The Great Conqueror

Chapter 216 Brother is back!

Zou Liang appeared. When he stepped out of the door of space, he felt a sense of collapse. In fact, he felt like vomiting if he stayed here for a second longer!

Cengcengceng... The light is shining, the surroundings... Grandma Bill, is Jin Yao Dark Gold having a meeting? ? ?

Except for the three ghosts and shadows, no one else has ever seen it. Now that they have seen with their own eyes that the person who broke through two levels in a row turned out to be a young man who has no professional attributes or even engravings.

"Little brother, it's my ghost shadow, be my apprentice."

"Go away, a mere Jin Yao, be my apprentice!"

"Damn, whoever robs me again, I will destroy his entire family!" Augustus also went into a rage.

"Old guy, don't be afraid that the wind will flash his tongue!" Chu Gou didn't buy it.

The overwhelming voices seemed to be accepting him as an apprentice. Zou Liang didn't think there was anything wrong in the world. Apart from this little part of his body, he seemed to be worthless. There is no love for no reason in this world!

Looking at the fierce eyes around him, Zou Liang's first feeling is that the best strategy is to use thirty-six tactics.

Suddenly Zou Liang pointed to the sky, his eyes were extremely shocked, as if he saw a monster!

Immediately everyone looked into the air, including the old Huxie, what could shock a young man who passed two levels of A-level in a row.


airplane? ? ? what?

Everyone was stunned, could this be a legendary spell? Or some kind of monster above level 100?

Suddenly, everyone discovered an unforgivable problem, that kid disappeared!

"Grandma, you even lied to me. Be careful, let's see where you are going. I will accept this apprentice!"

Augustus left the beast spirit world without saying a word, and didn't even bother to pay attention to the fight with Chugou.

All the powerhouses left the beast spirit world one after another. Judging by their expressions, it seems that no one intends to let it go, especially the golden warrior. If they fight head-on, they may not be able to compete for the dark gold, but in reality, whoever finds it first will get it!

Suddenly, an undercurrent surged in the peaceful Almond Beast God Continent, and several big powers secretly issued a strange "wanted", not so much wanted as to find people, and those who provide clues will be rewarded heavily without explaining any reason.

Augustus is throwing a tantrum, "You idiots, you can't even draw a portrait!"

"Ancestor, this, your description is too simple."

A branch of the Tianmei Clan, the legendary ancestor suddenly descended. This is a great event, but the result is to find someone to paint a portrait, but no matter how the painting is done, they are not satisfied.

"Old Ancestor, I heard that someone in the underground world is also looking for a young man with similar conditions to what you said. Could it be the same person?"

A young man said respectfully.

"Oh, oh, boy, you are very smart, I like you, show me the portrait!"

The Tianmeizu's work efficiency is very high, and soon a portrait was sent to Augustus. Augustus couldn't help laughing wildly. It took no effort to get it without looking for it. Although Augustus is good at everything, he really has nothing to do with painting, and he can't describe it.

But this portrait has seven or eight parts, which come from the ghost shadow, but it is difficult to hide the movement of the underground world from the Tianmeizu.

"Immediately spread this portrait to the branches of the Tianmei Clan in various empires, and tell them that anyone who can find this kid will be rewarded, remember!"

Augustus laughed wildly.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they didn't know what happened, they could only nod respectfully. What did this young man do to attract at least three empires to hunt him down and offend his ancestors.

The Mengjia Empire and the Nicholas family also received the same news. Although they are all distant blood relatives, Augustus has a great influence in the Tianmei clan.

Greg looked at the portrait in his hand, "Why is the old monster looking for this person? Could it be that he has some secret treasure on him?"

Nebello glanced at the mediocre face above, "Maybe he wants to take him in as a disciple."

"Tch, our Tianmei tribe has a large number of talents. We don't have any geniuses. We still need to go outside to recruit apprentices. Just kidding, but you have to do me a favor with this matter. Find this person, and I owe you a favor."

Greg licked his lips. If he could win the favor of his ancestors, not to mention the family's huge promise, he might be able to learn a few tricks. The family also attaches great importance to this. It would be great if this person was in Mengjia. There is no other way. The information network mastered by the Nicholas family has spread, but it is only a part after all. With the help of the Sanchez family, the confidence will be even greater.

As long as he is a member of Mengjia, he will be hard to fly!

"Okay." Nebello said simply.

"Okay, brother, I heard that Subaru is going to bring his disciples and grandchildren to the Imperial Capital to receive the reward, and that kid will come too. I'll help you fix him, it's a gift."

Greg said.

Nebello smiled slightly and was noncommittal. That Arthur was just a small adjustment in his life, and he was not qualified to pay him too much attention, but Greg was willing to help, and he would not stop it. Auricia awakened, which is the big deal. The naughty little girl in the past was just a vase. Although the Gabriel family is very powerful, it is not the only choice.

Of course, things were full of twists and turns. The Gabriel family was also divided into two factions. Some people thought that joining forces was in line with the times, but there were also those who insisted on the theory of blood.

In fact, intermarriage can grow stronger, everyone knows this truth, just like the Tianmei clan used to be the same as the Swan clan, but although the Tianmei clan prohibits ordinary intermarriage, they do not prohibit marriages of equal strength, which also makes the Tianmei clan powerful now.

The conservatism and pride of the Bismai Swans also put them at a disadvantage. In the past, the Sanchez family just waited and watched, but now the Sanchez family has also become active.

Zou Liang slept for three days and three nights, and consumed a lot on the road to trial. When he woke up, Zou Liangguang was in a daze for a long time. He was consuming everything he got.

The most important thing is the change in thinking. He has always felt that the past life is the real one, and this life is the real one, but the fifty years spent in the illusion, the vicissitudes of life, is equivalent to giving him another chance to choose. In the previous life, he was just an otaku. A strong one!

This kind of maturity in mentality cannot be expressed in statistics. Although the path of trials is so abnormal that I feel nauseous when I think about it now, I have to say that the results brought about are truly indescribable.

Everyone stared blankly at Zou Liang. Since he woke up, he kept his eyes open and kept thinking, and no one dared to disturb him.

until his eyeballs started rolling.

"Brother, are you better? What happened?" Avril Lavigne's voice was so gentle and full of concern, like a trickle of water nourishing Zou Liang's dry heart.

Zou Liang hugged Avril, it really seemed like a lifetime away!

"Fifth sister, you are so kind!"

Avril was stunned and blushed, she could feel Zou Liang's cherishment and touch, "Brother, no matter what happens, I am your fifth sister."

"Haha, Ernest, remember to protect me in the future!"

Zou Liang gave Ernest a bear hug and reported the huge Ernest. This little brother who doesn't talk much, although not related by blood, is better than a real brother.

Zou Liang hugged Randy and the others one by one, and even gave a bear hug whether Gina wanted it or not.

"Haha, very good, very good, I am alive again!"

"Boss, are you having a convulsion?"

"Hehe, almost, I slept too long this time, fifty years!"

Although it was a dream, the impression of that dream was too deep and terrifying.

Fortunately, strange things often happen to Zou Liang, and everyone is used to it, and Zou often uses the beast god to dream as an excuse.

Everyone chatted in a hurry, Zou Liang felt that he didn't listen to anything, but he was extremely happy and fulfilled. He was full of vitality and energy, subconsciously checking the state of his beast spirit. Grandma Bill, he lost three souls and lost two souls. This damn road of trial should give some benefits, right?

Zou Liang searched for a long time,... almost burst into foul language, did not add any attributes, did not show any signs of upgrading to the copper branding level, chacha, even if the level of his trial is relatively low, at least give him something!

Zou Liang has always thought that the trial road he took is the easiest, but for the orcs, they are not afraid of fighting. What they fear most is this invisible mental test. If they don’t have the memory of two lives and a firm will, they will not be able to pass the trial road like that. In fact, if Zou Liang saw the escape spell on the stone tablet at the door, he would not be able to pass it.

Zou Liang doesn't think he is special, but in fact, everyone focuses on different things. In order to practice a combo, Zou Liang didn't seek perfection. It took him two months and four keyboards to practice it.

Zou Liang really didn't believe in this evil spirit. After working so hard for so long, and having spent fifty terrible years, almost tossing himself to death, was there no benefit at all? ? ?

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