The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 431 Why did I think of the arsenal ship?

Incident handling requires a sequence. After skimming Sun Zhengyi's material, Alice first sent an email to Lockheed.

Because of her understanding of the future situation, Alice is very clear about the future market for new types of explosives.

A related event is the construction plan for a new type of navy, especially the birth of the Zumwalt series.

After the end of the Cold War, the threat of the Soviet camp to the US ocean dominance decreased sharply, but regional conflicts increased day by day.

At this time, the Chinese navy is still in the construction period of the potential new threat to the United States, and it still does not have the ability to fully counter it. Therefore, the strategic approach of the U.S. Navy has gradually evolved from the oceanic naval warfare of the Cold War to the projection of force on land to deal with the turbulent regional conflicts.

Among them, the Gulf War can be said to have accumulated sufficient experience for the United States. As the beginning of the real modern war, as the most beautiful battle fought by the U.S. military in the next two decades, the enlightenment it brought to the military and arms dealers is definitely deep enough.

Based on Alice's conjecture, this may be the direct cause.

In September 1992, the Commander of the US Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commander of the Marine Corps jointly issued a strategic white paper on "From Sea to Land".

Its content is aimed at projecting force on coastal targets, controlling coastal areas and inland strategic routes leading to the ocean, and taking into account projecting force on the ground, including strengthening the coordinated operation of the naval fleet and the Marine Corps, and establishing a joint maritime expeditionary force with the Army and Air Force. Combat operations, etc., have greatly revised the policy of anti-submarine and competition for sea dominance in the cold war era.

Then in October 1992, the U.S. Navy further proposed "21st Century Destroyer Technology Research", and its concept was subsequently incorporated into the framework of the U.S. Navy's new generation of surface combat ships, namely "21st Century Surface Combat".

Furthermore, in September 1994, the U.S. Navy put forward the concept of "frontier-from sea to land". Ground forces within 100 nautical miles provide support, and put forward new concepts such as "forward presence", "forward deployment", and "forward operations".

Around 1995, the US Chief of Naval Operations went full steam ahead with the Arsenal Ship program.

The arsenal ship is also called the fire ship. According to the concept of the US military, it should be able to provide fire support for ground operations with powerful firepower, and become a launch platform for air defense and anti-missile weapons. It will carry a large number of missile weapons, with extremely strong strike capabilities against land, sea, and air. It will be a "missile arsenal" floating on the sea.

That's right, this is Alice's goal. Although due to various factors during the period, the planned arsenal ship was not finally released, but as a product of relative compromise, the Zumwalt class can be regarded as inheriting its fine tradition. As a ship type that relies heavily on the power of unit missiles and artillery, the importance of gunpowder types is of course beyond doubt.

Of course, if it is possible, Alice still wants to try to push it to see if she can make a real "full version" of the arsenal ship appear, instead of just letting a castrated DDG-1000 dangle on the water.

According to the preliminary vision of the Pentagon, the arsenal ship is at least 244 meters long, with a displacement of more than 11,900 tons. It must have 500 missile vertical silos and can be equipped with a variety of missiles, including "Tomahawk" cruise missiles, "standard" ship-to-air missiles, The Harpoon anti-ship missile, as well as new missiles designed for theater missile defense and shore fire support.

Other weapons and equipment on board include two 155mm naval guns and 2,400 rounds of advanced guided shells, as well as an anti-missile system, two ship-borne helicopters, a drone, two remote-controlled mine destroyers, two wireless Submarines, a certain number of torpedoes, and finally communication sonar, communication systems, and operational command systems.

As for the shape, the hull is a double-hull structure with a small superstructure. During combat, the height of the hull above the water is only 1.5 meters to minimize the reflection of radar waves. In other words, it can almost have the same concept as a nuclear submarine, that is, quietly lurking in the coastal area of ​​​​the enemy country, waiting for an opportunity to launch a devastating strike on the coast hundreds of kilometers away.

As for the establishment, according to the Pentagon's idea, the arsenal ship will be incorporated into the aircraft carrier battle group, and it will provide air cover and combat information. The ship only needs a crew of 20, but needs a supply ship to accompany it in order to reload the vertical launch system in time. It is also because of this that if this weapon storage ship is successfully developed and equipped with troops, it will share part of the combat functions of the aircraft carrier.

If Alice can really convince the Pentagon to build a real arsenal ship...

Sitting behind the desk of the boss of the Computer Research Institute, I was almost crying.

From a letter from Lockheed to assist in the development of new explosives, I can think of the arsenal ship and the Zumwalt class!

Alice herself admired herself.

But how is she going to convince the Pentagon?

This is a difficult problem.

Because of course she knew that this plan could not be passed in the end, otherwise it would not be the castrated Zumwalt's turn to appear.

So, what are the shortcomings of pure arsenal ships?

First, the security system is complicated. The arsenal ship needs more accompanying support ships in combat, and needs a "combat, coordination, and control system" provided by satellites, reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned aircraft, air early warning aircraft, or ground search radar. The various links that make up the system are closely linked, and any problem in any link will reduce the strike accuracy and even the combat capability of the arsenal ship.

Followed by single-ship anti-submarine and weak air defense capabilities. Since the arsenal ship is not prepared to carry anti-submarine helicopters, its anti-submarine capability is far lower than that of other large and medium-sized ships. Because of the low hull, the detection range of the shipboard radar is short, and there are no early warning aircraft and fighter jets on the aircraft carrier, the air defense capability of a single ship is very fragile. Does not have "individual" combat capability.

Furthermore, the ability to resist special sea conditions is low. Due to the low hull of the arsenal ship, the draft must be increased for concealment during combat, so its driving speed under harsh sea conditions and the stability required for launching missiles are all difficult to solve.

In addition, Alice also knows a gossip.

It is said that some senior officials believe that the cost-effectiveness ratio of arsenal ship operations is too low. Each missile launched by it will be worth more than 1 million U.S. dollars. Once used in large quantities, the cost will of course be particularly expensive. The guns of the Iowa-class battleships fired 406mm shells weighing two tons, which were powerful enough to make the enemy "frightened", but the cost of such shells was only 5,000 US dollars.

Obviously, using the "ancient" super-large-caliber naval gun as an example is not convincing at all. This kind of gossip is purely a matter of government-business struggles, and it is not true.

"That is to say, if I really want the Pentagon to approve the construction plan of the arsenal ship, I have to solve these shortcomings..."

Alice sat at the table and couldn't help thinking. If she really wants to start building the arsenal ship, what should she do?

Er, yes, start building yourself.

Anyway, have you invested in Lockheed, and Blackwater still buys weapons and equipment specially from General Dynamics, then she will give it to the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dock Company, the only shipyard in the United States that can build super aircraft carriers. What's wrong with buying it?

Of course, this is a complicated process that requires the installation of many heavyweight members of the government...

Therefore, in a very short moment, Alice set a longer-term goal for herself.

Slowly inserting legions of lawmakers into Capitol Hill would allow her to buy the Newport company. You know, as a company that has a close cooperative relationship with the Norfolk Naval Base, built all Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, and continues to undertake the construction of Ford-class aircraft carriers, it is by no means an easy task to buy it.

Of course, after buying it, the sense of accomplishment and meaning is also extraordinary.

So, thinking of this, Alice suddenly played reverse thinking again.

In order to be able to buy that company, and vigorously insert congressmen on Capitol Hill...

In order to get the Pentagon to approve the construction of the arsenal ship, and find a way to make up for its shortcomings...

One is the goal and the other is the process.

Then this goal and process, shouldn’t we also look at it in reverse?

For some reason, Alice suddenly fell into a philosophical disease, and suddenly began to ponder all kinds of neurotic thoughts.

She looked at the computer screen and sent an email to Lockheed, but the interface hadn't been changed yet.

In other words, her thoughts spread here in one breath, what is the cause?

It really seems to be just a letter from Lockheed.

Why did she suddenly think of so many things from such a letter?

Philosophy disease can be fatal once it occurs. Alice just sat obediently at the desk, with her legs spread out under the desk, staring at the screen and frowning.

"Could it be that I've been too bored recently?"

After thinking wildly for a long time, he finally said such a sentence.


It depends on the angle of analysis.

If she was just busy with work, she would be bored.

But then again.

What are you busy with?

Alice glanced at the pile of summary information on the table, which Sophie had sorted out for her, the companies she had invested in and established over the years.

There is no doubt that these enterprises are still in their infancy, and it will take many years before they can really develop. And when Cisco and Microsoft are also fully on the right track, with the Bosacks and Bill Gates operating there every day, I just have nothing to do to read the report.

"Ah, yes, it's really boring."

"Throw away the technology, and then sit and wait for history to happen, and then throw more money, and then sit and wait for history to happen...Normal investors don't know what the company will develop in the future, they will spend their money on the company I'm worried, but I..."

With a snap, Alice finally figured out which joint.

Sure enough, she was just bored and wanted to find something to do for herself!

With the Arsenal ship as the goal, create a history that you don't know how to turn!

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