The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 4 The beginning is a liar (4)

"It really doesn't work. When Xiao He comes to the door next time, I'll give him something back!"

Aunt Xu is not a person who likes to take advantage of others. Although a watermelon is worthless, she can't ask others for nothing.

Besides, taking a small advantage and taking a big loss, Aunt Xu, as a retired old worker, still has at least some vigilance.

Aunt Xu has a good impression of Xiao He, but this year is not like when they were young. Everyone is looking at money, and there are even more tricks out there.

Old ladies like Aunt Xu, who live alone with high pensions and filial children, are often the key targets of scammers.

Aunt Xu put the watermelon in the kitchen, went to the second bedroom, and found several sets of newborn gift boxes on the bed.

Although the eldest grandson brought his wife and children back to the provincial capital, the news that they had children in their hometown was also known to relatives and friends.

When relatives and friends go to the hospital to visit, they will bring some gifts.

Practical, just send some eggs and milk.

The face type will send a fruit basket or a newborn gift bag.

This gift box is beautifully packaged, but the contents are only some little monk clothes and small quilts.

Children grow up fast, and two sets of such small clothes and quilts are enough.

But there are several gift boxes sent by relatives and friends, and they can't be used up at all.

When Aunt Xu's eldest grandson left, he left behind several sets.

Looking at these gift boxes, Aunt Xu estimated the value: it is worth more than a watermelon.

However, seeing that Xiao He is so proficient in the world, if he comes to the door again, he should also bring some small gifts.

Two for one, no one suffers!

Aunt Xu thought secretly and was still wary of He Hongtu.

He Hongtu didn't know this. He came out of Aunt Xu's house and didn't rush home, but turned a corner and went to another block.

"Uncle Chen, it's me, Xiao He! Are you feeling better today? Have you had dinner yet?"

He Hongtu entered a unit dormitory, came to a building with familiarity, and pressed the intercom on the access control.

"Little He, come in!"

A slightly old male voice came from the intercom, followed by a click, and the security door was opened.

Enter the building hole of the unit door and come to the east house on the first floor, the door has been opened.

He Hongtu pushed the door familiarly and came in, but when he entered the door, he did not forget to say hello: "Uncle Chen, I'm in!"

Entering the door, He Hongtu smelled a stench mixed with the aroma of the food.

There was no reaction on He Hongtu's face, and he still entered the living room with a smile.

"Xiao He, have you eaten yet? Oops, I'm really sorry for not being able to help you last time. I thought—" You won't come to my house in the future.

The person talking was an old man in his 60s or 70s. He was white and plump with gray hair. He looked very wealthy. He was obviously an old man who lived a good life.

"I haven't eaten yet! My daughter-in-law has given birth to a baby these few days. I'm waiting in the hospital every day, so I don't have time to come and see you. How is your health? Are you recovering well?"

He Hongtu didn't seem to see the slightly embarrassed smile of the old man, who was as affectionate and attentive as ever.

He glanced at the living room. There were two freshly cooked dishes on the dining table by the wall, and a nanny-like person was busy in the kitchen.

Not long after, the nanny came out with a stainless steel pot, and said to the old man as if showing his skill, "Uncle Chen, I went to the vegetable market today and saw fresh flowers. I specially bought some for you. Today Boil it first, you can taste it, if you like it, I will fry some peanuts for you tomorrow!"

Before the old man could speak, He Hongtu said first, "Peanuts? Absolutely not, Uncle Chen is allergic to peanuts!"

The nanny's smile froze, looked at He Hongtu, and then at Mr. Chen.

The old man Chen had a blank face,

Nod slowly. He does have a peanut allergy and just eats a little of it and has trouble breathing and a red rash.

The nanny became more and more embarrassed, and explained in a remedial manner: "What, Teacher Chen didn't say you can't eat peanuts when he explained things to me."

When a son doesn't even know that his father can't eat peanuts, how could she, a nanny who just arrived two days ago, know?

After the nanny said this, she found that the old man's face darkened even more.

After thinking about it for a while, the nanny understood: his son didn't know that his father was allergic to peanuts, and it was not a happy thing for the old man.

The nanny opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say, so she pretended to watch the time and glanced at the quartz watch hanging on the wall.

She deliberately snorted, "It's almost half past five, Uncle Chen, I, I should go!"

She is not a live-in nanny, but a part-time worker.

When Chen's son hired her, he agreed that he would cook two meals a day, and do cleaning and laundry by the way.

Come in at noon, leave in the afternoon, exactly five hours.

"...Okay, let's go!"

Mr. Chen opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but in the end, he still didn't say the unspeakable words in his heart, but nodded and let the nanny leave.

After sending the nanny away, He Hongtu put down the vegetable basket, approached Mr. Chen's wheelchair, and asked softly, "Uncle Chen, have you relieved your hand?"

He Hongtu took care of the self-esteem of the old man, and did not directly ask the other party if he had pulled his pants.

Old Man Chen blushed suddenly, embarrassed and embarrassed all over his body.

He Hongtu didn't care, rolled up his sleeves and pushed the old man directly to the bathroom.

He Hongtu put down the lid of the toilet, then directly picked up Uncle Chen and let him sit on the toilet.

He held the old man with one hand to prevent him from slipping, and undressed him with the other.

He Hongtu threw the dirty pants aside without changing his face, picked up the shower, and began to clean the dirty things on the old man's body.

After taking a shower, he changed into clean clothes before putting the person back in the wheelchair.

"...Xiao He, it's really, really bothering you. You, you don't need to do this—"

In the park that day, Uncle Chen accidentally broke his leg. It was Xiao He who found him and helped to send him to the hospital enthusiastically.

During the period of recuperation, Uncle Chen had difficulty moving. Although his son hired a nanny, those people were not very dedicated.

It was Xiao He who came to help him every day, helped him to the toilet, and wiped his body. He was even more thoughtful than the kind of care worker who had to spend a lot of money.

Last week, Xiao He asked him for help with something. It wasn't a big deal.

But when the son heard about it, he insisted that Xiao He was a liar, and yelled at the phone not to let the old man go.

Uncle Chen was worried about his son and worried that Xiao He really had other plans, so he did not agree.

After that, Xiao He didn't come to the door again.

After hearing about it, my son became even more proud: "I'll just say he's a liar. What is saving people? What is helping? It's all for money!"

"Seeing that you don't take the bait now, I'll just slip away!"

"Dad, you can be careful in the future, don't be sold and count the money for others!"

"There is no love for no reason in the world. You can't afford to be without profit. People are coaxing you like an ancestor. Why? Isn't it for the money in your trouser pocket?!"

But after listening to Xiao He just now, Uncle Chen realized that his wife had given birth to a child, so he didn't come.

Not really have an opinion on him.

More, not a liar!

In fact, what if it's a liar?

Uncle Chen was sitting in the wheelchair with his whole body refreshed, looking at the figure in the kitchen who was giving him a face, and suddenly such a thought came to his mind...

PS: The new book is weak, please collect it, seek investment, and seek support in all forms (~ ̄▽ ̄)~!

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