The name of "Kyushu" city naturally comes from Yan Changwu Qinding. He is a supporter of traditional Chinese culture and led immigrants to establish a new country in a place thousands of miles away from Ming Dynasty. , the empire has great strength, and it can also carry this great name!

"Kyushu" city is about 2,800 kilometers away from Rising Sun City, and the people of the empire who migrated from Rising Sun City to "Kyushu" city will basically not have any discomfort, because they are all the same!

The city has a tropical climate and is often hit by thunderstorms and tornadoes, as well as continuous rainstorms. Its average annual precipitation is 1700 milliliters. The year is only divided into rainy season and dry season. The dry season is from May to September, June and July is the coolest month, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 35°C. Tropical storms often occur during the rainy season. The period with the most precipitation is from December to March. During this period, the humidity exceeds 70%, and thunderstorms often occur.

On the other hand, Rising Sun City has more annual precipitation, with an average annual precipitation of 2,000 milliliters. The year is only divided into a rainy season and a dry season. The dry season is from May to October, and the rainy season is from November to April. The difference is not much different.

Seriously speaking, the climate of "Kyushu" city is not considered friendly. However, the emperor said that he had no choice. The Southeast Asian islands are close, and the "Kyushu" city is also close to Daming.

Yan Changwu never forgets, and his heart is for Daming!

Although Tuao is a large place, when the Great Dividing Range was closed, 70% of the area was arid or semi-arid, and the area of ​​desert and semi-desert was more than 3 million square kilometers, accounting for more than 40% of the total area. In other words, it is not a livable environment.

When the Great Dividing Range opened three openings, the influx of water fully moistened the central part of Tu'ao. In some places that were not suitable for life, grass grew, and in some places, the grass grew denser, and the trees Also high.

After careful investigation, people found that the desert and semi-desert area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers has been reduced by nearly one-third. The original 70% of the area was arid or semi-arid, but only 50% of the area. This is a remarkable achievement. changes, and the green area is still increasing!

If the environment improves, then you can work hard!

With sufficient water sources, places that were originally unsuitable for living are livable, and more and more people immigrated to the central region. They first developed agriculture to gain a foothold:

Grain production plays an important role. There are two kinds of grains in Tu'ao: winter crops and summer crops.

Winter crops include wheat, barley, oats, rye, etc., in rotation with rapeseed, lupine, etc.

Summer crops include rice, corn, and sorghum, among others. In the northern part of Tu'ao, rice can be produced in two seasons.

Look, Tu'ao can not only produce rice that Chinese people in the south eat, but also wheat, which is processed into flour, and it can also produce steamed buns, steamed buns and sesame cakes that Chinese people in the north eat.

Both rice and wheat production are struggling to support the growing population of Tu'ao and meet their needs.

Oats are a traditional temperate crop in Tuao. Barley is mainly used as malt to supply the winemaking industry in Tuao, and it is also used as feed during harvest in some areas. Typically, barley is rotated with wheat, oats and pastures.

How should I put it, the land there is really good, and the food crops and pastures are all killed.

It also produces sorghum, which is eaten by few people. It is mainly used to make shochu, and the shochu made from other grains is by no means inferior to a certain machine from Daming!

With more water, let’s grow cotton. The output value of cotton has grown rapidly, meeting the needs of the domestic cotton spinning industry, making it the second largest crop in Tuao, after wheat.

Oilseeds: The oilseeds produced in Tuao mainly include rapeseed, sunflower seed, soybean, safflower seed and linseed, etc. Sunflower seed and soybean are summer crops, while others are winter crops. Over the past ten years, rapeseed has rapidly developed into the main oil crop in Tuao.

Oil crops are produced more, and the residue after oil extraction is good feed for livestock, so there is no need for foreign imports.

Cane sugar: The eastern and northern coasts of Tuao are very suitable for planting sugar cane, but!

The empire stopped planting commercial sugar cane anywhere in Tuao. It was a game of chess across the country, and there must be some way out for other places.

For cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys and meat, due to the increase in water sources, the number of livestock that can be grazed on the land has also increased greatly. The total number of cattle has reached 50 million, and the number of sheep has reached 200 million.

How about these two numbers?

At present, the population of Tuao is less than 100 million, while China in the parallel space has a population of 1.4 billion, a total of 90 million cattle, and 300 million sheep.

In other words, people in South China can eat beef and mutton as much as possible, and realize the financial freedom of beef and mutton!

There is so much beef production, Nanhua is the world's largest beef exporter, and 60% of it is bought by Daming!

Eighty percent of the world's donkeys are in Tu'ao, and the Nanhua people like to eat donkey meat. They believe that the dragon meat in the sky is the donkey meat on the ground.

The cost of raising donkeys is high, but it is not a problem in Tu'ao. There is a lot of land, so donkeys can be kept in stock, and donkeys can be slaughtered when they grow up.

So Nanhua made donkey-hide gelatin into a floor price, and turned it into an ordinary tonic, even a little girl who just came out of society and received a small salary can afford it!

Dairy industry, after the improvement of milk powder production technology, the dairy industry has become an important agricultural sector in Tuao, and its output value ranks third after wheat and beef production.

Wool, Tuao is the world's largest wool producer and exporter, producing the world's top wool.

Horticulture such as vegetables and fruits. The horticulture industry occupies an important position in Tu'ao, and a large amount of vegetables are produced every year, all of which are eaten by the South China people themselves.

The cherries are here. The Tuao cherries are produced in a huge amount, but they are not sold to the outside world. They are eaten up by the South China themselves. They are so delicious. They are locally produced and the price is cheap. They can achieve financial freedom of cherries!

It also produces a variety of fruits, from tropical fruits such as pineapples, mangoes and papayas, to temperate fruits such as apples, oranges, pears, stone fruits and berries.

Why are there so few grapes? Tuao is suitable for grape planting, so Europeans don’t want to export wine to Nanhua. The wine produced in Tuao sells well among Chinese people.

The main driving force of "Imperial Industries Version 1.0" is the steam must be coal and steel. Tuao has the best iron ore in the world. There was not enough water in the past, so I didn't dare to mine and smelt it.

Now it is different, with sufficient coal mine resources, direct steelmaking in Tuao, and then processing into various steel products, the high efficiency of the Chinese itself, the product cost is the lowest in the world, and all the steel products in the world are hanged , no country can!

Rich in gold and silver, it can enrich the national treasury and serve as a reserve for banknote issuance, that is, it has rich financial capital!

With the development of science and technology, Tuao is rich in oil and natural gas, and there is no need to ask for help. There are also uranium mines that can be used as raw materials for nuclear power plants.

Any country in the world is frustrated to find that it is difficult for them to compete with the large-scale agricultural and industrial production of the Nanhua Empire. There is no way. The Nanhua Empire has developed Tuao, and the production costs of agriculture and industry are very low. How can countries compete? South China?

Yan Changwu commented proudly: "With the addition of top-quality soil and Australia, it is equivalent to Chinese people living on Russia's resources!" 2084/10542933

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