The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 294 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition

Ever since Lin Dongtai came to apologize with his son.

The East China Sea seems to have returned to calm.

Those who had always thought that the Lin family would retaliate were completely dumbfounded when they waited and waited until they saw the Lin family take action. When did the Lin family be so easy to negotiate.

Who the hell is this Ye Xuan?

No matter how everyone investigates, they still can't find out Ye Xuan's origin. There are dozens of people with the same name and surname in Donghai. No one can guarantee whether it is one of them.

Those who had met Ye Xuan all kept silent and collectively silenced.

Donghai Lin's family didn't dare to do anything to Ye Xuan, let alone them.

"Brother Ye, remember to come early tomorrow!"

Ye Xuan had to call Bing Qingya every night, and they could talk for half an hour each time.

"No problem, make sure to come on time!" Ye Xuan said.

After talking for a few more words, Bing Qingya hung up the phone reluctantly.

Tomorrow, Ye Xuan is going to the Calligraphy Association. Who makes the old man so enthusiastic about it? It's hard to refuse. Anyway, it's just a formality, which is nothing to Ye Xuan.

Early the next morning.

Ye Xuan took Ta Xue and Xiao Hei for a stroll.

In just a few days, Taxue and Xiaohei have undergone major changes. The biggest change is that in Taxue, the blood of the wild beasts began to be stimulated.

At this time, Treading Xue has the strength of a bright warrior.

The power of one claw can easily tear open the trunk.

As long as it takes a while, Treading Snow will be comparable to a dark warrior. This is the strength of the blood of the wild beast, especially with the constant nourishment of the divine water of life, and the stimulation becomes easy.

Going to the Calligraphy Association today, Ye Xuan was not so ostentatious, and simply changed into a black Mercedes, but he didn't take off the Patek Philippe in his hand.

Ye Xuan felt that only in this way could he integrate into the current society.


Bing Qingshan was waiting for Ye Xuan in the outside community.

When I saw Ye Xuan driving a Mercedes-Benz, my impression changed a lot. It would be too ostentatious if I drove a multi-million dollar luxury car. After all, Bing Qingshan still has the air of a scholar in his bones.

"Xiaoye, when it's time to arrive, show them off and kill their vigor!" Bing Qingshan really wanted to see their surprise.

What a genius.

This is genius.

"No problem!" Ye Xuan smiled.

I even put Bing Qingya to sleep, so what if I don't please my father-in-law.

On this point, Ye Xuan still attaches great importance to it.

Isn't it just writing a paragraph? There is really no problem with this. In the eyes of immortal cultivators, one method can be used, and all methods can be used. The nature is the same.

For example, calligraphy is nothing more than the mastery of strength.

In Ye Xuan's eyes, it couldn't be easier.

"Uncle, aren't we going to the Calligraphy Association!"

Ye Xuan asked curiously, the direction seems to be wrong, last night, he checked it with navigation on purpose.

"Who said you're going to the Calligraphy Association!" Bing Qingshan said with a smile, "Today we're going to another place, and it just so happens that some old friends are there, and I'll show you a lot of knowledge by the way!"

"Great knowledge?" Ye Xuan asked.

"Today we are going to participate in the calligraphy exhibition of the first-level calligraphy master Bai Lao. This is a rare good opportunity. You are lucky, and ordinary people are not qualified to participate in such a good event!"

When Bing Qingshan mentioned this old man, his eyes were full of worship and admiration.

Ye Xuan doesn't know who Bai Lao is, and he doesn't care about it, whether it's a first-level or a second-level, there is actually no difference, they look the same.


Under the guidance of Bing Qingshan, Ye Xuan drove to a building.

"Today Bailao's calligraphy exhibition is here!"

Coming out of the parking lot, Bing Qingshan talked to Ye Xuan about things to pay attention to while walking.

Not everyone can come to Bailao's calligraphy exhibition. Those who can come today are either high-ranking officials or nobles, or calligraphers with high attainments in calligraphy.

Don't offend anyone here.

The circle of calligraphy masters is quite exclusive.

Ye Xuan kept nodding his head. He was just here for a visit, so who would he offend? He was not interested in these calligraphy circles.

The calligraphy exhibition is on the forty-sixth floor of the building.

This floor is huge.

After Ye Xuan and Bing Qingshan came out, someone was responsible for the registration.

"this is mine!"

Bing Qingshan took out an invitation letter and pointed to himself and Ye Xuan next to him. After the people at the front desk registered, they confirmed that it was correct and gave them a certificate for each of them.

When you walk in from the outside, what attracts your attention is the painting.

"These are all Bai Lao's paintings in recent years, a master is a master, different!" Bing Qingshan admired as he walked, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

Ye Xuan is not a member of this circle, but it can be seen whether the transformation here is good or not. It is indeed a bit capable and well-equipped. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a master.


Bing Qingshan quickly found several old friends he knew.

They were all standing in front of a painting, talking and laughing.

"Old Bing, you're finally here!" said a man with a square face, "Everyone thought you weren't coming!"

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to what the genius you bring will look like!" Another thinner man said.

"We just talked about you, and you came. If we really talked about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

The three old friends laughed and joked.

Bing Qingshan seems to have gotten used to their teasing tone, and said with a smile, "It's not because the road is so congested, or we would have arrived early, by the way, the person behind me is Ye Xuan, who is very powerful, and will definitely surprise you." Your imagination!"

The man with the square face smiled and glanced at Ye Xuan, he was fair and clean, and he had a good impression, "I am the secretary of the Donghai Calligraphy Association, you can call me Niu Lao, I heard that Lao Bing said that he met a powerful genius , when it's over, you have to show yourself!"

Ye Xuan dealt with it with a smile, neither humble nor overbearing.


"This is my disciple Zhang Qian. You two just got to know each other!"

Niu Lao called a disciple, who also had the same Chinese character face, and looked very honest, "Hello, I'm Zhang Qian, nice to meet you!"

"I'm Zhao Keren!"

"I'm Wang Haoran!"

Ye Xuan also introduced himself. Overall, these people are pretty good, and they didn't show anything special, as can be seen from their tone of voice.

Several old friends of Bingqingshan went to admire the paintings.

Zhang Qian and the others got mixed up, and when they left, the younger Wang Haoran patted his chest, "Every time I see seniors, I feel like Alexander!"

The only Zhao Keren who is a girl, just like the name, is very cute, giggling, "You are so timid, they won't eat you!"

Wang Haoran was so thin-skinned that he didn't dare to answer the words.

"Xiaoye, you are right to come today, I will take you to meet a beautiful woman later, she is Master Bai's disciple, the legendary Bai Fumei!"

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