The Great Conqueror

Chapter 566 Go Home

After clearing his mind, Nebello's mood is also much better. The rest is to watch the end of the scene, and he also needs to further improve his strength to prepare for the battle of Tongtian. After so many years of enduring it, it's time for the world to know who Nebello Sanchez is!

Shana's arrival also kicked off the curtain of trade. All kinds of business groups began to pour into Dolan City, and the scale was getting bigger and bigger. The large business group of Tianmei Xiewang was still behind. This kind of beneficial thing, Augustus wanted to say something, and he had everything.

From the perspective of the empire, neither the Kingdom of Wind, nor Hannibal, nor the Saron Empire would let go of this opportunity to explore Mengjia's strength.

If you want to come to Arthur, you won't let them down.

In just three days, the Jackman family and the Ficklow family knew that they were completely finished. According to their investigation, the food and grass that entered Dolan City in these three days was enough to maintain Dolan City for more than a year, and their big investment lasted for a year.

The second one to react was the Feklo family. They withdrew very quickly. After all, they were the most cunning of the five major families. Especially when they found out that the Nicola family had withdrawn again, they withdrew even more ruthlessly, even at the expense of a little. In their view, failure should result in loss, but the loss should be minimized.

The most unlucky thing is Jackman's arrowhead, who was dumped like this, hoarding a lot of food and grass, who to sell it to?

Unless there is a three-year drought, these high-priced grains and grasses will not be able to make up for it.

For the Jackman family, they have invested too much in this plan, and it is not as easy as those two to turn back.

Business always has a price.

And the price this time is undoubtedly a bit too heavy for the Jackman family.

After the incident broke out, the Jackman family in the imperial capital issued an emergency meeting, worrying the main members of the family from all over the empire, and the clouds were clouded.

However, Zou Shengun accompanied Shana to visit Duolan City and the three towns in his spare time, and also agreed to accompany Shana to the imperial capital. As the chief priest in red, it was time for Zou Shengun to go to the imperial capital to report on his duties. At the same time, he could accompany Oricia back home.

The overall situation of Arthur's victory is set, the rumors will automatically extinguish, and will soon be forgotten. The entire Dolan City has formed a good system from city construction to army construction. Even if Arthur is not there, it can still operate normally.

In this regard, Zou Shengun is still very frightened, and everyone is willing to work hard, not only for Duolan City, but also for themselves.

A true leader is one who can connect everyone's interests with a common goal

When Arthur was away, Bran, Randy, and Kurt were in charge of the municipal administration, Ernest was in charge of the city guard, the Dolph brothers, Forte, and Sinda were in charge of the army, Gina was in charge of intelligence, Luyao, Maru, and Morocco were in charge of the temple, and Emma was in the center.

Of course, more importantly, Dolan City has countless orcs who are loyal to Dolan City, and they regard Dolan City as their life.

This is the city of miracles created by God Zou.

On the way to the imperial capital, Zou Liang did not stop in Yamai City. Obviously, this was to tell Sablanca that he had done some things. In fact, Zou Liang also understood that although he did not want to make the relationship stiff, it was obvious that the way he was going was already threatening Sablanca.

Two carriages were galloping on the way to the imperial capital. Zou Liang had already fallen asleep in the carriage. He was a little dizzy with the means of transportation. After all, he was used to the subway in his previous life, and even had buses. This kind of carriage was stable, and it was spinning wildly when it was speeding.

Experts are also human, and they can get dizzy, so simply, Zou Liang closed his eyes and went to rest.

In the other carriage, the three girls were laughing and chatting about the difference. Obviously they are very used to this kind of bumps. The key is that the three girls play in one drama. Shana comes from an independent principality, the Phantom Principality, which is a small country.

In a foreign country, there will always be all kinds of new things. Auricia has a good personality, and after experiencing so many things, she has become more grateful. As long as Arthur can be together, nothing else matters. Joyner curled up in a ball and listened to the two of them telling stories like a good baby. Joyner has always said very little.

Shana is more active. Although she has orders from Augustus, Shana is also a human being and has her own ideas. She is not a puppet, but her ancestor's vision is too strong. Arthur in reality is amazing. Of course, Zou Shengun may not like this word very much, but Xia Na's big eyes are starry.

What she likes most is Arthur's decisiveness and maturity in handling government affairs, as well as the heartfelt admiration of his subordinates. This is the real strong man.

A girl like Shana is born to like to be conquered by the strong. This is a natural beauty, and it will only be a disaster for those who are incapable to have it.

"Sissy, it's strange that you haven't done that with him yet." Xia Na suddenly said while chatting.

At that moment, Auricia was startled, and Joyner, who was in a daze, immediately widened her eyes. She was undoubtedly curious about killing the cat, and the invincible gossip soul immediately burned in Joyna's heart.

Although Joyner liked to follow Arthur, she wasn't voyeuristic, she was there all the time.

"Ahem, not yet." Auricia was still too honest to answer this kind of question.

In fact, girls are far more courageous in private than men think, and there are no taboos about topics.

"Ah, could it be that he..." Shana always felt that Arthur was too perfect, there must be something wrong with it.

Confused, Zou Shengun sneezed and rubbed his nose.

"No, this, you know that we are more disciplined than the Smays. In fact, I haven't got permission from my family, that... In fact, he will give it to me if he wants it, but Arthur respects me very much."

Auricia said in a bumpy voice, obviously the little princess is still not used to such a topic, but she doesn't reject it.

"Have you seen the one between him and Sister Emma? I heard that it was very painful, but it was very comfortable!" Shana was also a curious baby.

"Once, but I didn't do it on purpose. Sister Emma's voice was very strange. It was comfortable and seemed to be moaning. Anyway, I ran away after listening to it."

"Hee hee, little girl Chun's heart is moving." Xia Na teased.

Sure enough, the Tianmei people all look the same.

"They don't have it." Auricia blushed immediately, while Joyner licked her little tongue.

"Should be fun." Catwoman suddenly said, the two girls were speechless, and the silence was really strong.

The three girls laughed together, Zou Shengun was thinking about the current form of the imperial capital in a daze.

Avril is mainly guarding the imperial capital and coordinating the affairs outside of Duolan City. Now Weiwei is no longer the clever little girl of Yelu Samo, but a famous figure in the circle of celebrities in the imperial capital. As the younger sister of the youngest chief priest in red, one of the new rich men in the empire, Miss Avril is said to be very popular.

Of course, compared to the traditional ones, like Mi Qingwa, Lolita and others, Avril Lavigne's style is more pragmatic.

There are still a lot of things to do during this trip to the imperial capital. The first step is definitely to meet Master Bixiu with Aurishia first. The best mother-in-law is also a mother-in-law. Zou Shengun is already favored by the beast god, and it is impossible for everything to go smoothly.

Avril Lavigne has prepared presents, Shana has settled down, and Zou Liang and Auricia have returned to "home".

This time, the door was not shut down. In the living room, Master Bixiu was still so elegant and beautiful. Of course, his face was still so cold. Although the appearance of Zou Shenstick was not cut in half like before, he still had to scrape it with a knife no matter how he looked.

Auricia didn't know why, when she saw her mother, she burst into tears, and threw herself into Bixiu's arms. In fact, in the Gabriel family, mother and daughter are dependent on each other, and the loneliness under the proud appearance is just a disguise.

No matter how tough Bixiu was, she was just putting on a show. When she saw Auricia crying, she immediately glared at Zou Liang. God Zou was so wronged, he didn't bully Auricia no matter where he was.

"Hey, don't cry, is this guy bullying you, tell mom, let's see how I deal with him!"

"No, it's not, I'm homesick." Then he started to cry again.

Bixiu was also taken aback for a moment, and finally a smile appeared on her iceberg-like face, "Isn't this back, don't cry, make people laugh."

"He's not an outsider, he's fine." Auricia said coquettishly.

Zou Liang also understood that the little girl is smart, and the one who knows Bixiu best must be Aurizia, half of it was out of feeling, and half of it was preparation, to ease the stalemate atmosphere.

Bixiu snorted coldly, but this time she didn't object to anything, the mother and daughter just babbled like this, Zou Shengun didn't bother him at all, in fact, both mother and daughter were as beautiful as heavenly beings, and their voices were nice, as long as Master Bixiu wasn't so powerful, it was actually a kind of heavenly enjoyment.

More than half an hour passed like this, and now that Zou Liang existed, Auricia went to change clothes, and only Bixiu and Zou Liang were left in the living room. Obviously there were some problems, and the best mother-in-law wanted to solve it with Zou Shengun alone.

Bixiu looked at Zou Liang, her expression softened a lot, family affection is still the trump card.

"This battle was very beautiful." Bixiu said, "It was a bit unexpected."

Zou Shengun is a smart person. To deal with such a mother-in-law, he has to follow his advice, "I'm lucky, I caught an opportunity."

Zou Liang didn't expect Bixiu to chat with him about home affairs at all. In his bones, Bixiu was used to talking formally, and such opening remarks were actually her style.

"How do you plan to end it?" Bixiu drank tea leisurely. No matter how she said it, Oricia and Arthur had gotten along well. Bixiu had no reason to be unhappy about Arthur's success. After all, it represented her daughter's vision, and this was the biggest crisis in the development of Duolan City. Arthur passed it so easily and dealt a fatal blow to his opponent.

It's just a pity that he was run away by the Nicholas family again.

"The Jackman family is nothing but accomplices in this incident, and now they are the final victims. I think we can talk about it at the right time."

Zou Liang said.

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