The entrance of Yagi Technical College.


the sound of footsteps, the figures gradually appeared under the illumination of the setting sun.

"Goodong, they're so strong!" Ji Ji swallowed his saliva and looked at the few people who appeared at the school gate with a frightened expression.

"Are they still human?"

"It's so strong

...", "I can't stop it, I can't stop it at all..."

Lin Qingshuo, Yosuke Yun, Shiman and Tsuji looked at the sign on the Yagi Industrial High School, and easily scratched a smile.

Behind him, there were twenty or thirty Yagi bad guys who were bleeding and lying on the ground and wailing.

"Heh, do you have any thoughts about ghosts and evil spirits?" Lin Qingshuo smiled lightly, with an elegant and easy-going smile on his face.

And this smile fell in the eyes of the Yagi members, but it was like a demon.

They all saw it clearly, and the elegant-looking person in front of them was blown away 6.7 meters away with a punch, no teeth, and the person was faint.

A cadre of Yagi Industry gritted his teeth, reluctantly took a step forward, and stood trembling out of the crowd of bad people.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of Lin Qingshuo and others.

"Huh!" In an instant, he was frightened bloodless, his legs weakened, and he immediately collapsed to the ground.

After a brief silence, he reluctantly stood up and said, "I don't know what happened to the oni-yoshitaka, but I apologize to you on behalf of Yagi


..." "Boss Kubota, Boss Kubota, the devil, the devil is attacking

!" "What!? How many people are coming?!" Hearing the news, Kubota was subconsciously startled, first asked in surprise, and then was stunned, and looked at Koichi Kirishima who was sitting in the first place.


"Hahahaha!" Kokazu Kirishima laughed.

There are only four who came, and this wave is stable.

After a burst of laughter, he looked at Kubota with fierce eyes and said, "Shake people, pick up customers

!" Kubota was full of excitement, "Yes!" As

the former boss of Yagi Industries, Kubota's deterrent power was undoubted, and soon a group of students who were in class walked out in groups.

A trace of anger appeared on the face of the teacher who was in class, but he quickly suppressed it, watched them leave with a smile on his face, and even handed over weapons as if a few teachers were flattering.

It wasn't until they all walked out of the classroom that they snorted disdainfully.

"Phew, a bunch of scum of society..."

Soon, the front of the building was crowded with unscrupulous people, and Kubota stood in front of the unscrupulous people, looking at the closed door.


As the door sounded, Koichi Kirishima gradually appeared in front of a group of people with his steps.

"Kirishima-sama!" Kubota was the first to bow and shout.

A group of bad people look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do, but looking at my boss, he lowered his head, and also bowed in unison and shouted: "Kirishima-sama!"

Kirishima Koichi nodded with satisfaction, looked at the bustling bad people in front of him, and said loudly:

"I know you don't know me, but, soon, you will find out that I, Kirishima Koichi, will have a name that will resound throughout the sword." I will take you Yagi Industries to the position of Sword Overlord. A

group of bad people watched his performance quietly.

"I know that you are afraid of the Demon High School, thinking that they are the strongest university in the Sword region, and that they can destroy you at will, but I just want to tell you that the Demon High School is just a bunch of scum, and now, I will lead you to defeat them and completely make Yagi Industry famous

!" "Okay!" Kubota was the first to applaud, followed by a group of bad people.

"Very good," Koichi Kirishima nodded with satisfaction, and said, "And now, the four people of the Demon Evil High dare to attack us, this is not a contempt for us Yagi, isn't this a contempt for our Yagi?!! Now, tell me, what should you do in the face of the enemy

!" "Crush them, crush them!"

A group of bad excited yellers, adding a bit of blood out of thin air, under Kirishima Koichi's speech, one by one's faces turned red, and anger rose in their eyes.

"Okay! The whole army will attack and crush them!" Koichi Kirishima gave the order with a wave of his hand.

"Oh oh oh

" "Kill them!" At

the gate square, Lin Qingshuo quietly looked at the crowd that rushed up.

When Kubota came to the front, he saw a group of bad people lying on the ground, and at a glance, there was a large area, at least more than 50 people.

Kubota gasped, and for a while, he faintly regretted it.

"Those guys are ......,"

a cadre said, pointing in one direction, stunned.

Following the direction he pointed, the big guys all looked there, and what caught their eyes were four people wearing the fat school uniforms of the Devil High School, and they were quietly staring at this side.

In the face of this large group of people, they couldn't see the slightest fear, and the leader actually pulled out a disdainful smile.

Kubota looked at the faces of those people and tried to remember.

"Shiba-mam, Tsuji. "

The two men standing before them were...

"Lin Qingshuo!Yosuke Yu!"

Kubota's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and the figure of the person and the tree got its name.

"How could it be them...," Kubota muttered to himself.

Suddenly, an arm was placed on his body, causing him to shake and turn his head to look.

The face that scared me appeared in front of me.

Thinking of his defeat at the hands of this man, and his crazy and terrifying performance.

Kubota suddenly had a little courage and looked up at Koichi Kirishima and looked at his eyes full of war.

"If it's you, maybe, it's not impossible..."

"Kubo-kun, don't be afraid, kill them."

Kubota gritted his teeth and looked back at the bad guys behind him, and the crowd of people who were pressed by the black pressure were unexpectedly firm in their hearts.

"One hundred and fifty dozen four, one person can drown you with a mouthful of spittle, such a huge difference in numbers, I don't believe you can win, this time, the advantage is mine!"

turned around, raised his hand, and waved it down suddenly.

"Kill them

!" "Rush!"

With Kubota's roar, all the bad guys around him shouted and rushed forward, even a few Yagi Industry cadres were no exception.

Looking at the bad soldiers who rushed over, Lin Qingshuo took the lead to meet them, followed closely, flew up and kicked hard in the chest of one of the miscellaneous soldiers, and the huge force instantly overturned the miscellaneous soldier four or five meters out, and knocked over a group of bad soldiers who rushed out from behind.

Yosuke followed closely, and Suke's punch slammed into a bad one on the right, and the bad was instantly smashed out by Yosuke's fist. A few bad people swung their fists at Boom Yosuke, but they were kicked in the stomach by Boom Yosuke, and flew backwards and knocked over a large group of other people.

As soon as Shiba and Tsuji came into contact, they instantly overturned the enemy in front of them.

Under such a strong attack of the four people, a group of miscellaneous soldiers fell down like wheat.

As soon as a cadre approached Lin Qingshuo, Lin Qingshuo swept him out with a sharp kick, kicked the cadre directly out seven or eight meters away, and fell into a coma.

Seeing this scene, Kubota's expression changed for a while, and finally, he mustered up the courage to raise his fist and join the battle group.

He kept shouting and cheering for himself!

Koichi Kirishima looked at Lin Qingshuo in shock, who was killing in the crowd.

"Damn, is there such a big gap," thinking of his cousin who served in the village association, his words to himself, Koichi Kirishima's eyes gradually became fierce.


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