, the Roman army in the south may go north and join the opposite side.

I think that's one of the reasons why they're not in a hurry."

Lucifer told what might happen afterwards.

At this time, Lucifer also had his own speculation in mind.

At this moment, it is obviously abnormal for the opponent to attack proactively.

Especially when it comes to attacking yourself, if it goes well, Rome may beat up the three countries next to it in the past six months, and may even go out to attack Ross later.

Such a large-scale use of troops... Do you feel that your time is running out, do you want to pave the way for Nero in advance, the emperor of Rome Judging from the current situation, Caligula's use of troops seems a bit urgent .

The only reason is...he feels like he's running out of time.

If the overseas issues are not dealt with in advance, once he dies, Nero may face...internal and external troubles when he is crowned.

Do you want to take this opportunity to bully my lovely Nero? Thinking of this, Lucifer began to think in his heart, should he take this opportunity to make a big news.

As long as there is a big news on my side, Rome will definitely respond, and Lei Di in the north will also move when he sees the opportunity.

If you want to find a way to pull France, you can use this opportunity to do something.

Not to mention dismembering Rome, at least it can hurt its vitality.

After Lucifer finished speaking, he fell into thinking, the other people at the moment subconsciously thought that Lucifer was thinking hard about countermeasures for the troubles that might come.

Of course, they were somewhat...shocked by the possibility.

"Go north! If the opponent's southern legion is all, no, even if only three 3rd legions go north, the pressure on our side will double.

We have to find a way to defeat them before they join forces."

Boudica was the first to reflect, and she said immediately.

The pressure on the three 3rd Legion in front of us is still there.

But if it becomes six 66 legions, then the problem is very serious.

"Normally, that's right.

However, now is not the time to be anxious, Marshal Boudica.

This heavy rain may last for a few more days, plus the next few days, this kind of weather is not suitable for our attack, but it is more beneficial to Rome."

Lucifer came back to his senses, and said with a smile.

Most of the Roman legions were infantry, although there were also cavalry, but the number was not as large as that of Britain.

Naturally less affected by this weather than Britain.

"I was too impatient."

"Although I just said that the other party may be waiting for the battlefield in the south to get better, you don't need to worry too much.

The situation in the south cannot be decided in a short while, and these days, everyone is the same as before, focusing on recuperation and getting ready for the next big battle."

Having said that, Lucifer told the others about their goals in a short time.


"Retire first, Boudica and Rungomigniad remain."


After the generals left one after another, there were only three figures left here.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lucifer felt nostalgic for a moment, and his memory seemed to return to two years ago.

no.304 accept as soon as it is good

In the combat conference room, Lucifer sat down first:, he agreed to signal the other two to sit down at the same time:.

"You still have something to say."

At this moment, Rungomigniad spoke first.

"Yes! It should be said that I just said half of my speculation.

From the current point of view, once the legion in the south of Rome defeats France, it may go north to put pressure on Britain at any time.

But there is a precondition for this to happen, and that is Rose does nothing during this time."

Lucifer calmly stated the speculation that he hadn't said before.

Up to now, after collecting a lot of information, a certain speculation in Lucifer's heart is becoming more and more formed.

Judging from the current situation, Caligula is preparing for his own funeral, so he needs to attack all the surrounding countries that may pose a threat.

Only in this way, when Nero is crowned later, he will not worry about foreign enemies and can focus on the inside.

Concentrate forces to defeat Macedonia first, then France, then Britain, and finally the old enemy of Ross.

And the Sun King and Hero King in the east are currently pinching each other, don't worry for now.

Thinking about it this way, Lucy Felton suddenly felt that this emperor was not simple.

Compared with defense, he likes to take the initiative to attack and use offense instead of defense.

If it really goes according to the plan in his heart, Nero's succession will not be too much trouble when the time comes.

"Thunder Emperor is our reinforcement"

Boudica was a little surprised.

"It's not really reinforcements, although we're sure there's some agreement between us.

But at most, they just don't disturb each other, and it's not an offensive and defensive alliance at all.

So don't expect him to do anything for us.

In fact, our original agreement should be that when he sends troops, I will send troops to contain Rome. Now the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

It's the other way around."

Speaking of this, Lucifer smiled wryly.

The original plan was that when Lei Di attacked Rome, he would go east to contain it.

As a result, Rome seems to think that France's active attack is an opportunity, and it can act first and take the initiative to solve the possibility of Britain going east.

Now instead, he is attracting Rome's attention, and Lei Di is watching steadily.

"We restrained the main force of Rome, but Lei Di did not move."

Rungomigniad said calmly.

"Whether he...acts depends on what we do after that.

If I can really defeat Rome as cleanly as I defeated France before.

Lei Di will definitely take the opportunity to act.

It's just that the situation may become: out of my control."

Speaking of this, Lucifer couldn't help sighing.

Things don't always go as expected.

If Lei Di is now attracting the main force of Rome, his side is only restraining, although it seems irrelevant to the overall situation, it can also secretly affect the situation.

But now, Rome's advance made him lose the opportunity to choose.

You have to fight them one game, and how to play this one needs to be carefully considered.

To put it simply..., the previous plan fell through, so I can only think of a new way.

"Roma can't be completely beaten, nor can it be fully defended.

As a king, you really have a lot to think about."

Boudica also almost understood what Lucifer was thinking at this time.

If Rome is completely defeated, more people will definitely be attracted, and then their containment will become the main force.

In the end, it was Lei Di who took advantage.

Not to mention the cost of defeating Rome.

"This is also one of my responsibilities as a king.

Alright, now back to the topic.

The reason why I keep you is because I need to tell you this strategic intention."

Lucifer officially got to the point.

"Please say, we will fully implement the diagram."

Lungominiade responded immediately.

"If it's just the war in front of me, I don't think I'm worse than you.

But if you consider the contest between countries, it still counts, I listen to you.

Who will be your king?"

Boudica responded at the same time.

"It can be summed up in four words: accept as soon as you see it."

"Take it when you see it"

"What's the meaning"

"There are too many changes on the battlefield.

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