The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 285: Xuan Dao Nine Realms

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However, this is only for Zijin Dan. Zijin Dan is a metaphysical medicine pill and a sect of Taoism. There is a corresponding sage medicine in the sect of Taoism. Alchemy room can be cancelled. Because of this magic trail, most of them are disciples of the Taoism.

With the passage of time, Zi Jindan became a little smaller under the crazy absorption of Qin Yi's body.

After two hours.

"Pappa ..."

When Zi Jindan was completely absorbed by Qin Yi's body, Qin Yi's body also followed the sound of a bone breakthrough.

With the sound of this bone sound, the profound energy in Qin Yi's body seemed to suddenly cross a huge chasm and enter a whole new field.

Immediately, the xuanqi that entered a new field was suddenly vented from his body, and it was all around.

With the release of this profound energy, the phenomenon of demonization also appeared on Qin Yi's body again, only to see that in his eyes, the magic energy was surging, and above the body, the magic energy was lingering.

After the signs of demonization disappeared, Qin Yi recovered.

"Xuan Dao 9 Realm!"

A small smile of satisfaction appeared on Qin Yi's small face.

Everything, as he expected, a three-grade purple golden pill made him from the peak of Xuan Dao 8 realm, directly breakthrough to Xuan Dao 9 realm.

"Now, I have the strength to defeat Xintang without using the second form of" Seven Demon Forms ". If I use the second form of" Seven Demon Forms ", I should be able to barely defeat the current Makita. I ’m afraid it ’s still a little bit worse. If it ’s the so-called immortal worshipper, I ca n’t do anything in his hand. "

Qin Yi speculated.

You know, that day, He Gong said that two years ago, the real immortal worshiper had already broken through the four realms of Zongdao, but now two years have passed, I am afraid that it has reached the peak of the four realms of Zongdao, and even the five realms of Zongdao.

"If the current practice of worshiping immortals has already broken through the five realms of Zongdao, then in this way, the strongest person in this magical track should not exceed the seven realms of Zongdao."

Qin Yi pondered.

"The magic trail is second only to the ancestors of the Kyushu Holy See, so it can also be inferred that the current strongest person in the Kyushu Holy See should be in the early days of imperialism. That is to say, the strongest person in the mainland of Kyushu has just broken through The appearance of Emperor Dao. With such strength, if the era of great destruction comes, mankind is afraid that it will be destroyed in an instant. "

Qin Yi seriously inferred that there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Of course, this is only Qin Yi's inference.

What is really going on, he can't know at the moment.

Next, Qin Yi put the "Vajra Heart Sutra", "Kuafububu", "Fate of Return to Life", "Three Types of Hegemony", "Da Luo Tian Shou", "Ling Feng Palm" and "Seven Demon Forms" These martial arts such as one, two, two, etc., are all tuned out and practiced one by one.

One night, Qin Yi cultivated the "Three Types of Bullying" to a satisfactory level, and "Lingfeng Palm" finally reached the fourth level.

The ancient martial arts of "Da Luo Tian Shou" also directly cultivated into the state of Dacheng.

"We must challenge Feng Wen, Beimen Guang and Xin Tang."

Early the next morning, Qin Yi exhaled lightly.

The magic trails, the core of the alliance of the nations through which the magic wind mountain range runs through the countries, such a huge sect, even if you look at the entire Kyushu mainland, there are very few.

Among the clan, there are only nearly a thousand members, but its power is so large that it is an ordinary mortal. It is not conceivable. In a moment, it can destroy a country.

Of course, this is not to say that if they have thousands of people, they can withstand millions or even millions of troops, but their power, far above the ruling family and the kingdoms, has become a transcendental existence over the royal families .

However, such a huge sect was still triggered by a hurricane by Qin Yi, a teenager who was not yet 16 years old.

In a row, he continuously challenged the three people on the outside disciple list, which is unprecedented among Zongmen.

At this time, the plaza that can accommodate thousands of people, the disciples' outer disciples, inner disciples, and high-levels were basically here. They came to watch this unprecedented challenge. What does this arrogant boy look like?

Yes, in the eyes of most people here, Qin Yi's behavior is-arrogance!

Qin Yi is just a new lay disciple without any status. Most of the people here have not even seen what Qin Yi looks like.

The people who came to see Qin Yi's style sat in a semi-circular shape. Some of them were faintly emitting a strong breath, and some were like ordinary people. They even gave people a sense of dry wells, but they His face is basically the same: look forward to!

I am full of anticipation for this unprecedented challenge!

On the side of the square, some high-rise stone benches appeared, and the stone steps gradually climbed up. Sitting on these stone benches is the high level of the magic trail, the higher the status is, the higher the status is, and the highest level of the stone bench is empty, according to the magic The immortal Zongmen rules, this highest stone step, should belong to the Sect Master.

It's just that the patriarch of the sect, since the challenge in the past was the top ten bronze figures, has rarely appeared, and the whole person has been covered with a mysterious veil.

Under the empty stone steps, there are eight elders of the sect door, that is, "I worship the immortal real person, Huo Ran is also among them. Although these people have no features on the surface, they are like steel. Blowing, but always motionless robe, it was shocking.

Under these eight elders, there is the host of each church, and the director. The momentum of these people is slightly worse than the eight elders above. Qin Yi ’s more familiar master Ling Ling, General Manager Ye, and General Manager Shi are also among them. The three of them were surprised and helpless about Qin Yi ’s shocking behavior.

Under the host and director, there are deacons, alchemists, inner disciples, etc. Among this group of people, He Gong, Makita, and Xi Xuan'er, whom Qin Yi has never seen since he started, is undoubtedly among them. .

When these people come down, they are the lowest level in the sect-outside disciples! Among these people, including Princess Taiping, Feng Yu, Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, etc., one of the beautiful girls in white robes, the light and shallow eyebrows, slightly twitching, exquisite small face, with a touch of helplessness .

The field was not quiet, and low voices of argument sometimes sounded.

"In recent years, the Sect Master has rarely appeared, and we have no way of knowing whether he is healing or retreating. The Sect Master is afraid that he has no way of knowing about this outrageous act of the outside disciple named Qin Yi. "

An elder said, apparently puzzled by the fact that the suzerain has never appeared in a hurry.


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