There were no particularly loud cheers, but the joy of victory was in the eyes of every fighter, and confidence grew in their hearts.

"I chopped three today!"

"I made eighteen!"

"Go away, you were fried in an oil jar, and this can also be blamed on you."

"Ge Laozi's, I threw it down, of course I will be blamed!"

"Savage cavalry is nothing to be afraid of, carrying two heads on one shoulder."

"Damn, who peed his pants on the first day, now he's pretending to be a macho!"

The soldiers burst out laughing in twos and threes, of course they are alive, and the rotation tactics adopted by Zou Liang are still quite successful, which is also the advantage of defending the city.

Maintain combat power, enhance combat experience, and improve the whole.

But in fact, this advantage will not last long, because the city walls of the two towns will not be able to hold on anymore, and the city gates are also breached every day, and the city gates are also the place where the most fierce competition is.

At night, one should not take it lightly. The warriors on the city wall also had to guard against the barbarian night attack. There would always be masters at night, but at night, when the land king, Balotte and his friends played their part, these masters were like timely help.

At the end of the day's fierce battle, Zou Liang also finished the market for the camp. There was a lot of snoring everywhere. The soldiers were too tired, even if there was thunder, they couldn't even try to wake them up.

If things go on like this, it would be good if Fengzhen and Qiufengzhen can persist for another two days. Originally, he planned to persist for twenty days.

As long as he persisted for twenty days, he could carry out the second step of the plan, a more powerful psychological warfare.

In the evening, Randy and Kurt also arrived. Both of them had bloodshot eyes. They didn't sleep much these days. Their affection for the town was unmatched by others. They poured their ideals and lives into it. But now Fengzhen and Qiufeng Town are suffering from the most brutal attacks. Even if they fall asleep, they will wake up from the nightmare.

"Brother, if this continues, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to support it. Should we arrange for ordinary orcs to withdraw to Dolan City first?" Kurt said

Zou Liang pondered for a while, "No, I still have to persevere. It's not the time yet."

"Brother, let ordinary people withdraw first, we will stick to it here."

Zou Liang shook his head, "Now is not the time. If ordinary people leave first, the confidence of some soldiers will be shaken. In fact, we have no way out. If we want to fight to the death, we must persist for at least two days."

Zou Liang has a more thorough understanding of the psychology of war, but he doesn't want to explain too much, "Execute the order, before proceeding to the second step of the strategy, everyone must have the idea of ​​living and dying with Fengzhen and Qiufeng Town."

"Brother, why don't we take advantage of the night to sneak attack them?" Randy said, angry after being beaten all day long.

It's not that Zou Liang hadn't thought about it, but the scouts had checked it out, and the barbarian cavalry was very vigilant. If they sent the knights out, they might as well send them off.

But they are always harassed at night, but the barbarian warriors can rest in a big way. This is really not a good thing, and they have to find a way to make Aiolia uncomfortable.

Zou Liang began to rack his brains. There were no examples of battles in the Beast God Continent to learn from, but in his previous life, there were many similar wars. Zou Liang regretted why he didn't study history well.

The past can learn from the present.

Chapter Ten Heroes

The battlefield of the Kingdom of the Wind was equally fierce. Legion Commander Nebero defended the Fortress of Glory. He was even more tortoise than a tortoise. No matter how Feng Tuo yelled at him, and even greeted Nebero's ancestors from eight generations, the Great Knight Commander remained calm.

The Brilliant Fortress has been fully fortified, and the Kingdom of Wind's attack caused heavy casualties.

Nebello didn't plan to attack from the beginning. The fortress is different from ordinary city walls. It has abundant reserves and strong fortifications. Why should it attack?

The biggest opportunity for the enemy is to destroy it from within, but unfortunately, the Nicholas family can't do anything else, they are experts in this area.

And I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

This is Nebello.

Looking at the army of the Kingdom of the Wind like the tide, Nebello was always calm no matter what the situation, and Greg also went from being terrified at the beginning to being numb in front of him.

Death is the melody of war, soldiers fall one after another, even if you are a dark gold strong, you will die in the hands of a little Luo at any time here, because you are human, not immortal.

Holding the power to kill tens of millions of people, this is the charm of war. In the 13-day fierce battle, both sides paid a heavy price.

Nebello's tactics were very simple and precise, and William also had to admire his ruthless defense. The enemy even used the Mengjia people as bait to attack the fort in front. Many of them were relatives of the fortress fighters, but Nebello could give an attack order without hesitation.

No matter which method is used, it is impossible to defend, relying on the superior fortifications to consume the opponent to the greatest extent.

"Legion Commander, your strategy has already paid off. I don't think it will take long for us to get out."

William said, the ground shook, screaming and killing, and sometimes William also admired Nebello's calmness.

His indifference is different from that of a killer, which is another realm.

A smile appeared on the corner of Nebello's mouth, "It's not the time yet, Feng Tuo is an interesting guy, he is showing weakness, but he actually wants to lure us out."

"Show weakness?"

William was stunned, and Greg on the side asked, "No way, we have almost won a complete victory these days, and their siege troops' fighting spirit is getting worse and worse. The information from the scouts is that the other side also plans to retreat and rest. If we take the opportunity to kill their mother, we will definitely hit them hard. If we let them retreat to the fortress, won't we return without success?"

Everyone knows that Nebello and Arthur are the two crown princes, and whoever performs well in this war will become the real prince.

"How about Dolan City?"

"Flying Falcon sent a message saying that the battle is quite fierce, and the walls of Dolan City can't withstand the fierce battle. I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before they fall." Greg said.

Nebello frowned, "This is not good news. Now, none of the three fronts can have problems. We can't bear the enemy."

"The commander of Arthur's Legion should be able to withstand it. Although the defense facilities are not good enough, Feng Town and Qiufeng Town are the first line of defense, and Dolan City is the second line of defense. The first line of defense has been persisted until now, and the barbarian's spirit has been lost. When they find that there is Dolan City with better defense behind them, their morale will definitely be greatly reduced. At that time, it is time for the Burning Legion to fight back."

William said, apparently not worried.

Nebello nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's kind of interesting, probably only Arthur can think of such a strategy."

Looking at the Nation of Winds attacking on the battlefield, Nebero admitted the strength of Nation of Winds on the one hand, but against him, it can only be regarded as a bad wind extension life, no matter what he is, he can only bow down in front of wisdom.

War is art.

"After staying with him for a few days, there will always be a moment when he can't help but reveal the territory. Greg, William, be careful of their night raids, especially the gates of the city must be guarded by experts."

Nebero said that the life and death of a soldier does not make his emotions fluctuate at all. In Nebero's view, this is a quality that a commander must possess.

On the side of the Legion of Glory, Titan Montaeles was not timid to fight against the Saron Empire. During the few days of battle, he used his defensive advantage to rest while taking the initiative to attack and sent cavalry to attack the opponent at night. In comparison, the Saron Empire is indeed the weakest of the three empires. It is said to be the three empires, but in fact, after being bullied by Hannibal, he went to bully other duchies to make up the numbers.

The fighting power of the Northern Legion led by Monta Iris is quite good. Most importantly, the bravery and confidence of the Monta Iris family made the Titans not satisfied with winning a battlefield.

Facing the siege of the four major forces, Mengjia is under great pressure. Of course, Montaeles knows that if the Saron Empire can be solved as soon as possible, other fronts can be reinforced. In fact, according to Titan's judgment, the pressure should be Hannibal facing the Pope.

It has to be said that Long Mo was really in a panic. The orc army made him very angry. He was afraid of death in battle, unlike his former army of monster beasts, who were not afraid of death, and their combat effectiveness was not very good.

And his enemy, that nasty bastard is the Pope, who advances and retreats from time to time. When he is about to fight with all his might, he shrinks back, but when he is resting, he comes to harass him again. It's not that Long Mo didn't intend to set up an ambush, but the strange thing is that he will be seen through every time.

This really made Longmo furious, wishing he could sneak into the fortress and kill him to turn the world upside down.

But this tempting idea was still forcibly suppressed by him. Although it was much more convenient to be reborn in the body of an orc, his power was indeed not as unlimited as before. He could kill hundreds of thousands, but facing hundreds of thousands of troops, it was no joke.

On the main battlefield, Pope Benedict XV, who led Mengjia's main force, and Hannibal's army also fought more than a dozen battles, large and small.

But they all ended in disastrous defeats, and Benedict XV could only hide in the fortress with his army, but strangely, Hannibal was not in a hurry to attack, which also gave the Pope a bit of a headache.

The headache is the problem of face. The Holy See has been shrunk after being beaten. Can other fronts withstand it?

Xuan Ye led a group of generals to look at the super fortress where the sun never sets.

"Your Highness, as long as you say a word, the soldiers are willing to die, and they will definitely be able to lay down the Fortress of Sighs!"

A dark gold warrior said.

"That's right, Meng Jia's army is not vulnerable at all. If you hadn't insisted on controlling the rhythm, we would have killed them long ago!"

"Mengjia is too weak, not even as good as the Kingdom of the Wind, so disappointed, they can only hide in the turtle shell, but this turtle shell can't protect them!"

Most of Hannibal's generals are veterans who have seen many battles. Hannibal grew up in the battle. After seeing a lot of wars, he found that Mengjia's army strength may be passable, but it is not bloody enough, just a bunch of rookies.

Xuan Ye shook his head, "Don't worry, we want to win, and we need a complete victory. Benedict XV is more anxious than us. Besides, the other three kingdoms fought fiercely. The Yaozu and the Holy See are life and death grievances, and we want to win Mengjia, not destroy. The lives of our soldiers are more precious. Don't worry, there will be opportunities for everyone to perform later."

Looking at the fortress from a distance, it seems that Benedict XV is not going to fight again today.

"Send several teams of warriors to fight in turn, and find a bard to compose something interesting and read it to our Pope, so as to save him from being bored."

Xuan Ye laughed.

The generals roared with laughter. A truly powerful person would not be so anxious. Personal strength and imperial accomplishment are completely different things. Maybe the reincarnation power of the three demon kings is very strong, but how do they understand the charm of a commander.

This kind of confidence is really built up through hard work, and it's no wonder that Hannibal's fighters have such combat effectiveness.

The nights in Fengzhen and Qiufeng Town were extraordinarily quiet. Suddenly, the sound of drums shaking the sky and horseshoes shaking the ground.

"Your Majesty, the men of Mengjia made a surprise attack!"

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