The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 305: Magical Crane

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For example, one day has passed in the outside world, ten days have passed in the phalanx, or vice versa, one day has passed in the past ten days in the outside world, and even the difference in time flow rate is even greater.

Of course, the greater the difference in time flow rate, the higher the skill required for the battle.

"Poo!" "Poo!"

Just as Qin Yigang was preparing to practice, a gust of wind suddenly blew.

Qin Yi was surprised, and could not help opening his eyes. He was taken aback, and saw a huge snow-white Linghe standing not far away from him.

Xuebai Linghe opened his eyes wide and looked at Qin Yi angrily.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Yi stunned slightly: "Do I occupy this Linghe's territory, this Linghe is angry, want to drive me away?"

He looked around and found that there were either weeds or steep terrain, which was not suitable for cultivation.

"I'm here to practice, you have the ability to come and drive me away."

Qin Yi turned his heart across and said to the huge snow-white Linghe.


As soon as Qin Yi's words fell, the Linghe slammed his wide wings and quickly rushed over, like a sword with long beaks, and pecked hard at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi blinked incredulously. He could never imagine that the beast was actually killed.

"Overlord Boxing."

Qin Yi hurried to face the battle. The top of this cliff is a good training ground. He does not intend to give up.

The Linghe is huge, but its combat power is not so good. A set of overlord fist has not been finished yet. It is already defeated and fleeing in embarrassment.

Qin Yi lightly breathed out and meditated again.

Of course, he did one thing before the cultivation, that is, he made all the senlling made by the whole effort of the senlluo king into his body.

When Sen Luo Ling was fully integrated into his body, his potential also reached an incredible height.

Qin Yi can even feel clearly that his physique has become more suitable for cultivation, and his mood has become brighter. Some difficult martial arts, he recalled again at this moment, it became clear at a glance. .

At this moment, Qin Yi's potential is not known to him, because Qin Yi doesn't have any testing equipment, so he can test his current potential.

Then, Qin Yi began to practice.

With the meditation of practicing mentality, every pore on Qin Yi's body is stretched out, absorbing the heaven and earth spirits around him.

These heaven and earth spirits were inhaled into Qin Yi's body, and were transported to his Dantian through the various meridians in his body, and then converted into profound energy by his Dantian, and transported back to his major meridians.

The aura of heaven and earth here is too rich, like the ocean and the sea, it is continuously absorbed by Qin Yi's body, and Qin Yi can also clearly feel his own body changes, and is constantly climbing to a higher level.

The whole of him, as the old monk entered the set at the moment, was motionless and allowed time to pass.

Two days later, Qin Yi's body already showed signs of breaking through the higher realm.

"Not bad."

Qin Yi secretly hid, the potential of King Senluo, together with Gathering Array, his self-cultivation, at a rather gratifying speed, is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Now, his cultivation practice is the Xuan Dao 9 realm, just two days of cultivation, and there are signs of breakthrough. If it is replaced by ordinary practice, one month of hard cultivation may not have such an effect.

"Poo!" "Poo!"

Just as Qin Yi was about to break through to the middle of the Xuan Dao 9 Realm, a sound of wings flapping came again.

Qin Yi opened his eyes and saw the Linghe two days ago, came here again.

"Does this beast come to chase me again?"

Qin Yi wondered.


Sure enough, Linghe didn't hesitate at all, flapped his wide wings, and flew towards Qin Yi in the blink of an eye.


Qin Yi was not in a hurry and stood up to face the battle.

Then Qin Yi was surprised to find that Linghe's combat power was much stronger than before.

"Good learning ability."

Qin Yi's expression became a little dignified, and it was difficult for him to calm down. The last time Linghe was easily defeated by himself, even a piece of "Fight of the King" had not yet been performed.

This time, he found that he was struggling with the "Fight of the Kings" against the Linghe, but he was able to easily avoid Qin Yi's powerful fists with his speed, and even tolerant. The wings fought back.

After a set of "Bawangquan" was completed, the Linghe did not lose, stood there, and even looked at Qin Yi proudly.

"After two days, this beast has completely penetrated my overlord boxing. How did it do it?"

Qin Yi's expression became more and more dignified. He had to admit that the Linghe in front of him was the most amazing creature he had ever seen.


Linghe's wide wings struggled, and a gust of wind blew, again rushing at a speed, culling Xiang Qinyi.

"Lingfeng Palm!"

Qin Yi no longer uses Bawangquan, but displays Ling Feng's palm.


Pieces of palm prints formed by the wind, struck the Linghe straight, and the huge body of the Linghe flew out horizontally, falling more than ten feet away, falling off a white feather.

With just one palm, Qin Yi easily defeated Linghe, and Linghe was again embarrassed to escape, not in love.


Looking at the figure of the Linghe running in embarrassment, Qin Yi was slightly stunned. With a record of Ling Feng's palm, he defeated the Linghe, and the result made him somewhat surprised.

The gap between the front and back of this Linghe is really too big.

Before Qin Yi fully exerted "Fight of Kings", Linghe was able to cope with it, but he was at ease. Now, he transformed martial arts into "Lingfeng Palm", and Linghe immediately lost.

This is a phenomenon that is difficult to explain.

After stunned for a while, Qin Yi shook his head with a bitter smile, and no longer delayed the time, Qin Yi continued to sit down and practice seriously.

So another day passed.

"Pappa ..."

A sound of bone breakthrough came from Qin Yi's body.

With the sound of this bone sound, a strong breath also followed from Qin Yi's body, radiating out towards the surroundings, and the Qin Yi's black hair fluttered suddenly.

At the same time, Qin Yi's whole person was demonized again. In his eyes, the ancient devil qi slowly passed by, and a trace of devil qi appeared from above the body.

After the signs of demonization disappeared, Qin Yi recovered and felt the profound energy that had risen to a whole new level in his body. Qin Yi smiled faintly: "Reluctantly, Xuan Dao is in the middle of 9 realms."

In this gathering of spirits, only three days of cultivation, cultivation practice from the early stage of Xuan Dao 9 realm, the breakthrough to the middle of Xuan Dao 9 realm, the speed of such cultivation, the word "devil", is not enough to describe.


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