The Great Conqueror

Chapter 529 Getting Rich (Da Chapter Merry Christmas)

Chapter 529 Getting Rich (Da Zhang   Merry Christmas)

(Christmas, please ask for ten monthly tickets, perfect)

"Talk slowly, let's go first." Zou Liang said hello. In his opinion, Fitley is just a spoiled child.

Zou Shengun gave him a grateful look, and Zou Shengun directly avoided it. It’s better not to accept it. Zou Shengun is still very confident in his current charm, but he is really afraid of using it in the wrong place. Fortunately, Zangjing people like pure handsome guys like Fitley.

The reason why I knew Brother Daofu was coming was because there was a commotion in the front entrance hall.

The five giant Sirius attracted the attention of many people. The wolf clan itself was nothing, but the problem was the Sirius.

The Daofu brothers were also shocked. Anyone who saw so many strong men for the first time would be overwhelmed, but fortunately, their surprised expressions were not obvious after the beast transformation.

It is said that there is only Chugou left in the Sirius tribe, and their lineage is very mysterious. It is difficult not to attract attention when there are five of them suddenly appearing.

Soon the Daofu brothers found Zou Liang, and they were not surprised by the change in pictogram, because the breath was exactly the same.

"Master, we are late." Five golden giant wolves gathered around Zou Liang, and the scene was quite shocking.

Shana was also taken aback by this title,...the Sirius Clan also has a master? ? ?

Fitley and Cangjing, who were about to continue entanglement, also stopped, looking at the scene in front of them without saying a word.

This is a genuine five-headed golden-level sky wolf, exuding a domineering aura that strangers should not get close to.

This is the second time that the Heavenly Wolves have appeared in the Tongtian Realm apart from the Rugou, and there are five of them all at once. The most terrifying thing is that these five Heavenly Wolves surrendered to a boy.

Zou Liang pulled Shana onto the ground king, and the five golden wolves headed towards the trial road as if no one was busy.

Having come out of the short surprise just now, experiencing the inheritance of Sirius, and seeing the power of the Snow Goddess, this kind of scene will not shock Brother Daofu for too long. Those unattainable existences in the past can now be treated calmly.

This is vision.

The Tongtian Realm also became quiet because of the appearance of the five Sirius, mainly because the Sirius King Chugou's name is too loud, which can be ranked in the top five at the level of the Tongtian Ten Saints.

Why are Chugou and Augustus wrong?

The Tianmei tribe has no flaws and is almost the nemesis of all professions, while the Sirius tribe is the nemesis of all kinds of nemesis.

Because of the characteristics of the Sirius clan, the inheritance of the Sirius clan is very difficult, and it is getting rarer and rarer. Now there are five Jinyao-level ones that have already taken shape, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

You must know that the most critical and difficult thing for the Sirius tribe is to buy Jinyao. Once you pass this hurdle, it will be easier. This is the gift of the beast god.

Stepping into Jinyao one step at a time, the future of the Daofu brothers is bright.

Who is this young man...

The Tibetan scriptures were also stunned. Isn’t this the poor boy from the Tianmei Xiewang shop last time? I remember that he was with a Jinyao level Behemoth...

"How is it possible, this kid has a good relationship with the Tianmei clan, why did he hook up with the Skywolf clan again."

Fitley frowned. Sirius and Tianmei are incompatible. This is common sense in Tongtian Realm. It is not new that Chugou and Augustus will fight each other almost every once in a while.

But there is someone who can take the granddaughter of Augustus and ride Sirius...

Fitley looked at the scriptures. The scriptures are very extensive. In fact, he doesn’t really hate the scriptures. This guy is not in the wrong place, but he has this hobby, and Fitley doesn’t want to be misunderstood by others. But the more he does this, the more energetic the scriptures are. There is really no audience, and the scriptures have regained their composure.

"What's going on here, do you have any news?" Fitley asked.

Zangjing seemed to be lost in thought, and suddenly smiled, "Feifei, let's go to the bar."

Plop...Fitley once again despaired of this ruthless world...

Zou Liang chose the C-level trial path, and at the beginning he focused on being safe.

Shana is also a little strange. With the power of this combination, it is also possible to go to the weaker B-level trial ground, but it will be a little more difficult.

Soon Shana knew that this was just a small test to test the combat effectiveness of the five giant golden wolves.

Facing hundreds of monsters of more than 20 levels, the five giant wolves didn't take it seriously at all. Although they were promoted to Jinyao, the Daofu brothers didn't want to recall their tragic experience in the snowy space.

Compared to Sirius and Snow Girl, these so-called masters are several levels behind.

And these monsters became the targets for the Daofu brothers to give full play to their fighting power. This was also Zou Liang's plan. The growth of a master should not be suppressed. If the contrast is too strong, creativity and proficiency in skills will be suppressed, and these monsters are just the touchstone.

During the observation, Zou Liang also learned about the characteristics of the Sirius clan, that is, the extraordinary balance. It is true that the Tianmei clan and Bismai are already balanced enough, but this balance is superficial.

It is conceivable how terrifying it is for Sirius Chu to hook his hand, Jin Yao fighters can't even dodge a paw in front of him.

Shana was also silently watching the Dove brothers' battle, scanning her eyes over and over again, as if Sirius was one of the rare nemesis of the Tianmei clan, and the fighting style of the Sirius clan would certainly fascinate Shana.

Ordinary ghostly body skills, and hallucinations, are flamboyant in front of the Sirius tribe, vulnerable to a single blow.

That almost monstrous insight...

That's right, orcs have lost their spirituality as beasts in many ways, which is an inevitability in the era of emphasis on technology, but Sirius still maintains a terrifying sense of smell and perception of the environment, which is the scary part of the Sirius clan.

There are more and more and stronger monsters, not only did not make the Daofu brothers feel pressure, but they became more excited. The Daofu brothers finally found a place to play, and they really felt a sense of elation.


Zou Liang and Xia Na followed behind to pick up equipment.

"Do you want these low-level equipment too?" Shana asked.

"Yes, I have a big family over there, and I want everything, the more the better, but I have to use a large space bag to transport it out." Zou Liang said.

"That's no problem, there must be." Shana smiled sweetly and didn't ask further.

The Daofu brothers moved forward surgingly all the way, and Zou Liang and Shana just had to follow. Not only were they physically tyrannical, but the Daofu brothers' attribute attacks were also astonishingly terrifying.

The earth king's earth attribute is thick and continuous, and Haihou's sea attribute is surging. It can be vaguely seen that Haihou is already the strongest of the five brothers. The attribute of the snowy space is similar to him, and he has benefited the most.

The ferocity of Huo Duo, the speed of Feng Lao, and of course the unpredictability of Kong Ba, his favorite is direct headshots.

The five golden Sirians are like monsters, killing them non-stop on the road of trials.

However, the road to the trial is that the monsters can't be killed. Generally, they pass through the level directly, instead of killing non-stop. Although the five Sirius are ferocious, the continuous wave of monsters in the Heaven-reaching Realm cannot be solved by the bravery of ordinary people.

Zou Liang didn't want to, they were too tired, after all, this time had just started.

"Let me do it."

The Daofu brothers heard the call, and jumped up from the monster beast, with a terrifying jumping ability, as if flying without wings.

Let's talk about finding a suitable training object later, let's do the task first, Zou Liang also wants to know how strong the current battle song is.

Slices of monsters were attracted by the Daofu Brothers. Zou Liang stretched out his hand, and the Warsong Scepter appeared. The Scepter swept across, and the subwoofer exploded.

The sky roared like thunder, and Shana was taken aback... This is not the previous battle song at all! ! !

The previous subwoofer was just as powerful, but it could clearly feel that it was coming from Arthur, but now the subwoofer seems to come from the sky.

After hitting the subwoofer, the monster was actually inquired, and its power could not be tested in the snowy space, because under the suppression of the Snow Maiden's power, the battle song was also suppressed. Zou Liang's battle song was very strong, but it was too much offset by the Snow Maiden.

But here, there is no monster that can resist Zou Liang's battle song.


Another blow from the subwoofer swept over, and the roaring sound of the monsters suddenly calmed down.

Boom boom boom boom...

The echo of the subwoofer came from the sky, and the monsters fell one by one, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.


The golden Sirius quietly crawled under Zou Liang's feet. This was a god-like power, a power that only a god could grasp.

The Pope had it, and so did Arthur.

Shana covered her mouth, unable to believe the scene in front of her. There were at least 400 monsters of various kinds, and even more than 30 levels. If they really wanted to solve it, it would take a while.


Looking at Liang holding a scepter with a calm and majestic expression, he was both familiar and unfamiliar.

In just half a month, what happened?

Xia Na felt her heart beating uncontrollably, no doubt at this moment, Zou Liang's strength really shocked her.

Looking at the monster corpses on the ground, Zou Liang twitched his mouth, "A group of poor ghosts."

...The level of these monsters is a bit low, but there are still some low-level equipment. The monsters are actually miserable, and they will be criticized if they die. It is not their fault that they have no money.

Brother Daofu immediately rushed out to collect the equipment.

After scanning a batch, he only received more than ten pieces, which were relatively inferior. Zou Liang was indeed a little dissatisfied. It would be very troublesome to make up a complete set of messy equipment. He didn’t want his future army to wear colorful clothes as if they were singing an opera.

"If you want something like this, look at something that's broken and obviously too weak, so don't want it. It's not a garbage collection station."

Zou Liang said, the Daofu brothers nodded, and they would do whatever Zou Liang said.

"Master, do you want to continue the trial like this?"

"Well, almost, but the C-level is too weak, let's change to the B-level, I think there will always be a good harvest if you sweep a hundred of them."

Zou Liang said solemnly, and the Daofu brothers on the side nodded solemnly. Obviously, the Daofu brothers didn't know what the B-level trial road meant, and Shana was completely lost.

Shock waves are not needed at all at this level, the subwoofer is used occasionally, and the general battle song is enough, and this kind of battle song is also good for the Dolph brothers and Shana, it is a kind of physical training with little effect.

The guardian monster of the C-level Trial Realm was a 45th-level guy with a little combat power, but he was swarmed by five hungry Sirius, and was killed before he had time to show his power. The Sirius clan always attacked the vital point with a single shot, and five golden Sirians shot at the same time. It is really unstoppable and domineering.

Just like that, a trial realm was easily broken through.

It was so fast that Shana couldn't accept it. Suddenly, Shana guessed something.

Just why is there such a powerful power?

Coming out of the C-level trial road, Zou Liang and the others did not stop and directly entered the B-level trial road. As for strength, it doesn't matter. With Zou Liang's current situation, he really doesn't care, as long as there are no such annoying brainstormers.

Zou Liang and the Daofu brothers were holding back their energy. People, they were bullied too badly. Once it broke out, they would feel like the Yellow River was flooding out of control. It would be appropriate to describe Zou Liang and the Daofu brothers. In Shana's view, they were just released after being imprisoned for a long time.

In fact, it’s the same. Time doesn’t mean much in the snowy space. Zou Liang and the others don’t know how long they stayed in it. Although the real time has only passed a few days, in the white world, space and time have become at a loss. As a result, Zou Liang can’t even eat when he sees Xue.

A fiftieth-level ferocious monster lord, this is already the third B-level trial road, Zou Liang is quite philistine cleaning up the equipment, in his opinion, the ferocious monster in front of him is not as attractive as the equipment in front of him.

"Not bad, it's another set, haha, come on, Xia Na pretends, it's not bad."

On the other side, the Daofu brothers fought the world upside down, and the Sirius was indeed fierce, but at this time, the Sirius and Beamon were not the same, even if the five Jinyao junior Beamon met a fiftieth-level monster, it would be a toss.

So the fight was very lively, and Zou Shenstick was a bit like an upstart here. He wiped the equipment preciously, and planned to go back and reward the soldiers of the Burning Legion. For the soldiers, the temptation of good equipment is undoubtedly huge.


A huge boulder was thrown directly at Zou Liang's side and spread all over the ground. The equipment that Zou Liang had just arranged was thrown into a mess.

Brother Daofu was stunned, Zou Liang looked at the equipment he had worked so hard to organize, his eyes were burning, you bastard, you want to die!

rumbling rumbling...

In a rage, the shock wave swept out, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the monster lord let out a miserable scream, and was quickly submerged in the shock wave rolling like thunder.


burst, shattered...

The subwoofer is at best a headshot, and once the shock wave is shot, it will be nothing.

Entering Jinyao, basically monsters below level 60 are like floating clouds in front of Zou Liang's battle song, and they are definitely incomplete.

The entire trial space seemed to have been washed by a shock wave, and suddenly Zou Liang's face collapsed. Damn it, it was too hard, it exploded, and the monster lord didn't even have a chance to keep his equipment.

Brother Daofu walked over with his head down. Obviously, his performance this time was not good, and he made the master unhappy again. Brother Daofu was also very frustrated. Why is it so useless, it will only cause trouble for the master.

"Come on, pay attention next time, pack your things and get ready to go, the task is still very difficult, next time be smarter."

Zou Liang said that seeing the equipment in one place made him feel much better.

Zou Liang didn't plan to go out, and swept them one by one. He wouldn't touch A-levels. Right now, Shunli's level is completely within the radiation range of his battle song's power. Once he reaches A-level, it's a completely different matter. Now it's good. It can let the five brothers master the fighting skills, and he can also practice the battle songs and brush up equipment. After reaching a certain level, he is on the road to a stronger trial.

But what Zou Liang didn't know was that his way of spawning monsters was simply breaking the rules of the Tongtian Realm.

On the Tongtian Pagoda, the animal spirit seals representing Zou Liang, Daofu Brothers, and Shana are rising. It must have been very obvious before, but now due to the large number of people in the Tongtian Realm, it is not too conspicuous.

But the old ghosts did notice.

"What is this kid doing?"

"Maybe there is something amazing. Every time it disappears for a while, there will be surprises."

She Zhe said that he was under a lot of pressure. A primary archer in the dark gold stage suddenly fell to the bottom in the battle of the sky in the dark gold stage.

"Hehe, my equipment is almost ready, so I can charge with certainty." Ghost Shadow is still very happy, his focus now is not to improve the level, but to get the best equipment, there is still a lot to do.

On the road of trials, time always passes very long, but for the Tongtian Hall, it is much faster. There are many opportunities and dangers in the Tongtian Realm, and there are always people who succeed and others who fail.

But it has never been so consistently efficient and successful.

The vision of the Tongtian Tower was still noticed, and they had to pay attention, because someone entered Area A again.

Area A that only dark gold can reach, and I am afraid that you have to be the best in the dark gold, and Zou Liang stepped into it "in a short while".

who is this bill ? ?

Could it be a hidden dark gold master?

Zou Liang in the Heaven-reaching Realm was looking up to the sky and laughing, "The sea is thick, fast, there are more over there, haha, get rich."

Zou Liang smiled like a beckoning cat, Shana was speechless, is this still the way of trial? It's all about making money!

A fiftieth-level monster lord exploded, reality was destroyed by Zou Liang's battle song, and then dismembered by five Sirius, Shana felt that her previous worldview had completely collapsed.

Zou Liang saw a very beautiful headgear, the Kiss of Dzi Beads. Zou Liang didn't look at any attributes, but it matched Shana's complexion very well, so he subconsciously put it on for Shana.

Looking at Shana in front of her, the pearly light and the soft and tender skin complement each other, it is really beautiful.

"Pretty, really pretty, Land King, do you think Shana is pretty?"

Zou Liang was very satisfied with his vision.

Brother Sirius nodded desperately. In fact, even if Zou Liang said that sows can climb trees, they would definitely say that sows are the best at climbing trees.

Squeezing Shana's little face, Zou Shengun was full of spirits, oh shit, this is indeed my brother's gold mine!

Shana's interspatial bag is full, and the Sirius brothers are all carrying a big bag. I have to say that the five brothers are exhausted from the continuous fighting. Only Zou Shengun is still in good spirits. In fact, Zou Liang is roaring in his heart, get rich, get rich, we get rich today!

Suddenly Zou Liang noticed something was wrong. He just subconsciously perceived his ability, but found that it was completely different.

Time Messenger Elementary

Empty ability induction, only one title left, nothing else.

Zou Liang was dumbfounded. He wanted to feel his ability, but he couldn't feel anything. What's going on? ? ?

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Shana noticed something was wrong.

Zou Liang was in a daze for a moment, and realized that it should be a good thing. The other abilities should not disappear, but be swallowed up by this title. Time Messenger, sounds very aggressive, but I don’t know how to judge this power, I have to try it when I have a chance.

Looking at Shana who looked worried, "It's nothing, I have a little more equipment, and there may be more in the future. I'm thinking where it's more convenient to set up a street stall."

Shana is a bit top-heavy, is that the point? Is this the point!

I really don't know what to say, this method of sweeping the B-level trial road has overturned Shana's world view, even the ancestors can't do it so quickly and easily.

But what makes Zou Liang tangled is where to set up a stall...

Shana was just about to say that she could sell it on consignment, but the Land King said, "Master, the master said that as long as we enter the Jinyao level, we can inherit the things of the Tongtian Realm. Since the Ten Saints of Tongtian have a territory, the Wolf King should also have it."

"Xana, who is in charge of Sirius King's black market now?" Zou Liang suddenly smiled, and Chugou is really reliable, as long as it can be sold on consignment.

"Sirius King is alone. He has never cared about the black market. He is in a state of complete freedom. However, there is a dark gold middle-level strong man who is taking care of Sirius. It is said that he has received the favor of Chugou. He only maintains order and does not interfere with others, which leads to a relatively depressed situation."

Shana explained.

Zou Liang can understand this. Although he didn't finish the tour of the Ten Saints of Tongtian, he still went to the place of Sirius and Augustus. Needless to say, Augustus's place is very lively and the standard is also very high. In comparison, Sirius' side is very ordinary. The black market of Tongtian Realm is not an ordinary supermarket.

In the eyes of these powerhouses, if Sirius does not manage, it means that the strongest is not here, and everyone's interest in this place will decrease. After all, the Ten Saints of Tongtian also like to sell some things occasionally, whether it is out of show off or other psychology. Over time, it will form an expectation. In comparison, the competitiveness of Sirius is very low, and other people dare not grab it.

"Do you know that person?"

Zou Liang asked, and the five brothers shook their heads.

"Master, the master just mentioned such a thing, we can inherit all his things, but I didn't talk about the details."

The King of Earth explained.

This is in line with Chugou's personality. Although Sirius is a loner, as long as people always have contact, there will always be relationships, either good or bad. With Sirius' personality, I'm afraid he offends more, but there are always a few who are favored by him, such as the five brothers, such as the one who manages for him.

It seems that we need to communicate, Zou Liang smiled, always going to see and see.

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