The Great Conqueror

Chapter 130 That blush of poignant beauty (fourth more)

Everyone stared at the battlefield intently. In the past, facing such a sharp attack, Shura would definitely use the strangest movement to dodge instead of becoming so passive, but this time he couldn't dodge.

When meeting real masters, Shura also showed his true colors.

He is not as powerful as in the legend, orc warriors are invincible.

Stepping back step by step, he will soon be on the edge of the battle altar. This is the first time since Shura came out to fight, he was cornered.

In the event of no return...

Obviously Perseus wanted this kind of result, the long sword was sharper and more delicate, the sword and shield formed a net, and Shura was the prey in the net, he could only struggle to death.

"Gao Ming, don't rush to attack, but surround the opponent. As long as you are cornered, any blow will be fatal." Buenavin praised, "You have such patience at this moment, you Rhines are indeed full of abnormalities."

"You're wrong. It's not a random blow. At the same time, Perseus is not patient, but he has no choice. If there is a chance to kill him, he would have done it long ago. There is no need to be so troublesome. Look, Perseus the Blue Lion's strongest blow will appear soon. It is said that no one has been able to dodge it."

Murphy said that his eyes had become brighter. Each of the Six Lions of Rhine has their own unique skills. Once such a unique skill comes out, the opponent will definitely lose.

However, there are not many opponents who are worthy of their lore. Perhaps Perseus himself did not expect to use his lore in Shenyao Province.

On the battle altar, Zou Liang was forced into a corner by the opponent's sword dance, and the opponent's fighting momentum seemed to have reached its peak, and it seemed that it was time to use his trump card.

Zou Liang retreated sharply, and this retreat went straight to the edge, half a meter longer than the previous avoidance. This was obviously a final struggle. If Perseus didn't give the kill, then he could dodge and get rid of the immediate disadvantage.

And Perseus would never give him this chance. At this time, the shield just passed by, and the long sword in his hand... disappeared!

There was a whistling sound, and at the last turn, the long sword twirled and twisted towards Zou Liang's neck from the side, who would have thought!

Leave the sword!

By the time he reacted, the sword had already slashed towards his neck!

Such a distance, there is no doubt that you must die, you must die, you must die!

Everyone's eyes widened. Gina almost closed her eyes when she saw Shura's neck being chopped off. It wasn't for Shura, but for her own miserable fate. The orc clan made the most important promise, and she didn't agree to it. The promise must be fulfilled.


Damn Arthur, bastard, fool, fool!

Facing the spinning sword light, Zou Liang smiled, the sword was on his neck, his body was like a spinning top, and his neck was spinning with the spinning sword.

The long sword flew out, but did not take away the neck.

Everyone's eyeballs are about to pop out, is that all right? ? ?

It is said that warriors can dance on the tip of the knife, but I have never heard that the neck can also rotate in the tip of the knife.

The only one who was calm was Perseus, the shock in his heart did not delay his shot.

At some point, his body swelled up, he opened his mouth suddenly, and let out a loud roar, as if a ball of light blasted out.

——The Rhine Roar!

This is the ultimate trump card, the foolproof lore!

Don't give Shura any chance, this is the pride of the Rhineland, the strongest Rhine Roaring Bullet!

Only the best, most talented and hardest-working Rhine can obtain and use the power, the bug-level power that ignores defense, which can only be mastered at least at the copper branding level, the blue lion already has it, even though it is elementary, it is already invincible.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for Shura, who has made an incomparably superb dodge, to use his strength to move.

The hearts of the soldiers have just gone from climax to trough, and their infinite regrets have not yet been expressed, and they have been lifted to the peak by another climax.

Let's see how you hide this time!

Murphy's eyes are bright, the most incomprehensible unique killer move of the Rhine, can Shura do it?


Seeing the defenseless Rhine roar bombarding, a white light flashed.

The world is at peace.

Perseus stood motionless, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, Zou Liang changed his position and stabilized his body, holding Perseus' long sword in his hand.

"So you... know how to use a sword."

A bit of bright red bloomed from the throat, like the last red glow in the sky, followed by the explosion of blood flowers. There was a kind of cruelty in the poignant beauty, and Perseus, who had just performed the strongest skill of the Rhine tribe, fell to the ground.

Shura was still standing there, but he had an extra sword in his hand, the opponent's sword. Only at this moment did the beasts realize one thing. It's not that Shura doesn't know how to use weapons, but that you are too weak to deserve him to use weapons!

The battle altar was dead silent, and people's breathing was suppressed. It was the first time for the priests who maintained order to see such a battle. They had already forgotten their duties and looked at Shura blankly. The observers of various professional guilds were even more silent.

Perseus' body faded and slowly disappeared from the beast spirit world, and the sword in Shura's hand also disappeared. Shura looked at the beasts around him indifferently. Wherever his eyes went, the beast warriors lowered their noble heads.

This oppressive force didn't disappear until Shura left.

The soldiers felt that their throats were very dry. How did the indestructible Rhine roar bomb be broken?

There are only a handful of people who can see the final movement. If they are not strong enough, even if they stand close, it is useless. Shura's body moves with the spinning flying sword, with exactly the same frequency. At this time, it is relatively stationary.

In that kind of crisis, still grasping the vital point exactly, that touch of red marks is really the art of killing.

Frankly speaking, both of them were equally terrifying, and they still didn't relax after the final kill. Perseus didn't stop attacking because of the flying sword, and Shura didn't relax his vigilance because of the long dodge.

Meet on a narrow road, the strong wins.

In the end, the blue lion still fell, still unable to shake Shura's strength.

Gina was undoubtedly the happiest, but she was also a little sad. If it wasn't for her, Perseus wouldn't have encountered such a thing, but after all, it was related to his own life, and Gina was still happy.

(Recommendation tickets, more than 20 votes can enter one, and life will be more gorgeous!)

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