The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 318: The Battle of Qin Mu (Part 1)

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"Qin Yi, don't worry too much. After all, you and Muer have worshipped together under the Star Gate, and remember that you were brothers of the same discipline. I think Muer will not make you too embarrassed."

A cheerful voice came from behind him.

Qin Yi looked back slowly, and saw that the immortal worshipper above the stone steps was looking at himself with encouragement, but in the encouragement, it was obviously not good intentions, and everyone could see that he wanted to see Qin Yi quilted. Makita tyranny.

Many years ago, Tian Xinghou was trampled on his feet by himself. Today, many years later, he tried his best to recommend the disciples from Zongmen Zhong, and was also trampled on his feet by his own disciples. !

Don't worry too much?

Do I need to worry?

Qin Yi blinked in amazement. He wanted to obey Yang Shiqi and Long Yan's dissuasion. He would push back the battle with Makita, but the words of worshipping the real man made him quite uncomfortable.

"Sister Yang, Long Yan, it's okay, I have my own sense."

Qin Yi smiled lightly and got rid of Yang Shiqi's hand. He looked at the immortal worshiper and said: "Since the immortal worshiper so hopes to see me being abused by the priest, then I will do what you want."

After the words were finished, the profound energy in Qin Yi's body surged slightly, and the whole person burst out, and in an instant, he stood in front of Makita.

Yang Shiqi and others all sighed slightly.

Xue Bichen, who was quietly there, was also faintly worried.


Seeing that Qin Yi was on the ring, a real faint smile appeared on the face of Immortal Real Man. Other senior officials and disciples of Zongmen also have a strong look of anticipation on their faces.

Two of them in the ring, one is a super genius, a proselyt who worships immortals, Xiu Wei has already reached the two realms of the Tao, and one is a black horse with a limelight. "Man", such a record, only the suzerain has created.

Such a big collision between two people is undoubtedly full of suspense.

"Brother Qin, this day, I waited too hard. Fortunately, I finally waited."

Above the ring, Makita's body was full of madness, and even if Qin Yi was five feet away from him, he could feel the strong pressure from him.

The eyes of Makita, burning in the spirit of war, looked at Qin Yi and gently shook his head, said very seriously: "Senior Brother Qin, until today, the gap between you and us still seems to be a gap, but, you and I are in a war, not avoid."

At this moment, he can't wait, today's Wuhui, the entire Zongmen has arrived, he will defeat Qin Yi in front of everyone in Zongmen, especially in front of Yang Shiqi , Stepped on this abominable brother Qin in front of him.

"Brother, what are you doing so much nonsense? Shoot it."

Qin Yi waved his hand casually, his face light and calm.

At the same time, the two elemental seeds of soil and fire at his Dantian land also burned violently, and in the face of a strong opponent such as Makita, he would naturally not be too big.

The corner of Makita's mouth was obviously lightly smoked, but it hasn't been seen for many days. This Qin Shidi's character is still so straightforward, which is really annoying.

Makita gnawed his teeth, and the next moment, he suddenly showed a terrifying breath and lifted his palm to Qin Yi: "Lingfeng palm first form-magic wind style!" "

With the split of his palm, the whole field was suddenly raged by the violent wind, and the violent wind turned into a huge wind blade, and slashed out towards Qin Yi.

"Sure enough to fight me with Ling Feng."

Qin Yi smiled lightly, expecting it.

Looking at the Dao Dao Feng Blade, Qin Yi did not panic and hurriedly, followed by a slap: "Ling Feng Palm first style-magic wind style!"

The same moves also form huge wind blades, which break away.


The violent blades of the two people collided, the huge energy fluctuated, and the vastness opened, and they fought back against the two fiercely. Qin Yi and Makita suddenly withdrew a big step back, their clothes hunted and their hair danced wildly.

Quite well!


How could they be the same martial arts?

The crowd under the stage, both of whom saw their shots, were stunned, but where did they know, the mystery between Qin Yi and Makita.

"The two men have the same martial arts, and the practice of Makita is much higher than that of Qin Yi, but the two are evenly matched. This Qin Yi's combat power is really extraordinary."

The ancestor at the top of the stone steps saw the clues and saw a terrifying look in his eyes. He could not understand that a disciple who had not yet entered the clan path could even conquer a clan path. Attacker.

"Yes, in the previous competition, Qin Yi didn't meet the real strong man, and he didn't really feel much about his combat power. Only now did he know that his combat power turned out to be indistinguishable from Makita."

Some Zongmen seniors also sighed.

Hearing these comments, worshipping the immortal was slightly displeased, and said lightly: "Qin Yi does have something extraordinary. It was not surprising that she was tied with Mu'er for a while, but Mu's sect's inner strength is obviously better than that of Qin. Yi ’s Xuan Dao is much more powerful, and Qin Yi ca n’t support it for long. ”

"Haha, worship immortals, you should put gold on your face."

Elder Jiang on the side has always been a bit wrong with Baixianzhenren. At the moment, he laughed disdainful to Baixianzhenren: "I can't see your disciple at all. I have a slight advantage in front of Qin Yi. The two of them The strength is equal, this is a draw competition. Gee, I said that worshiping the real people, the disciple you cultivated, even only a tie with a disciple of the ancestor of the 9th peak of the Xuan Dao, you really cultivated. square'!"

Elder Jiang's unkind remarks, the other Zongmen seniors, could not help but smile.

Bai Xian was so angry that his face was red and white, but he was hindered by Elder Jiang ’s identity. Hell was higher than him, and he had a bad attack. In the end, he had to sneer: "Elder Jiang, I disdain to debate with you. Be stronger, and you will know for a while. "


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