The Great Conqueror

Chapter 587: Battle Begins

Every time he tried to exert his strength, he fell at the starting point, and now Aiolia led his army to completely destroy this enemy and make him become history forever.

"My lord, Duolan City is ahead."

Listening to the scout's report, Aiolia was full of expectations, and he came back again. This place has suffered several setbacks, and his road to king will start here.

In the city hall, Zou Liang was also holding an emergency combat meeting.

"The barbarian army has bypassed Snow Wolf Town, and it seems that their first targets are Feng Town and Qiufeng Town." Ji Na said.

Everyone is very serious. This is the moment of life and death. They have recently finished sorting out the army, but because they have a clear understanding, they are more worried about the combat effectiveness of these soldiers. The army from the wilderness is only 400,000, and this time it has received a large number of siege equipment funded by other empires. This time the defense will become extremely difficult.

"This is within our expectations. It doesn't make much sense to take down Snow Wolf Town. As long as Dolan City is broken, Snow Wolf Town will lose its meaning. Aiolia's target is very accurate."

Buenavin nodded and said, "But it's not certain whether it's the real intention. After all, the existence of the wolf clan is a great threat to the side of the wild army."

"Aiolia will definitely not ignore the wolves in Snow Wolf Town, but he is not afraid that the wolves will come out to fight him, but he does not want to entangle and consume the wolves in the territory of Snow Wolf Town."

Zou Liang said, "Feng Town and Qiufeng Town are our gateways and our first line of defense. To consume their vital strength as much as possible, Duolan City is the final battlefield."

"Brother, your consciousness is that we don't want to stick to Feng Town and Qiufeng Town. There is a tree of life there!"

Randy is a little anxious. He already has feelings for Qiufeng Town. If he wants to give up Qiufeng Town, he might as well die.

"Randy, I just said it's possible. We have to prepare for the worst. Although the tree of life is important, people are more important. We can only succeed, and there is no chance to do it again."

Zou Liang became famous through miracles, but unlike ordinary people who regard miracles as life, there is still an essential difference.

"It doesn't matter how big things are. I agree with Arthur's idea. It seems that the number of troops is about the same, but there is still a big difference in quality. We have the advantage of defending the city, but the enemy has a lot of siege equipment this time. It is not certain how well the newly built city wall can resist. The new soldiers defend the city.

Murphy said in a deep voice, it can be said to hit the nail on the head.

"Also, Gina, be careful of the spies lurking in the city, I'll leave this to you."

"Don't worry!" That's what the apostle ranks do. When there is an external aggression, the most fearful thing is the appearance of an internal ghost.

"Earth King, have Haihou and Kongba set off yet?"

"Yes, they set off the day before yesterday, and they are just hiding now," said the king of the land.

At this critical moment, Zou Liang mobilized 10,000 elite wolf soldiers, led by Hai Hou and Kong Ba, to detour and lurk ahead of time. In fact, the current Snow Wolf Town is not fortified. This is an empty city plan, and the wolf soldiers inside are actually ordinary wolves in disguise.

The current situation is exactly as Arthur expected. If it were him, he would leave Snow Wolf Town aside and directly attack Feng Town and Qiufeng Town, which possess miracles. It would be a waste of time to get entangled with the poor and desperate wolves.

Smart people make smart choices.

In fact, some people suggested that the wolves be withdrawn to the city to participate in the defense and give up Snowwolf Town, but the wolves are not willing to leave the home they finally owned, and if Snowwolf Town is not there, Aiolia will be completely relieved of pressure, which is not good.

Zou Liang's plan may be a little risky, but the ten thousand elite wolf soldiers may play an important role.

But the five wolf kings can't all disappear, otherwise it's impossible for Aiolia's IQ to not notice it.

Chapter 8 Death makes you stronger!

In the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Pope Benedict XV, the four strongest forces in the Beast God Continent, the Hannibal Empire, the Kingdom of the Wind, the Saron Empire, and the newly established Thunder God Empire launched attacks on Mengjia at the same time. It was called the Second Continental War in history. Due to the influence of the five major forces, the war quickly spread to the entire continent, large and small principalities.

An unprecedented chaos began.

This was a protracted war. As the seat of the Holy See, this was the first time Mengjia suffered such an attack. Pope Benedict XV ordered the entire Mengjia to mobilize and fight for glory.

It has been three days since the battle started in Fengzhen. Dozens of contacts were tentative attacks. Obviously, Aiolia is not in a hurry this time. Judging from the attacks in Fengzhen and Qiufeng Town, Aiolia is looking for the defensive weaknesses of the two towns.

Dozens of tentative battles resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, but for the recruits there was indeed a sense of fear.

The soldiers guarding Feng Town and Qiufeng Town were old and new. Zou Liang knew from the very beginning that this war would not end so soon, no matter which side it was, so except for about 100,000 veterans, the remaining 400,000 or so recruits had to mature in the war.

The fighter has no choice, and neither does he.

And the only way for a soldier to mature is to fight, and that is to die.

The war will show them what it is all about.

The defense was handed over to Murphy and Peloponnese. Both of them were quite strong in this aspect. Zou Liang was not worried. What he was paying attention to now was the changes in the hearts of the soldiers.

This is not mediocrity, but Meng Jia's many years of peace, so most of these soldiers are old-fashioned soldiers. I am afraid that many of them are experiencing such a tragic thing for the first time.

Most people, including Murphy and Peloponnese, think that although the Burning Legion has disadvantages, relying on its defensive advantages, the Wilderness can't do anything to them. But Zou Liang is farther than they think. Let's not talk about the Wilderness. Meng Jia is now facing the siege of the four major forces, and the consumption of domestic demand is extremely fast. As long as there is a problem in one link, it will cause a domino effect, and that is the real test.

At present, Zou Liang can only worry about his own place. Even if the Pope conquests himself, he has gathered Meng Jia's best troops, but can he really stop Hannibal?

He has met Xuan Ye, is also familiar with Guiying and the group, and understands Meng Jia's situation better. Although the inner court may be a bit expert, can this change the whole?

Zou Liang is really not optimistic, but he can only bury this idea in his heart, he would rather guess wrong.

As for Man Huang, he had dealt with Aiolia not once or twice. Although he was a bit disadvantaged, Zou Liang never doubted his victory.

If he didn't even have this bit of confidence, Zou Liang wouldn't be Zou Liang.

I just inspected a barracks. The appearance of Zou Liang is undoubtedly a great encouragement to the soldiers. What Zou Liang is doing now is to strengthen their will and inspire their courage to complete this transformation process.

He could feel the terror hidden in the soldiers' hearts, and they were frightened by the bloodthirsty fighting style of the barbarian. Fortunately, there have been no deserters yet.

Walking out of the barracks, Zou Liang met Auricia, "Arthur, mother has raised some extra supplies, and they are on the way to transport."

Zou Liang smiled when he heard this. This is what he needs most. The Jackman family’s priority must be the Pope’s army. It’s okay at the moment, but in the future, Zou Liang needs to plan ahead. At this time, food and grass have been controlled, and it’s impossible to get it without any relationship. At this time, the best mother-in-law is still very powerful.

"Thank you Master Bixiu for me." Zou Liang said sincerely, no matter what happened to Bixiu before, she did have a different decisiveness at the critical moment.

Auricia smiled slightly, "Mother said that as a leader, the important thing is not to charge forward, but to make decisions."

Zou Liang smiled, "I know."

It seems that the superb mother-in-law still cares about him very much, knowing his problems, she may go to the front line at any time.

"My lord, if you still have something to do, you should leave first!" Auricia suddenly said with a salute.

Zou Liang smiled, "Go, Aurizia soldier!"

Auricia is helping Gina. The apostle ranks are now mainly in charge of internal intelligence. A master like Auricia is needed, especially her unique ability. No one can hide her intentions in front of her hallucination ability.

This is simply the invincible trump card of the ranks of the apostles. Once any spies are suspected, they will not be able to escape from the palm of their hands. They can find them all one after another. Gina, who discovered Auricia's ability, was overjoyed.

Zou Liang came to the barracks of a wounded soldier again. Aiolia also learned to be smart this time. On the one hand, he made tentative attacks, and on the other hand he kept bombarding with catapults. The towns of Fengzhen and Qiufeng were indeed greatly harassed. Except for the soldiers, the casualties of ordinary orcs were indeed not small, and most of these two towns were immigrants from outside.

There was a lot of screams, and the healing priest brought out by Luyao could only slightly relieve the pain, but it didn't have the healing effect like Luyao, and Luyao was just a person, she couldn't heal everyone at all, it would only exhaust her to death, and the spiritual meaning of her existence was stronger. Zou Liang knew that Luyao was not suitable for war at all.

In the wounded and sick tents, there are painful groans, and the doctors are busy dressing up, but the medical conditions in this era are incomparable with those in previous lives.

"Those guys in the wild are simply crazy, how are we going to fight them?"

"Yeah, what the hell, I stabbed him in the chest with a sword, but this guy also chopped off his arm, almost cutting off my arm."

The more vigorous ones in the tent were all slightly injured. A bear raised his arm, in fact wanting to show off his hero.


"Ah, Lao Mao, come here, Lao Mao is about to die!"

A Kite tribe fell to the ground, and the soothing atmosphere in the barracks suddenly disappeared.

A doctor rushed out, inspected the old risk with a solemn expression, shook his head, "Sigh, I'm not breathing anymore, take it away."

After seeing too much life and death, the doctor basically didn't feel anything. The whole camp was silent at once, and the injured were still alive. Sometimes death is not terrible, but what is terrible is waiting for death and witnessing death.

"Let me take a look." A voice sounded.

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