The Great Conqueror

Chapter 459 Team members (continue to ask for a monthly ticket)

The third one is even more unexpected, the official close to the people.

The Monte Iris family has always been reluctant to interfere in politics. A veto by the people's officials is almost useless, and they usually answer by abstaining from voting. As Arthur who defeated the Peloponnese, Montairis is so supportive!

The fourth... Bixiu of the Gabriel family, frankly speaking, Odonna was not surprised at all. After fighting for so many years, Odonna has already become very clear about Bixiu's personality.

There are already four votes. As long as there are two votes, the matter is settled. William already has one vote, and in fact there is only one vote short.

At this time, Grand Consul Sanchez actually raised his hand, with a smile on his face, "For young people to be vigorously cultivated, the key point of the burden is also a test."

At the beginning of Sanchez, it seemed that there was no need for other people to stand still, and they all raised their hands. It is a rare high-level meeting that an agreement can be reached so readily.

Mengjia's first city lord who integrated religious power, political power, and military power was born, but everyone knows that the focus is not here, but the city!

"William, tell me about the three currently vacant cities."

William stood up. It was the three cities that William told Zou Liang, Tom, Karen Pole, and Lando. These three cities happened to have vacancies in either the temple or the consul.

Immediately everyone knew what was going on, and the main event was coming.

"Hehe, Priest Arthur has two talents. He is so young. It is time to take on heavy responsibilities. Dolan City is waiting to be rebuilt, and he has also created miracles there. I suggest Dolan City, young people should be brave to challenge!"

Sanchez immediately threw out his purpose, which is why he promised so happily before, just to dig this hole, young people, don't you enjoy the blessings, since you have to increase the burden, then make it heavier.

"Hehe, Dolan City is currently suffering from internal and external troubles. It needs money but has no money, needs food but has no food, and thieves are haunted, and the wilderness is also eyeing. Lord Sanchez, I am afraid that only Knight Nebero can shoulder such a heavy responsibility."

Odonna smiled, "I propose Tom City."

Tom City is the real big city, and once Arthur takes full power, the status of the Adventurer's Guild will be greatly improved. I didn't expect the opportunity for revival to come so soon.

As for Karen Pol, it was just a foil, and was ignored directly. It would be used as a compromise unless there was a stalemate, but it seemed that neither side would compromise.

At this point, no one will compromise.

"Hehe, President Odonna, Nebello has his own job. As a believer of the Beast God, he is not there to enjoy the blessings, but to serve!"

"But also consider the actual situation."

"That's for sure. Our consul will fully cooperate with Priest Arthur's work. If he goes to Dolan City, as long as he needs anything, the nearby cities will definitely cooperate!"

The Grand Consul laughed.

"Vote for Arthur's move to Tom City."

Odonna, William, Sely, Bixiu, People First Officer, five votes.

Surprisingly, the Pope himself did not raise his hand, which made Sanchez confused.

"Hands up in favor of Arthur going to Doran City."

Sanchez will definitely take the lead. The president of the Engravers Guild is on his side this time, with one vote for the Nicholas family, one vote for the president of the Archers Guild, and one vote for the president of the Warriors Guild, a total of five votes.

It was a tie, and the atmosphere became tense.

But at this time the Pope suddenly spoke, "I agree with Arthur going to Dolan City. The priest is the servant of the beast god, so he will naturally go to a city in trouble. This appointment is not a reward, but to put a heavier burden on him. I think everyone here is very aware of the situation in Dolan City. It is not an exaggeration to say that the danger is not an exaggeration, and the barbarian invasion was blocked. As a result, there was chaos!"

The Pope's eyes became sharper, and he scanned everyone, "However, the ugly words are up front, and if anyone is doing something messy in Landuo City, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Sanchez didn't expect that the pope would actually push Arthur into the pit of fire... As for the subsequent warnings, those present were not frightened. The purpose had already been achieved, and he had already entered the pit of fire. No one wanted to risk offending the pope.

Of course, external publicity is still a major reward, and only the core knows the inside story.

Status determines vision.

Odonna still punched the air, never expecting the Pope to strike at such a critical moment.

At the end of the meeting, the Consul was satisfied and in a good mood. As for the rewards and publicity in the future, they would not make trouble anymore.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand!" Odonna said.

"Hehe, Oudona, don't blame me. This kid asked for it himself. In fact, if you think about it, you will understand. Crisis and opportunity coexist. I think he can do it, but you need a lot of help."

Benedict XV said with a smile that the Pope is in a good mood recently.

Arthur's appearance has loosened the stalemate in the imperial capital. The performance of all parties at today's meeting has already explained the problem.

From a certain point of view, Arthur became the Pope's vanguard. In the past, the Grand Consul used Nebello as the vanguard, and now it was the Holy See's turn to attack.

It was the second time Zou Shengun received the award in the Holy See, and the lineup was quite strong, and the content of the award made everyone drool!

There were indeed city lords before, but for hundreds of years, there has never been such a powerful city lord.

Integrating teaching power, political power, and military power, it can be said to be in charge of life and death, but Duolan City is a bit small, but think about it, such exaggerated power would be fine if it were placed in a normal city.

If it were any of the other two cities, Zou Liang would at most get religious power and political power, and the size and system of the Knights would inevitably be restricted. In view of the special situation of Duolan City, the elders would give Zou Liang the right to conscription.

It's just that the appropriation of the Elders' Council is still based on the inherent establishment, and the extra soldiers have to be supported by themselves.

But Zou Liang's vision is much farther, and he has already prepared the money.

A few months ago, High Priest Arthur, who had just broken the centuries-old rules of the Holy See, broke Meng Jia's rules again, and received such a huge reward and honor.

What's more, the consul and the forces involved in all aspects endured such a loss.

The people in the imperial capital are not from other provinces, and they are very familiar with the complicated struggles in the imperial capital, but Arthur actually settled it and reached a balance among all parties.

This step of Arthur left a strong impression in the hearts of the people in the imperial capital. There must be the support of the Holy See and the compromise of the consul.

Although it really looks like a different situation, potentially, improving Zou Liang's status is equivalent to increasing the influence of the Ruiporter Merchant Group.

Avril Lavigne is the spokesperson for Arthur's business. It is no longer the past. If you have a large amount of money, you must make a detailed plan. I dare not say anything else. The Rabbit Clan may not be enough to attack, but in terms of caution, it is indeed unmatched in the entire Beast Clan.

The countdown to leaving the imperial capital has entered, and the entire high priest's mansion is busy. Zou Liang has nothing to do. He and Nebeiro have taken two routes. Nebeiro is the imperial capital route, and Zou Liang knows that he does not have a family foundation like Nebeiro, so he has to lay his own foundation.

And strong strength needs to be honed in blood and fire, and Duolan City is undoubtedly a very good choice.

He, and those who followed him, could not be stopped.

…In addition, he really wanted to take Emma away from the imperial capital as soon as possible, and he was worried all day long. If Xue Nu fell into a deep sleep again, he was really afraid that something would happen. After all, he could not stop Xue Nu with his current strength, and if he was discovered by someone with a heart, there would definitely be troubles, but if he came to Duolan City, it would be his world.

At the end of the game, Subaru sent a chief priest to congratulate him, and at the same time, he was going to take Annie back. The little girl was reluctant to part with her nose and tears, which made Zou Liang feel a little unbearable.

But people have joys and sorrows, and it is difficult to be complete at this time. Now Zou Liang understands this truth more and more, and he is more open-minded.

To be honest, although he is well-known, his background is really weak. If he didn't take advantage of the chaos this time, he would be really stretched.

Ernest, Randy, and Kurt assembled a team of thirty-six people. Apart from that, Bass belonged to the generals, and Sinda was there to help. The others had their own careers and goals, and they would not go to Dolan with him.

The 60 priests led by Lu Yao is Zou Liang's trump card. The priests added some newcomers, all recruited in the imperial capital, who were also brainwashed by Lu Yao's healing war song. Of course, some of them worshiped Arthur, and their talents were very good. There were only a dozen or so people who were willing to leave the imperial capital and go to Duolan City with Zou Liang. They were all young people.

In addition, Joyner is considered a killer weapon, but Joyner is suitable for carrying out tasks with clear goals, not complex ones. There are really no experts around Zou Liang. Zou Liang is not very worried about taking down Duolan City, but the foreign enemies are extremely tyrannical.

The unstable factor around her is Xuenv. Thinking about it carefully, the future is really difficult.

In terms of non-combat power, Thomas cared about Arthur the most, and asked Maru to bring ten engraved priests to follow Arthur to Dolan City. This almost took away half of the elite of Jerusalem, but the situation in Jerusalem is stable now, so there will be no problems.

Zou Liang was drinking tea leisurely. He has been tossing so much lately. Emma is still sleeping. To be precise, Xuenv fell into a deep sleep. The current situation is out of Zou Liang's control. He can only watch the day and wait for the real Emma to wake up.

If it comes, it will be safe, Zou Liang is not as impatient as before.

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