The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 289: Zhan Xin Tang (Part 1)

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This punch is simple and direct, but it is natural, and it seems to have penetrated the world in an instant.

This punch seems to be very slow, but in fact it is almost to the limit, making it hard to avoid. The punching force from the punch penetrates the surrounding air and twists.


Beimen Guang's destiny sword touched Qin Yiqiang's fist and suddenly broke apart. Qin Yi's fist, striding forward, suddenly hit Beimen Guang's chest.


Qin Yi's fist hit **** Beimenguang's chest. Beimenguang only felt that the power from that fist was within a hundred thousand points, and he twitched painfully in the corner of his mouth, his body flying out Ten feet, "bang" fell to the ground.


In Beimenguang's chest cavity, a burst of blood twitched, and an irresistible bite of blood spurted out.

His face was twisted painfully, and the gaze looking at Qin Yi was full of unwillingness and resentment.

Qin Yi slowly withdrew his fist, five-finger bones, and a "slap" sounded. He stood proudly there, his eyes still burning with the fighting intention that had not completely disappeared.

On the whole field, there was a dead silence. All people, including those who worshiped immortal people, Makita, the beautiful girl in white robe, Xin Tang, etc., were immersed in Qin Yi's "The Destruction of All Living Beings" and the third of "The Three Types of Tyranny In the form of shock, it is impossible to recover.

Sure enough, only two methods were used to defeat Beimen Guang!

One type of "annihilation of all living beings", and one type of "Three Types of Bullying"!

It is inconceivable that Beimen Guang, ranked 8th on the outer disciple ranking, was defeated by a foreign disciple who had just broken through the 9th realm of Xuan Dao!

"Xin Tang, it's your turn, come out."

The indifferent voice broke the silence of the square.

Qin Yi's gaze was flaming with war intent, and he slowly looked into the crowd, still stunned with the open mouth of Xin Tang. The indifferent voice spit out of his mouth made Xin Tang's body tremble suddenly and he recovered.

The air seemed to be frozen, and Qin Yi's indifferent words seemed to flow again.

So amazing!

Two ways, defeat Beimen Guang, the 8th place on the ranking of the outside disciples!

Everyone had to look at the thin young man again with a new look, feeling that he was a **** of war, invincible, and one must look up.

"It's incredible. The two defeats of Beibeimenguang. It's like an illusion!"

Someone marveled.

Two ways, defeat Beimen Guang, even some lower-level inner disciples may not be able to do it.

"Very good, kid, it seems that everyone underestimates your strength."

Xin Tang, wearing a silver robe, came to Qin Yi and stood still. On the tall body, there was a breath of breath, the eyes of the vulture, staring at Qin Yi closely.

As Xin Tang came to the field, everyone on the scene recovered from the last incredible battle and focused on the new battle.

With the last wonderful fight, everyone has strong expectations for this battle at this moment.

Qin Yi defeated Beimen Guang in two ways. At the moment, facing Xin Tang, how many chances would he have?

Xin Tang ranked No. 2 on the outer disciples ranking. If Qin Yi defeated him, his combat power would be close to No. 1 Xue Bichen.

There is no doubt that Qin Yi is a rising star among Zongmen. After entering Zongmen for a very short time, he has almost swept Zongmen's disciples.

"Xin Tang's momentum is quite good, and Qin Yi gives people a sharp feeling like a sword. Only a person with a lot of battles can have such a sharp momentum. But before that, Qin Yi has continuously challenged Feng Wen and Beimen Guang, and should be very tired. It is basically impossible to defeat Xin Tang again. "

Some high-ranking seniors have made such inferences.

Above the stone steps, there was a low voice of discussion immediately, and many people agreed with such inference.

Hearing the low voice of discussion behind him, a pleasant smile appeared on Xin Tang's face. Qin Yi fought two games in a row and finally came to fight himself. This is what Xin Tang hopes most.

Xin Tang looked back, and Xu Xu glanced at the beautiful disciple girl in the white robe sitting alone in the outside disciple's eyes. His eyes were quite different.


Touching Xin Tang ’s gaze, she was a beautiful girl, her face slightly cold, her nose straight, and a humming noise. The two cold awns shot from the beautiful eyes, like two swords, pierced Xin Tang ’s heart.

"Boy, although you have defeated Beimen Guang in two ways, but then, I will devastate you!"

In Xin Tang's heart, a strong fire of jealousy suddenly rose, and said coldly to Qin Yi.

This turn of Xin Tang made Qin Yi also notice the beautiful girl in white robe. When he touched Qin Yi's eyes, the eyes of the beautiful girl in white robe instantly became soft and suffocating. On her small face, there was even a soft smile.

Actually ... it's her!

The last time in the medicinal materials trading market, it was this girl in white robe who sold 15 yuan of infant gold thread to herself at the price of one silver, only to get herself overnight, from the peak of Xuandao 8 realm, to break through To the 9th Profound Dao.

Qin Yi smiled slightly without traces, but more, but confused.

One or two silver, it is just a form of transaction, in fact, it is a free gift!

He couldn't understand why this young girl in white robe, who had never lived with him, why should he help himself?

"Shoot, there's so much nonsense."

Qin Yi's thoughts returned to the challenge in front of him, and he waved his hand at Xin Tang.

Xin Tang's face clearly showed a touch of anger, and he immediately shouted: "Autumn Qiu Shui Gong Gong!"

As soon as he shot, he was a master at himself.

As the "autumn water meritorious powers" came out, Xin Tang's whole body, the majestic patriarchal inner strength, emerged through it, as if a wave of waves was rushing towards Qin Yi.

"This Xintang is really a lot stronger than Beimen Guang!"

Feeling the power of Xin Tang's true achievements in autumn, Qin Yi did not dare to be too casual and face the battle seriously, but he did not feel much pressure.


Qin Yi did not panic and hurriedly, showing off the martial arts overlord boxing that he was the best at. Against Xin Tang, his behavior caused the whole square to be suddenly in an uproar.

"What, he actually used a set of Xuan Dao's most basic boxing techniques against a strong Zong Dao?"

"This kid, dare to trust him!"

"He has fought for two games in a row. I am afraid that his physical strength has become somewhat unsupportable, and he is unable to exhibit more advanced martial arts."


Above that stone staircase, there was a lot of discussion, and some people speculated that Qin Yi had already run out of strength, and then he would perform the Xuan Dao basic boxing method like "Bawang Quan".


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