The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 280: One or two silver transactions

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After leaving the pharmacy and returning to his own stone house, Qin Yi began to plan his next move.

"Xin Tang, the second-ranked master of outside disciples, is still staring there. What I want to do now is to break through the Xuan Dao 9 realm as soon as possible, and to practice alone, even if he has the potential of the King of Sen Luo, it should be in the shortest time Inside, it is not realistic to break through the Xuan Dao 9 realm. "

Qin Yi frowned, and began to think about the breakthrough method.

"Zi Jin Dan."

At a certain moment.

In Qin Yi's mind, the name of a panacea suddenly appeared.

This was a kind of immortality he had seen in some immortality books while he was in the pharmacy.

Immediately, some information about Zijindan appeared in his mind.

"Zi Jin Dan is made of four precious medicinal materials, such as Zi Jin Cao, Lavender, Dust Leaf, and Yuanying Jin Xian. If the quality of the Elixir reaches the second grade, it can greatly enhance the physique, if it reaches the third grade to the fourth grade. , It is possible to greatly improve the cultivation practice below the sect road, if it reaches the fifth grade, it will greatly improve the cultivation practice in the sect area ... "

Qin Yi's eyes flickered: "It's it. Try to refine a Zijindan. If the refining is successful, there is hope to break through the Xuan Dao 9 realm in the shortest time."

Qin Yi acted out of the stone house as soon as his idea was finalized.

The medicinal herbs trade fair market in Mozambique is not small. Usually there are a lot of disciples who come here to buy medicinal herbs to assist in cultivation.

Qin Yi is no stranger to the magical medicinal herbs trade fair market. He and Yang Shiqi had been here to buy the Elixir.

Qin Yi light car was familiar with the road, and soon came to the medicinal materials market.

The general medicinal herbs trading market is divided into two parts, the natural medicinal herbs trading office and the elixir trading office.

Although there are pharmacies in the magic trails, there is only a part of the elixirs refined in the Zongmen, which are in stock. When some activities are held, they will be taken out as rewards. Others will be placed in the market. Come to sell, accumulate wealth to fill the library.

"Sister Qin, we met again."

When I first came to the market of herbal medicines, a familiar voice came from one side. Qin Yi was sighed for a moment, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

He stopped and looked sideways. Sure enough, Makita stood there quietly, unsmilingly.

"Zongdao is at its peak!"

Through his left hand, Qin Yi easily sensed Makita's current cultivation behavior, and could not help being secretly surprised. With such cultivation behavior, he can already stand up to the former master, Starry Star.

There is no doubt that Makita's achievements today, in addition to his amazing potential, can not be done without worshiping Xianjin.

"I haven't seen you in a few days. Your cultivation behavior is just the breakthrough of the peak of the Xuan Dao 8 realm, even the Xuan Dao 9 realm. There is no breakthrough. The gap between you and me is still the same."

Makita's expression is still the same, there is no trace of waves, and he said one word at a time.

Qin Yi disagreed, and said with a faint smile: "I still say that and easily surpass you."


The corner of Makita's mouth was slightly pumped.

"I am always waiting for your five-potential potential to easily surpass me."

After saying this, he stopped staying and walked out of the market.

"The day when you will easily overtake you will not be too far away."

Qin Yi has absolute confidence in eventually surpassing Makita.

Meeting Makita again here is just a small episode, and soon, Qin Yi entered the trading fair city and came to the natural medicine trade place.

The flow of people in the natural medicine trading office is much higher than that in the medicine trading department because the selling price of natural medicine is generally lower than that of medicine medicine.

Only those children from the rich family of the family will often go to the Pill Exchange.

Qin Yi glanced slowly over the dazzling list of medicinal materials, paying attention to the price tag above.

Purple grass: one plant of five thousand two silver.

Wan Linglian: Eight thousand two silver one.

Dust-reducing leaf: six thousand two silver one plant.

"The prices of these herbs are not too expensive."

Qin Yi nodded secretly, and such a price would not pose a pressure on himself now.

Suddenly, Qin Yi frowned, slightly frowning: "Why don't you see the medicinal material Yuanyuanjinxian?"

"There are only 15 strains of Yuanying Jinxian left. Just now, they were bought by a disciple of the magical traces."

The herbal medicine shopkeeper smiled apologetically at Qin Yi.

"is it?"

Qin Yi was stunned and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Zijindan was made from four precious medicinal materials of purple grass, panacea, dusting leaf, and Yuanyingjinxian. Without any of them, it could not be refined.

Unable to refine Zijindan, he cannot break through in the shortest time.

For a while, he became a little overwhelmed, unable to break through to the Xuan Dao 9 realm, and could not defeat Xin Tang without using the second form of "Demon Seven Forms".

"Could you force me to use the second form of" The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon "?"

If Zijindan could not be refined, and the battle with Xintang, Qin Yi only used the second form of "Seven Demon Forms".

"Qin Yi? Ha ha, Yuanying Jinxian, I just bought all the remaining 15 strains. If you are in urgent need of this kind of medicinal materials, I will just buy them for you."

A soft voice suddenly sounded from behind, and the voice was very beautiful, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Qin Yi was happy in his heart and hurriedly turned around, but not far behind him, a young girl of about seventeen or eighty years old was standing there with a gentle smile on her face.

The girl wore a white dress gown and gently covered the exquisite figure, which caused a lot of reverie.

She was exquisite in appearance, unable to pick out flaws, and exuded a quiet and elegant temperament all over her body, like the spotless nine-day fairy.


Who is she?

Looking at the stunning beautiful girl in front of him, Qin Yi was slightly stunned. He didn't know the other party at all, but the other party ... seemed to know himself and his name.

Next, Qin Yi easily felt that the cultivation of this beautiful girl in front of him was: the middle period of Zongdao.

Such cultivation is higher than Xintang.

This is an inner disciple!

In his heart, Qin Yi quickly made such a judgment, and could not help but have some respect for it. Although such a cultivation practice cannot be compared with the abnormality like Makita, it is already quite advanced.

But he was very surprised. How could an inner disciple know his name and look familiar.


Qin Yi noticed that at this time, the atmosphere of the whole market was becoming a little weird. I saw that the male disciples who were buying medicinal materials or immortality were all looking at the stunning beautiful girls in front of them, and they were slightly heated. The color of love is obvious.

However, the strange beauty girl looked at the feverish male eyes disapprovingly, but looked at Qin Yi without moving his eyes, and said with a smile: "Yuanying Jinxian, the original price is one Ten thousand silver coins each, now I will resell these fifteen yuan baby gold threads to you, and only charge you one or two silver coins, how? "


One or two silver!

Qin Yi directly shattered the subway.


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