The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 232: Tesla electric car

At present, the domestic online travel market is still in a blank state, so under the vigorous promotion of Zhang Yong, Uber has quickly occupied the market with almost no competitors.

When many business people want to travel, sometimes because of the problem of vehicle arrangement, they do not have their own vehicles, so they need to find a car rental company to rent a car. But if you don't make a reservation in advance, the rent of the car rental will be very high, or, for some business activities, they need a high-end car, and if you don't make a reservation in advance, it is difficult for them to rent a good car, and even, sometimes, they are You can't rent a car if you have money.

However, when Zhang Yong launched the Uber car service, those who need to travel temporarily, just select the car service on the Uber Travel APP, place an order, and someone nearby will take the order to find you soon. And the wait time is usually not very long. If you make an appointment about half an hour in advance, you will almost certainly be able to receive the order, and if you make a temporary appointment or need a special model, and you are very anxious to use it at this time, then you can choose to give the driver more Fees, in this way, attract drivers to take orders as soon as possible.

As for Uber's other service, the Uber taxi service, the Uber taxi service is very convenient in terms of settings. As long as you have an electric car produced by Tesla, you can register as an Uber taxi owner. account, and then you can use this account to run Uber and take taxis to earn extra money.

If you run Uber all the time, in the early stage of online taxi-hailing, the number of car owners is not very large, and it is relatively easy to make money at this time. You can even buy a special car for you in just one year. Sla vehicle money to earn back.

Of course, if you are not a full-time sports car, for example, you are an ordinary commuter, buy a car, and then use it on the way to and from get off work, and sometimes occasionally pick up one or two orders, then, although the money you make cannot be in the short term. It will cover the cost of your vehicle, but you will make enough money to pay the mortgage on the car, if your car is a mortgage car.

Therefore, a large number of car owners have registered for Uber taxis, and they have also bought Tesla electric cars. Tesla's electric cars quickly opened up the domestic market, although Tesla's cars are better than ordinary gasoline cars at this time. more expensive. Ordinary domestic car companies can't sit still, and they are facing a formidable enemy. For a country, the total amount of the national vehicle market is very limited. If consumers buy Tesla vehicles, they are likely not to buy domestic fuel vehicles, which leads to domestic fuel vehicle sales. of rapid decline.

Car company executives are anxious, and they have begun to choose price promotion strategies. After all, fuel vehicles have been developed for many years, and the technology is very mature. Therefore, the cost of manufacturing vehicles is actually completely controllable. However, these car companies have maintained a balance, which is equivalent to a price alliance. Just as early birds cut prices, thereby reducing their profit margins.

When Zhang Yong moved their cakes, these car companies made concerted efforts to cut prices, trying to squeeze out Zhang Yong, an outsider. Even, they want to use their influence in the official channel to fight a small battle of local protectionism to protect their vehicles, so that their vehicles can be sold better, and foreign vehicles can be taxed higher, So the price can only be higher.

Although Tesla is Zhang Yong's company, in name, Tesla is not a domestic company. After a period of price reduction competition, it has now become a new pattern, and the domestic auto market has become a competitive arena for cheap domestic fuel vehicles and expensive Tesla electric vehicles. Domestic fuel vehicles are cheap, and Tesla electric vehicles can only be very expensive because of the high tariffs they have to pay.

Although, in this case, the sales of domestic fuel vehicles and the sales of Tesla electric vehicles have a short-term balance, but this abnormal balance is still not stable enough, and this balance is eventually combined. The executive order broke.

Now, global warming and environmental pollution are on the rise, and people are constantly exposing that fuel vehicles are one of the main sources of all this pollution. Many countries in the world are now promoting green travel, and fuel vehicle travel is definitely non-green, and electric vehicle travel is recognized as extremely green and absolutely pollution-free.

At present, there are smog weather in Beijing every three days. Particles such as dust, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and organic hydrocarbons in the air can also turbid the atmosphere, blur the field of vision and cause serious deterioration of visibility, which is called haze. Originally, there was no such weather as "haze" in the weather forecast of the last century, but the pollution of the weather has made a new kind of weather appear.

In previous years, it was often said that the number of days in a year must be blue sky to be considered a good environment, but now after years of management, the number of blue sky each year can be counted with two hands. Most of the weather is occupied by "haze". People are constantly exposing the pollution of automobiles. Therefore, the country has begun to take a heavy hand, and has begun to pay attention to environmental protection, and has decided to introduce electric vehicles on a large scale.

Tesla is a representative of electric vehicles, and although Tesla is a foreign company, it is controlled by Chinese people after all, so it is very appropriate to introduce vehicles from this company. Now, the new policy has implemented strong tax reduction measures for imported electric vehicles, which can enter the domestic market at a reasonable price. In addition to the import tax reduction for imported electric vehicles, now, when consumers buy electric vehicles, the purchase tax they have to pay can also be reduced or exempted. Now, the cost difference between consumers buying electric vehicles and purchasing fuel vehicles is a larger reduction.

In addition, for the charging of electric vehicles, the country has also begun to gradually build special charging piles for electric vehicles. Through the method of off-peak charging and peak-valley electricity price, the cost of electric vehicle charging can be greatly reduced. Originally, the travel cost of electric vehicles is much lower than that of gasoline vehicles. Now, under the condition of falling electricity prices, the cost of electric vehicles lower than gasoline cars.

The traditional car companies are shocked. If this goes on, how can their car companies survive? However, when their opinions were sent upwards, they were rejected by the top management. Although traditional car companies can create a large GDP, their pollution is also very large, and they are one of the biggest sources of pollution. If traditional car companies continue to develop in this way, environmental pollution will inevitably become more and more serious, so the advice given to them by the state is to let them transform as soon as possible, and the change will be painful. They will either become a company that produces vehicle parts. Large companies such as Sla provide the raw materials, or they will transform into a production company of electric vehicles, because electric vehicles are minimal to environmental pollution.

Knowing the gratitude, Zhang Yong also realized that the state supported him, so he decided to move Tesla's production plant back to China, and all Tesla vehicles sold in China were produced by domestic Tesla factories. In this way, on the one hand, the tariff cost of vehicles can be further reduced, and on the other hand, GDP can be contributed to the country, which is equivalent to a goodwill return to those officials who support him.

After the domestic Tesla was listed, the market position of fuel vehicles is now even lower, and fuel vehicle companies have been forced to transform. Now if they still insist on not transforming, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

For a long time, Uber's ride-hailing had a complete monopoly in China. In this case, Uber's profits were very high. But in profitable industries, capital will pour into it. I don’t know since when, a company very similar to Uber’s taxi, Didi Taxi, was established in China. This ride-hailing company uses almost the exact same model as Uber, and while raising the driver subsidy standard, it also lowers the price of rides for passengers, regardless of whether the company can make money!

Didi Taxi and Zhang Yong's Uber are engaged in a price war. Zhang Yong Uber’s market share has been gradually eroded by Didi Taxi. Especially after Didi launched a shared ride-hailing trip, the price of ride-hailing is more than 70% cheaper than ordinary ride-hailing trips, which makes the traditional ride-hailing industry unprofitable.

In this case, what should we do? Travis Kalanick, the boss of Uber Taxi, suggested to Zhang Yong that Uber China could also cut prices, so as to tie Didi Taxi in the price war. But Zhang Yong doesn't think so. Up to now, Zhang Yong has been in business for so many years, and he has never fought price wars with others. Because of price wars, even if one opponent is defeated, there will be new ones coming. Without the arrival of new opponents, I would not be able to make money at all.

Although Zhang Yong is a philanthropist, this thankless thing is not called losing money at all, nor is it called charity at all. After a long period of research and development, Zhang Yong has launched a new driverless car. Now, Uber cars have the option to be driverless. In the case of unmanned driving, passengers do not have to pay the cost of the driver, so the cost of renting a vehicle will be very low. As long as the operating cost can cover the energy consumption and loss of the vehicle, the company can make money.

In this case, Zhang Yong's company can make a substantial price reduction. Originally a list of 20 dollars. Now Zhang Yong can reduce the price to 10 yuan, while Didi taxi can only be reduced to 15 yuan at most through subsidies, which makes Didi helpless.

It's really not possible, Didi they really can't turn the shared travel method into unmanned travel. Chen Tianshi was originally an AI scientist. Now, under the guidance of Zhang Yong, Chen Tianshi's intelligent driving technology has become more mature and smarter. Today's unmanned vehicles have no problems, and the driving level is as stable as a real person. Very robust. Moreover, there will never be drunk driving or illegal driving.

Didi Taxi has some official background. Some cities suddenly announced that the use of driverless technology has not yet been recognized, so the use of driverless technology is prohibited.

But in fact, so far, there have been no major accidents in driverless cars. There are still some small scratches. After all, if the other party is not an unmanned vehicle and the other party makes some mistakes, it is still possible to hit the unmanned vehicle, but for a long time, there has never been a two-way collision. collision between unmanned vehicles.

Although unmanned driving has not been developed in some cities, in most cities, it has been allowed to go on the road.

Lao Meng is a bus driver. Some time ago, he took the property of the bus company and went to the casino in Las Vegas to gamble. He lost cleanly. After returning to China, he was penniless. , trembling with fear, and worrying every day that his own embezzlement of public funds will be discovered by others.

One day, when he was driving a bus on the road, his brother, the boss of the bus company, called him. His brother had found out about Lao Meng's embezzlement of public funds, and wanted to report him righteously. Lao Meng and my brother had a big fight and wanted me to go to jail? I'd rather die than go to jail. Lao Meng looked at the people in the car behind him. I died in this car today, and I want the people in this car to bury me with me! When the vehicle was driving on the bridge across the Lao Meng stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel to the right, and the whole vehicle fell into the river...

In a major safety production accident, a full fifty or sixty people in a car fell into the river! Although the rescue team came soon and tried their best to salvage it, everyone knows that the people in the bus should have no chance of surviving. After many rounds of salvage, the car was finally salvaged, but there must be no living person in the car.

When the investigation team discovered that Lao Meng was actually dragging a car to his death on purpose, the world was shocked. They found out that it was people who controlled the car. When people's emotions are abnormal, the damage that may be caused is unimaginable. Many people in the city set candles by the river to pay homage to those dead souls, and each letter of petition was handed over to the city's managers.

Are human-driven vehicles necessarily safer than AI-driven vehicles? This incident tells us that this does not seem to be the case. Even the city's management had a relative who died in this incident.

A reform started slowly in the city, and now they stipulate that the city will no longer introduce any manned buses, and gradually replace all buses with driverless buses.

Taking human factors into account, driverless buses may be safer than manned buses. Zhang Yong's AI technology is the most high-end, so Zhang Yong's unmanned electric buses produced by Tesla have become their first choice. The emergence of unmanned buses marks that Zhang Yong's vehicles have further reached a higher level.

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