The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 415 Xiaobai delivered to the door

Seeing that a high school girl broke in suddenly, Tom couldn't react for a while, and asked directly, "Who are you?"

Behind him, Evan Delof coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Will, this girl is the investor of this lab, Ms. Alice Wang."

If we talk about the voice that Tom has heard the most in the past few months, this name that starts with A and ends with W is definitely the most recognizable. As soon as he was in a daze, and then regained his senses, he immediately exclaimed: "My God, are you Miss Wang?"

Alice stood in front of the elevator with her arms folded and said, "You told the front desk just now that a little girl named Ada told you that we are going to conduct new drug experiments?"

Tom knew that he had really gotten his chance through the back door. Although this is not the type of job hunting after all, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of unease being stared at by the top boss at this time.

"Yes, yes, I am, I work in a grocery store. Ada is a frequent customer in our neighborhood, and they are all acquaintances..."

"Take it easy, er, Mr. Will, right? Take it easy, sit first, sit first." Alice could tell the nature of the other party at a glance. With the smell of soap and obviously new clothes, because of his tense and tense body and timid expression, he is probably a nerd, right?

After the three of them were seated together, Alice said: "First of all, let me introduce, my name is Alice Wang, an American investor. Regarding the new drug experiment you heard from Ada, it is because I am preparing to establish a pharmaceutical company , and the product, as you can see, existed before the company was founded."

Tom nodded, and then Alice went on to say: "Ada's behavior is not considered confidential, and your early arrival is also very welcome. Please rest assured Mr. Will. The only problem is that because you Called over by the girl in advance, we're really not ready on every level, we haven't even registered the company yet. So, if you're going to test right now... I mean, We can make an appointment."

What Alice means is simple. If a pharmaceutical company intends to produce a new drug, it must of course conduct many rounds of drug testing first, and this is a project that cannot be officially started until the registered company obtains a series of licenses. But now the company has not yet been established, and the laboratory has not been completely completed. Although the preliminary medicine is already available, Tom, as a volunteer, cannot get any guarantee.

That is to say, it is really no different from the mouse under the knife of a secret scientist. You are lucky if you succeed, and you are unlucky if you fail. Especially now that Tom is still a volunteer, and Alice has told him everything about the situation. If there is a problem with the drug test, let alone the company's compensation, even if he follows the procedure of the criminal case, it is up to him whether he can sue the other party. question.

"Uh...Okay." Tom was indeed a little taken aback: "Sorry, I seem to have forgotten to ask another question. What new drug are you going to test?"

Hearing this, Alice couldn't help but rubbed her temples, while Evan Delov smiled quietly.

"Hmm... so Mr. Will, you really don't know anything, and then you were thrown over by a word from the girl next door?"

Alice had the urge to beat someone up, not to the high-spirited little Ida, but to the Tom-Will parents. What kind of weird son was raised by weird parents, a ten-year-old girl who can fool a word, how did he grow up safely?

Tom also felt that he couldn't take it off, scratched the back of his head, and smiled: "My wife asked me to come here."

All right.

Alice understood the basic situation: "I think I also understand why Ada came to you. Our new drug is tentatively named Alpha Preparation. Its effect is to start from microbial technology and quickly separate excess fat from the body. .If Mr. Will really intends to sign up for it, I believe that . . . "

She took a look at Tom's figure: "You may have the opportunity to become the image ambassador of this product directly..."

"Weight loss pills!?"

Shit ambassador, that's not what Tom cares about, but the previous sentence is more exciting than any surprise!

"Yes, Mr. Will, let me explain the basic principle of this product to you."

The topic was picked up by an expert, but Evan DeLove certainly didn't intend to talk endlessly. After a while, he also knew that Tom was a typical "ordinary person".

"Currently, the common weight-loss drugs on the market fall into the following categories. One is an appetite suppressant, the other is an energy expenditure enhancer, and there are types that prevent food digestion and absorption, or affect metabolism."

"Obviously, these drugs start from the palliative level, using indirect means to reduce calorie intake and increase calorie release, so as to achieve the goal of weight loss. Therefore, such drugs are also prone to rebound effects. When the appetite can no longer be suppressed, when the effect of increasing energy consumption is no longer there, when the food digestion ability and metabolic ability return to normal on their own, the person's weight will naturally come back."

"But our new drug is different. It allows the drug ingredients to directly decompose fat, and then release it out of the body with the normal excretion of the body. To put it more vividly, it is equivalent to drug-induced liposuction!"

Evan Deloof has explained the situation in the shortest possible way, and then we can only look at the thoughts of this potential volunteer.

"Pharmacological... liposuction?"

Tom blinked, ashamed of Delof's tirade, the only bright spot he could catch.

Reasonably speaking, due to the inherent characteristics of the English language, no ordinary person can be proficient in those countless medical terms unless they have memorized the relevant terms. Tom swears to God, in this life, he only has a high school education, and the only thing he eats most on weekdays is aspirin. As for the field of weight loss...

He and Mary, who seems to be determined to lose weight?

"It's the principle of enzymatic decomposition." Alice spoke again, this time completely locking the English nouns in the field of professional biology.

"As we all know, an enzyme is a kind of biocatalyst, and almost all cellular processes require its participation to improve efficiency. Although most enzymes are proteins, a small number of molecules with biocatalytic functions are not proteins, and some are called ribozymes The RNA molecule in the genome also has a catalytic function. Our new drug is developed based on the latter principle."

At this point, Alice raised an eyebrow at Evan DeLove and smiled, but it wasn't something Tom would notice.

"So, as we all know..." Alice went on to talk about the content of the high school biology elective course: "Different enzymes have different functions. The function of the RNA-based enzyme we cultivated is to efficiently decompose fat. This kind of The main ingredient of the new drug is this enzyme, and what we are going to test now is its weight loss effect on the general population."

The basic issues that need to be explained have all been explained. When it comes to taking methods and precautions, that is exactly what needs to be clarified during the testing phase of new drugs, not to mention the screening of disabled people. This is why new drugs always need to be tested round after round, and the people tested are all volunteers. After all, no one knows what effect a certain type of drug will have on which group of people.

Even if scientists can write long theoretical data in advance, practice is just practice after all.

" that's to say..." Tom swore to God, if he could understand the previous explanation, what kind of enzymes, what kind of RNA are those behind... He said that he didn't take biology at all, these are all What the hell?

"That is to say, after I finish the test, I can become a thin person!?"

Alice pursed her lips for a laugh, and then bursts of brother laughter rang out continuously. She could see that Ada's eccentric little girl was really astute, and she had provided her with the most suitable experimental subject early on. With this Tom Will's stupefied energy, isn't he just waiting for her and Delof to make troubles?

"That's right, Mr. Will, congratulations, as long as you can go through all our experimental procedures, I guarantee that you will definitely become a skinny guy with great body!"

The premise is that he can really stick to it.

"And as I said just now, the image ambassador of this new drug will be released automatically. Judging by your current weight, it should be around two hundred and fifty catties, right? Think about it, it's really waiting for you to take this new drug continuously , After one or two years, I became a thin man...Mr. Will, do you know how much income this status as an image ambassador can bring me?"

This question is really beyond Tom's imagination. Ambassador? He does understand this concept, those men and women who often appear in advertisements should be image ambassadors, right?

"So, I'm still going to be a TV star!?"

The topic was quietly going in the direction of fooling people, and Evan Delof didn't speak, just sat and watched the conversation between Alice and the other party so cheerfully.

"Yeah~ That's right, the image ambassador of the weight-loss drug tentatively named Alpha Preparation, this year's Mr. Fat, next year's Mr. Thin~" Alice shrugged and said, "Of course, you must agree to our new drug test Only then, and as I said, I haven’t registered the company yet, so I strongly suggest you wait a few more months. When all our conditions are perfected, the plan to recruit volunteers will be... "

"I don't worry about you." Tom said with a simple smile: "You are a public figure, Ms. Wang, I really like that sports car you parked outside. How can a new career of a big man like you not depend on it?" Spectrum?"

Really, so innocent, so kind to speak.

Alice glanced at Delof, and very rarely, she stuck out her tongue guiltily.

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